View Full Version : " Pay It Forward"

Dec 4, 2009, 8:59 AM
Ok…..Ok….I am just not that busy this instant and it hit me today is my 2.5 year anniversary of finding this site…well…to be very much to the point 2.5 year+4 days…I did not sign up or register the first time I tried to visit! I have seen many different threads here and I have written a few replies; I hesitate to say contributed, as that indicates they were of some intrinsic value….:-) I doubt that!
Anyway, I am very happy I found this site….it gave me a base to build on…. (No, not that kind of base!) It gave me a community of mostly wonderful individuals that have listened, shared, commented, offered suggestions, and opened their hearts and disclosed so much of themselves to help me or they ended up doing so even if they did not start out that way.
So….why a thread? I felt as I was reading some of the threads ….and some are very scary that I just wanted to offer it up and let people maybe “Pay It Forward,” my favorite movie and a mission in my life! I have met too few members here but those meetings have been as expected. Only one involved intimacy. The circumstances were not right! The person was a wonderful person…just wrong time, wrong place…learning experience!
My point is that the rewards to me from this community are the people. Were it to be an actual neighborhood….WoW!! What a great yet crazy place to live or be. So, we seem to get what we seek and in most cases it is good!
So…how do you feel? When you registered here, what were you in search of? Have you found it? If I could wave a magic wand, (no not “that” a real magic wand) I would create a time for us to be together to have those OMG it is you just as I pictured events….I have no idea how it might really look or happen but WoW I can imagine!!! It might be the block party from hell???!!
If I have asked an answerable question here or even if I do not …please offer your thoughts and ideas or opinions…I have been in consumer retail for over 35 years…most of us do not ever, unsolicited give our praise…only our criticisms. I am not sure of the original mission of this site…I just offer it has been a blessing for me and I hope others…and even though when I came here I did not know for sure what I sought…. I found it!!


Dec 4, 2009, 1:52 PM
Thank you for a nice thread. Given the rash of antagonistic ones of late, this is refreshing and I hope it does garner many responses.

We joined this site over five years ago. I thought it was just a place to meet other bisexual men and women and perhaps find a man who would enjoy our company.

I was rather hesitant to be here for fear that I, as the straight wife of a bi man, I would not find a place to fit in. Oh how WRONG I was. I was welcomed almost immediately by other women who were in my same shoes. Arana, Kate, Mrs. F to name but a few. Little by little I found this a community in every sense of the word. A place where one could come to ask questions and seek answers to questions that others may not have been able to answer.

I have been lucky enough to meet now 50,,,yes 50 people from this site. NO...not for sex, but for the shear joy of getting to meet the faces of people whom I have come to know on line. Yes some have become lovers, some have gone beyond that to important parts in our lives...dear friends. I can honestly say that there was not one bad person among them. Perhaps it is because of the type of person I attract, but mostly I think it is because we here are a nice group of people. Every group will have its misfits and commotion starters and well some that are just out to hurt others, but like you Quiet, I am most happy that I stumbled upon this site. I guess you get out of this site what you put into it...so I am lucky to have been accepted and glad to be a member. Thanks Drew.


Dec 4, 2009, 3:00 PM
Quiet one,

You asked: "So…how do you feel? When you registered here, what were you in search of? Have you found it?"

1. I feel at home! From an early age, I have kept secrets very close to my chest, made every effort to please everyone but myself, and denied that my life was anything but idyllic. This site not only made me realize that there were others like me, or similar to me, and that I could share ideas, dreams, history, and passions, with others who understood. Before I learned about this site, I'd decided to never keep secrets from potential lovers again and, if they didn't like who I was, I would not try to change to suit them.

2. When I registered, I was recently out of my 3rd failed marriage. I was sad, depressed, grasping at straws, and feeling that I was the only bisexual guy in the world, with the same problems. I didn't know what I was looking for, or what I expected, but the results has been life-changing for me.

3. What I found here was acceptance, others who believe it's not wrong, or sick, to love more than one person, and learning that there are people who will accept and even love me, for being who I really am. Last year, I met and fell in love with an amazing bi lady, here, who has come to mean more to me than I can express. I have met others of both genders who I wish lived closer, so we could met and talk face-to-face, but still I feel we are friends.

Yes, thanks Drew, for that!

Dec 4, 2009, 3:17 PM
I was refered here by my then best friend. I honestly did not know what to expect, and wasnt sure how a bi-sexual Swinger would be recieved. I wasnt sure how my particular brand of humor would be taken, and was a tad nervous about how people would take my size and looks. But I learned that people here are loving and accepting of everyone who brings love and respect to its members, so all was fine, and I settled in quickly when people came to know me, and my quirkyness...lol.
I had only in the last few years been able to let my sexual preferences out (So to speak) and hadnt really "Discussed" it before. It was just a part of how I am, and I didnt really think too much about it.

Since coming here, I have met a great many wonderful people (on here) and consider these folks dear friends to me. We have shared joy, heartache, concerns and much much laughter. We have "Been there" for each other when things were bad, and have celebrated victories. We've had each others backs many times, and have lent shoulders and hugs when needed. We have dried each other's tears, and yes, have even caused tears from laughter Many times. We have and continue to, engage a common foe and have stuck together while doing so. Thus cementing the notion of a tight knit community.. :}

I thank my then friend for introducing me to this wonderful place that has become like a second home to me, and I adore all of the folks that I know and care about greatly.
Biiig hugs and kudos to Drew and company for creating such a haven for us.

Dec 4, 2009, 5:03 PM
When I first registered & posted for the first time,to say that I was very nervous was an understatement...I've always been a deeply private person...

What I was in search of, was to find a person to date, and hopefuly have a relationship with...Still looking...Hopefuly I'll just meet other members of this site...Who knows...

What I have found is a wonderful community, that isn't judgemental & cares alot. If anyone has a question, they just post it on the message board and we will all give advice as best we all can, from our own experences, to help as best we can.

I am very lucky to have found this site. It has helped me to relax my soul.

Thank you to Drew who & friends who created this site!


Dec 4, 2009, 5:14 PM
I have so enjoyed the responses.....thank you all !!! I know I ramble in my writing and was not really sure if I ever got to where I wanted...but this great community has shown me already I did!!! What a great place!
