View Full Version : Cross Uganda off your traveling bucket list!!

Dec 9, 2009, 11:01 AM
I am sure most of you are aware of this--but for those who may not be--the legisilature of the African nation of Uganda is considering some incredibly draconian laws regarding homosexuality:


If it was just some country in Africa proposing and possibly approving such laws--that would be fine---but I have seen stories that directly connect this legislation with that group "The Fellowship" here in the US with membership made up of prominent American figures and lawmakers who have as their dream: "making America a truly godly nation!" with their view of what all that means being imposed upon all--and of course--they in total control of things since "they were chosen by God to be the leaders!"

Here is a story I found on this aspect of the story:


Dec 9, 2009, 11:45 AM
If I had a choice of Uganda, or hell, I'd have a hard time deciding! I believe they're way up on the list of the population with the most cases of AIDS.

Dec 9, 2009, 12:18 PM
I guess "the family" must have changed it's name since the book came out. They are forgetting that changing the name does not make them any better. They are still a cult.

I read about this idiotic, fascist legislation on Care2.com
( http://www.care2.com/causes/human-rights/blog/ugandan-gay-death-penalty-bill-one-week-closer-to-passing-another-week-of-protest/ )

The whole idea is so abhorrent to me that, if I had the power, ALL aid to that country would be stopped immediately and not restarted until true equality and human rights were instituted.

When they start with one thing, they eventually get bored or run out of that, then they add another. I wonder who they will add to their list when the Gays in that country leave or are destroyed.

It is exactly like 1939 Germany, under Hitler (who was also a Christian, go figure). Select a group and claim that they are the cause of the nation's woes. When that doesn't fix the problems, you blame the next group, then the next until nothing remains but the people in charge. Only then do they figure out that the enemy is the person that they see in the mirror.

Dec 9, 2009, 1:03 PM
If I had a choice of Uganda, or hell, I'd have a hard time deciding! I believe they're way up on the list of the population with the most cases of AIDS.

Very easy to see then it's a case of correlations, as AIDS is still primarily seen as a gay disease here in the "Educated" nations.

Dec 9, 2009, 1:05 PM
This is an example of what happens when fundy christians and fundy muslims realize they have more in common than not.

Dec 9, 2009, 3:05 PM
maby i am an optimist in this area, but i see things as opening up towards peoples view about sex. true there are still so called gay bashers in this country. but i see more and more people opening up their minds to the ideas and desires of other people. i have even went as far when i was drunk ( because i would never have done it sober lol) as to tell a few hard core straight friends that i was bisexual. nothing ever became of it. seems they knew me for years and just because i am bi it didnt change how we were. if this was done years ago it might have been a different story. people today are more open or hearing about anothers sexuality dosent seem to bother them like it would have years ago. maby they have learned it's no contaigous lol. as far as the christian or muslim influence i believe it's on it's way out. people are becoming intollarent to abuse and bigotry of any kind. they are believe it or not getting smarter, figuring out that some beliefs such as the one god religion have been hurting and killing theos who are different. this is just bigotry in another form and they are starting to see it. uganda is a drop in the bucket in the world. and being a pagan i wouldent have a chance there even if i was totaly straight lol.

Dec 9, 2009, 3:06 PM
Not only that but our "ex-gay" movement cheered them on!


Aids rate is high, because its safer to be in the closet and spread aids than be out and get help/education. Sigh...

Dec 9, 2009, 4:57 PM
I guess "the family" must have changed it's name since the book came out. They are forgetting that changing the name does not make them any better. They are still a cult.

I read about this idiotic, fascist legislation on Care2.com
( http://www.care2.com/causes/human-rights/blog/ugandan-gay-death-penalty-bill-one-week-closer-to-passing-another-week-of-protest/ )

The whole idea is so abhorrent to me that, if I had the power, ALL aid to that country would be stopped immediately and not restarted until true equality and human rights were instituted.

When they start with one thing, they eventually get bored or run out of that, then they add another. I wonder who they will add to their list when the Gays in that country leave or are destroyed.

It is exactly like 1939 Germany, under Hitler (who was also a Christian, go figure). Select a group and claim that they are the cause of the nation's woes. When that doesn't fix the problems, you blame the next group, then the next until nothing remains but the people in charge. Only then do they figure out that the enemy is the person that they see in the mirror.

Well said, Falcon. History is full of the corpses of those whose leaders had "good intentions" for their countries when they started their witchhunts of morality and religion.

Dec 9, 2009, 7:51 PM
Well said, Falcon. History is full of the corpses of those whose leaders had "good intentions" for their countries when they started their witchhunts of morality and religion.

Thank you Twyla. I try to learn from history, even though church leaders and our politicians refuse to.

roy m cox
Dec 10, 2009, 2:20 AM
i have heard to many bad things about Uganda on SKYPE i have some friends on skype that told me if i ever come to there country to not reveal my sexual pref cuzz its a death sentence their so yeah ill stay away from their :eek:

Uganda noooooooo not for me noope