View Full Version : Is There A Doctor In The House?

Mar 4, 2006, 1:51 PM
My question to the medical community or anyone in general. Why isn't there a pill for women that works like Viagra for men? I'm not talking about giving her an erection ( a little bi humor) but one that would help a low libido especially during menopause. I've never had a problem getting or maintaining an erection but Viagra sure has enhanced my ability to sustain and seems to put my sex drive into overdrive.
My wife asked our family doctor if she could take Viagra to enjoy what I enjoy and was told that there was nothing she could take. What's up with that? We may be old but we're not dead.


Mar 4, 2006, 2:03 PM
Has your wife tried taking your Viagra Ambi?...

From people I know who are 'in the know' Viagra definitely has an effect for both parties, regardless of gender... I think the key is to start slowly, maybe for your wife to try !/4- !/2 tablet to start with and just see how it goes?

Good luck to you both...

:bigrin: love julie x

Mar 4, 2006, 2:07 PM
I concur with Nubiwoman - here in Europe a lot of folk besides older men take Viagra - women - young - old. It appears to help everyone!!

There are certain health risks - and without knowing your wife's medical background can make no comment - but try checking out the web for more info.!!

love and peace

Rupe. :)

Mar 4, 2006, 2:09 PM
Yes, there is a pill for women. I"m not sure if it's prescription though. It may be a vitamin/suppliment. And I'll be damned if I can remember the name. I"m sorry. But it's "suppose" to give the passion back to her, that sometimes leaves after childbirth, stress..etc.
There has to be something on the internet for it. I will try looking.


Mar 4, 2006, 2:41 PM
My MD says that Viagra or Cialis will work on women. He said it does not work as dramatically as it does in men, but he said it does definitely increase the bloodflow to women's happy places, and can be highly effective in many women.

Hey! What the heck? Give it a try and see what happens!!!

Mar 4, 2006, 3:17 PM
Ambi, before having your wife try your Viagra PLEASE make sure to check the side affects it may have if taken with anything she may be already taking and any precautions for someone with her health conditions. Since Viagra is made to help blood flow which in turn aids your arousals it may help her. If her problems are not due to poor circulation it may not help her any more than it does men with more complicated health issues. Good luck to you both!

Mar 4, 2006, 4:46 PM
Hi Thanks to all that posted your advice as always is sincerely appreciated. She has tried a little viagra in the past with some result which was what prompted the visit to the doctor in the first place that and to get info on menopause. Her visit was to see if the doctor would give her a prescription for Viagra and it was at that time that she was denied with the explanation that it could only be prescribed to males. When she inquired if there was anything that a woman could take to give the same results she was told No.
I think another part to it for her is the fact that it's a male drug. She's bi as well, very feminine and very proud of her feminine nature...Now when we both have a headache we both take aspirin, and when we both have an upset stomach we both take Pepto Bismo...but for some reason she equivocates it to wearing my underwear because it's I guess you could say a gender oriented drug. Almost as difficult, to explain as it is to understand. She doesn’t seem to suffer any side effects from the Viagra so for the time being we both nibble on occasion until something comes along that’s gender friendly. I’ve half a mind to dye mine pink and tell her a man gave them to me on my way to market to sell the family cow. “Jane and the Beanstalk” a new twist to an old tale.
Thanks again for all your input.


Mar 4, 2006, 4:54 PM
Yes, there is a pill for women. I"m not sure if it's prescription though. It may be a vitamin/suppliment. And I'll be damned if I can remember the name. I"m sorry. But it's "suppose" to give the passion back to her, that sometimes leaves after childbirth, stress..etc.
There has to be something on the internet for it. I will try looking.

Is it Intrinsa?

Mar 4, 2006, 5:18 PM
I think a few of us are misreading the question.
Viagra is a blood-flow increaser - it makes, as one writer said, the happy places happier. :cool: It makes a willing participant perform at a "higher" level. Its immediate.

I read Ambi's request for something that seems to be a "female" problem. That is our libido fluctuates between horny to "Don't come near me with that thing." on a monthly basis.
Easy to blame on hormones - us being women of course thare are often other external factors.
She/We is not looking for something that will make an imminent romp in the hay better, rather she is looking for something that will make her want that romp in the first place.
The eternal female thing that often guys just don't understand.
Who knows? I'm sure the person that invents such a drug (san side effects like The Pill and steroid useage had) will win a mountain of Nobel Prizes.

I've always found that the best medicine somone can give me (mainly hubby) when I'm like that is non-sexual affection. helping, working with, little treats like a cuppa, foot rubs, without the xpectation of payback later.
Its amazing how treatment like that even tho I'm feeling non-hornbaggish can actually tempt the knickers to want to drop.

Mar 4, 2006, 10:35 PM
Is it Intrinsa?

I have not heard of that one arana. The one I was thinking of was Avlimil. It's a daily supplement.

I also found one called ArginMax. It's an herbal that contains gingko. This states that it does not mix well with blood thinners, including aspirin.

I hope this helps. As for getting them from a Dr. I doubt it. I had seen the Avlimil advertised on tv. ArginMax is new.

Mrs.F :)

Mar 6, 2006, 4:33 PM
I've always found that the best medicine somone can give me (mainly hubby) when I'm like that is non-sexual affection. helping, working with, little treats like a cuppa, foot rubs, without the xpectation of payback later.
Its amazing how treatment like that even tho I'm feeling non-hornbaggish can actually tempt the knickers to want to drop.

You sound just like my wife, innaminka. "You do some laundry, clean up the house, rub my feet a little, and you give me some incentive to pay you back. Eventually."

Which makes it even more of a desperate goal for us men to find a pill to make our wives/girlfriends have sex with us without us having to clean the house to get you in the mood.
:bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin:


Mar 6, 2006, 5:06 PM
..... have sex with us without us having to clean the house to get you in the mood.
:bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin:


OMG thats no sex for 4 months for you! :bigrin:

Mar 6, 2006, 5:16 PM


And make that six months!!

Rupe :)

Mar 7, 2006, 7:04 AM
rofl You mean men will clean the house for sex??!! I knew I was too easy! :bigrin:

Mar 7, 2006, 8:01 AM

Here is my :2cents:. I work at a hospital, and am very aware of drug interactions. Simple things like grapefruit can cause unwanted interactions with medications. My advice is that you consult a doctor. Medical advice online without a personal history is not the way to go.


Mar 7, 2006, 2:42 PM

Here is my :2cents:. I work at a hospital, and am very aware of drug interactions. Simple things like grapefruit can cause unwanted interactions with medications. My advice is that you consult a doctor. Medical advice online without a personal history is not the way to go.


You know, APMountainMan is dead right... Viagra and Cialis are supposed to work, but some interactions can be absolutely deadly... An example is taking Viagra with some blood pressure controlling medications.

Definitely see your doctor!!! Only she/he can properly advise you!!!

Good luck Ambi........................

Mar 7, 2006, 5:05 PM
I agree with Mountainman and Newmexicoman. I wouldn't just run off and try anything that I came across without at least reading the label........

I thought (dangerous words here) Ciais had a product or was working on a product suitable for women. as far as gingko is concerned, it is available at Target and GNC. I have taken it for years for Tinnitus and of course to increase blood flow to the happy place.......

Mar 7, 2006, 10:59 PM
I'm not a Dr. and I don't act one on TV, although I have hand writing.
I'm not sure if it works for women but I've tried Stamina-Rx and it worked for me and there is Stamina-Rx for women. I'm sure if you google it someone on line is selling it.


Mar 15, 2006, 7:50 PM
"That is our libido fluctuates between horny to "Don't come near me with that thing." on a monthly basis."

Back when she still had menstural periods, my wife especially liked having sex because an orgasm relieved the cramps that accompanied the periods. She particlularly liked me to lick her then.

Mar 15, 2006, 8:04 PM
Ambi, go see a specialist, there is so much information out there these days that GP's have a hard time (no pun intended) keeping up (again no pun intended).


Mar 15, 2006, 11:15 PM
Why isn't there a pill for women that works like Viagra for men?


Not to go too much off the subject here but this question really made me laugh. Well, peprhaps my answer made me laugh. Regardless, it reminded me of a comment my Mother once made...

"If men had cellulite there's be a pill to get rid of it and it'd be sold over the counter."

Well, men had / have a problem and now there's a pill. Thanks Mom.

Casey :bigrin: