View Full Version : Interesting Little Lecture

Dec 4, 2009, 2:09 AM
Check this out...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV8n_E_6Tpc

What do you all think?

Her site http://makelovenotporn.com/main.php

Dec 4, 2009, 7:41 AM
It is interesting but then again today's youth are taught things by a number of sources not the least of which is porn. It is incredibly hard to think of talking to my three sons about sex and covering anything that might come up in porn. Personally, I think she should simply teach the young guys she's sleeping with how to make love rather than porn and lead by example and not a website :)

Dec 4, 2009, 10:31 AM
She has a point. However, she paid scant lip service to the real problem, lack of sex education and the puritanical views of western society. Blaming porn for her unsatisfying sex life with younger men is like blaming mainstream entertainment (non-porn movies, tv) for other societal problems. People have been killing each other for countless centuries before Lethal Weapon.

Porn, like mainstream movies, is fantasy. The fact that her young lovers don't know that is a reflection on how society deals with sexual issues and sex ed more than it does on porn.

I do applaud the concept of her website. (I say "concept" because I haven't visited it to make a judgment on whether it meets the stated goals.) People need to be educated about sex. I just think her tirade about porn has more to do with her personal feelings about porn rather than the issues she blames on porn.

Dec 4, 2009, 1:32 PM
Like Allbi, I think the concept of the site is correct. So MANY people, and not just young folks think that what they see on pornography is the way that most people have sex. It is slam bam and thank you mam type of attitude. Maybe it works for some folks, but I believe most would find communication key in discovering what a lover wants and needs to be fulfilled thus making the relationship better for both (or three) parties.

Getting to the destination is fine, but the journey there can be even more pleasurable!!

I also agree that the PC of society frowns on those who in the past have taught the basics of sexuality have had to deal with those who enforce PC are just causing fuel to the fire.


Dec 4, 2009, 3:00 PM
lol Thats Half of her problem right there...she's having sex with young men in their 20's who have done nothing but watch porn all of their little lives! While I applaude her efforts, maybe she should try some well seasoned men and women a bit too..:}:bigrin:
Cheesy Cat

Dec 4, 2009, 3:37 PM
Sex is just like hardcore porn??! So that means I can go for 4 hours straight .. I never realized .. I think I can do without the bobble-head blowjobs though..sorry.

Dec 5, 2009, 11:05 AM
I agree, Allbi, that enough could not be said about our lack of sex education in this country (and throughout the world AFAIK.)

As can be evidenced by some of the topics on this site(and others) we really need to open up and start talking to each other about these issues.

Yes, some things are obvious, if you are mature and experienced. However some folks don't get the difference between fantasy sex and real sex. (and its not just men in their 20's, trust me.)

So, Allbi, when are you opening your school for sex? I want take some classes! (j/k)

Dec 5, 2009, 11:41 AM
So, Allbi, when are you opening your school for sex? I want take some classes! (j/k)
As soon as that government grant comes thru to pay for it. But you will be teaching not taking classes LOL