View Full Version : !Crazy Tuesday!

Dec 3, 2009, 12:14 PM
So I haven't been on in awhile here, but this last Tuesday some crazy things happened. So I apologize in advance for the length of this post.

Before I get into what happened, let me give you a little background data, to put everything into context. So my night involved myself, my ex-girlfriend Leigh, Leigh's co-worker and friend Megan, and Megan's pseudo-boyfriend Devon. So, back in May, Leigh and I broke off our almost three year relationship we broke up because I was miserable, we fought constantly about the stupidest little things, it got to the point where I couldn't be trusted by her to cook dinner, let alone anything more important. But the biggest reason we broke up was because I couldn't stop thinking about guys. It started to affect things in the bedroom and I told her we had to break up because it wasn't fair to either of us to have to be in a relationship that isn't mutually fulfilling. Leigh took it pretty hard, (even though I told her I was bi about 8 months into dating her), and she didn't talk to me for months. I moved to the next town over and everything was going pretty well, Leigh and I didn't talk and that was OK. Leigh got fired from her job and then got arrested for getting in an accident for drunk driving. Well, nobody's hurt, but her car is totaled and she had to spend a month in jail. Leigh had nobody else to put up her bail, so I wired money from my account to her's to get her out of jail because I was currently out of the state pulling my father off life support (that's a whole 'nother story). So I bail Leigh out, and I even let her live in my apartment with me and my roommate because she had nowhere to go. So as you can see, I've been doing everything within my power to remain friends with Leigh. I regret that we can't be together (mainly because of our fighting), but I know it's for the better.

Well Leigh now works at a new place, and she's been working there for like three months (Trust me this background data is important!) and she made a friend there named Megan. Megan is a really nice gal. I immediately liked her because she's very well spoken, well dressed, she's musically talented and into theater, and a genuinely nice person. Leigh introduced me to Megan and we all began hanging out together pretty regularly. She even invited Leigh and I to have Thanksgiving Dinner with her family, because our families live far away. So Megan and I had been getting along quite well. To the point where we have weekly wine nights because I work at a fine wine shop and we both love wines. Everything had been going great. An old Flame of Megan's started hanging out with us for our wine nights, and all was well. Or so I thought...

So I am a pretty naive guy. I wouldn't say gullible, but I am somewhat oblivious to social cues, like sarcasm, or body language. So because I am so endearingly naive I have no idea that Megan wants me. I have this vague idea, and I had entertained the notion before, but I know it would hurt Leigh for me to date our friend, especially because I told her I wanted to date a guy next and see how that works out. Well, Leigh and Megan and I were enjoying some wine before we went to the bar for the Two-Fer Tuesday specials. Megan and I polished off a whole bottle, Leigh doesn't drink wine, but Leigh started to pass out because we were watching a crappy horror movie. So while Leigh is passed out I notice that for no real reason at all I start to really get hot for Meagan, to the point where I almost asked her if we could go to her room and leave Leigh to nap. I refrained because I knew that route wouldn't end well. Well then who shows up but Devon. Devon and Megan used to date, but Megan broke it off because it got too serious for her, but a month ago Devon asked Megan back out and she said "No, I'm just looking to have somebody to mess around with and have fun right now". The week after Devon asked Megan had changed her mind and wanted to date him again, but Devon was leery of being hurt again, so he said no. But in the meanwhile they are getting together and acting more or less like an item. Leigh had been staying over at my place pretty much nightly, and we had been fooling around off and on, but two weeks ago she told me we can't mess around anymore because she is afraid of getting hurt. So...That brings me to Tuesday. Sorry for the enormity of this post, but bear with me, there's a juicy twist coming up here.

So Devon brings in a bottle of wine, and we drink it. We split on some pizza while we drink, and then get ready to go. So we leave Megan's house and go to the pub. At the pub it's not yet busy so we have free reign of seats. Megan and Devon sit on one side of the corner of the bar, and Leigh and I sit on the other. So we're all making small talk and what-not and then this guy next to Leigh buys shots of jager for everybody. So at this point Megan and I had each drank a bottle and another third bottle of wine, three pints of beer, and now a shot of jager. Megan has been getting increasingly touch- feely on Devon as we sit there and drink our brews, and then all of the sudden out of nowhere Megan turns to me and says, "Paul, would you have sex with me?" Now mind you I am very naive, and pretty frank, so I say, "Well of course, why wouldn't I?" Well then she says, "Well what about Devon, would you have sex with Devon?" At this point her breathing is a little ragged and her voice comes out husky and lusty. I of course don't notice that at the time, I'm busy processing what to answer. Truth be told Devon is a nice looking guy, but he is a woodsy manly man, and so I don't know what to say. So I say, "Well...yeah...I suppose so." So then Megan says even lower and more lustily, "Well what about a threesome? Would you have sex with me and Devon at the same time? Would you have him fuck you while I suck your dick?" And this is really what she said verbatim. Right at the bar, with my ex-girlfriend and her co-worker/friend right next to me. Then Megan and Devon start asking me questions like, "Are you a top or a bottom" and they started in on another one, but Leigh said something to me and seeing this they backed off the subject until Megan and I went out for a smoke. Outside she asked me if Devon had been hostile to me at all, and I said "No, he's such a nice guy why would he be?" So she tells me that Devon is wicked jealous that Megan I get along so well, when he feels like he has to try and get along with Megan. All this strikes me as news because Megan and Devon had been all over each other all night. Megan also tells me that she likes me... a lot... and that a bunch of folks we know think we should date. I bring up the issue with Leigh and how it would break her heart. Megan says, "I was thinking about the same thing, I don't know what to do". "Neither do I" I say. So we go back into the bar. This is when Leigh's friend Taya shows up. Taya I've only hung out with once, it was last week at the bar, I just met her, we were imbibing heavily and she offered me a Soma, so like a fool, I took it and proceeded to black out instantly, and then woke up on my carpet having collapsed face first after barely making the walk home. So I like Taya, she's a fun gal. But tonight Taya comes to the bar and asks Leigh if she'll go with her to drop off a break up letter to her boyfriend. The reason Taya and her boyfriend (Sam) are breaking up is because he said that he is bi or gay and that he wants to date a guy to figure things out. So Taya and Leigh leave to drop off this letter. I start to talking with Megan and Devon, we talk about a couple mundane things, and then we start talking about Leigh, and they tell me they've noticed how Leigh treats me like shit and fights with me all the time over nothing. Well, we barely get into that conversation when Taya and Leigh get back and Taya starts asking me questions like, "When did you know you were bi?" I told her about how I first knew when I was about 8 years old when the neighborhood kids found somebody's Dad's porn stash and we all looked at them together. My friends all teased me for being too fixated on the pictures with men in them. That was one of the first irrefutable signs. The next came when I went down on my friend while we were camping and I was twelve. After that I knew I was bi. So I told her this, and she tells me how Sam, hadn't had any urges until he was 18 and he spontaneously got the urge to kiss his friend while they were driving, so he did. I guess this Sam fella's 23 now, and hasn't really done anything with a guy. So Taya gets back to the bar and is talking with me about all this and Leigh is standing there listening, and Taya says, "Well maybe I should hook you two up?" I say,"Well, that's the hardest thing in the world to go through, and I don't really know if I should be the one to deal with all that." In retrospect I sounded pretty callous. I just don't want to start dating somebody only to find out they were only curious. But now that I've thought about it for two days I should've said, "Why of course I'll help him figure things out." I know I would've relished that opportunity if it presented itself to me when I was sorting everything out. My only major concerns are misleading this guy, or just generally screwing up. Leigh is the only person I've dated for any real length of time, so I have no idea how to start a relationship, let alone make one work once I'm in it. But even so, just talking about Taya's ex-boyfriend brought Leigh to tears and she ran out the bar because Taya asked her why she was upset and Leigh said, "Well, the same thing happened with me and Paul and I still Love him." and I'm standing right there as she says this and runs off. She comes back in a minute, Devon and Megan leave, and Taya and Leigh start whispering to each other, so I go and drink my beer in a booth alone so as not to eavesdrop. Leigh and Taya leave, and I'm at the bar alone. I am trying to wrap my head around what just happened when this radiant girl Amy came in whom I served the previous night at the restaraunt I work at. She remembered my name and asked me how I was doing. I looked pretty distraught so I just told her about how I get depressed hearing about everybody talking about mountain climbing, mountain biking and skiing and how I wish I could afford to do just one of those hobbies. So we get to talking for like twenty minutes, and she ends up inviting me to an Ugly Sweater Wine and Cheese Party this Saturday. Then my crazy sister and her boyfriend call me because they arrive in town, and so I leave the pub, and get into some different shenanigans.

So I realize this is like the longest post ever.
I just need some help here and I wanted to explain the full situation.
So, Leigh and I are a lost cause as far as a relationship is concerned, but I value our friendship, so I don't want to hurt her. Yet hurting Leigh seems inevitable. She has to leave the room I'm in in a fit of tears because Taya and I were talking about somebody else having a hard time making their relationship work due to being bisexual. Leigh would be hurt if I tried to pursue this Sam fella, and she'd probably go on a rampage if I slept with Megan. So what should I do? I'd like to have all my cakes and eat them all too. If there was a way for me to have a threesome with Devon and Megan, and still help Sam I would. I just don't know how it's all going to work out. Please don't think I'm some kind of sex addict either. I haven't seen even the faint glimmer of a hope of some action from anybody but my ex in like a half a year, and now all of a sudden in one night I get propositioned for a threesome, and have a potential boyfriend/fuckbuddy thrown into my lap!!???

So yeah, what would you do if this was your Tuesday night?

Dec 3, 2009, 7:56 PM
1) Set Taya's ex boyfriend up for the threesome with Devon and Megan
2) Convince Leigh that her best bet is to have sex with Taya
3) Start dating Amy, tell her you are bi on the first date and live happily ever after

Good Luck !

Dec 3, 2009, 8:08 PM
Give me a freaking break. Way too much drama.

Dec 3, 2009, 9:06 PM
"To the point where we have weekly wine nights because I work at a fine wine shop and we both love wines."

"I am trying to wrap my head around what just happened when this radiant girl Amy came in whom I served the previous night at the restaraunt I work at."

Wow!! Like you have two jobs and you still can not write any better than a sophmoric 14 year old girl...Like really...like....ya know.....lol

Too bad GayAZN hasn't seen this as a FAKE thread. I mean like he has all those degrees and is well...like soo...smart and down to earth.

If you are not pulling our communal leg:
1/ sober up and cut back on the booze (and drugs?)
2/ kick Leah to the curb. Give her a month to find another place to live. Get on with your own life without her.
3/ Dump these other people Meghan etc. Get your sh*t together dude. Or go and f*ck like a rabbit. It is all becoming a rabbit hole existence.