View Full Version : First time, gay or straight?

Dec 2, 2009, 12:45 AM
My first sexual experience was gay, with some perv who I met in the park. I was 12. My first straight experience was later in the same year with a female freind of mine. How about you guys, what came first?

Dec 2, 2009, 9:37 AM
My first experience was gay with a buddy. We sucked each other. I was 11 or 12. I didn't have sex with a girl until I was 17.

Dec 2, 2009, 9:40 AM
Male first at 14, just after my 14th birthday.......woman next at 15, both much older.

Dec 2, 2009, 10:13 AM
My first experience was with a friend. We touched and sucked each other. I was 11 or 12. It never prevented me to be hungry for a woman though.

Dec 2, 2009, 12:20 PM
we were both 10 years old.. and we sucked eachother and penetraded eachother... just like the couple on the porn movie that he stole from his dad... we were kids and were just experimenting we didnt climax or anything.. but it was fun... we did it everyday at lunch time.. when all the kids went to the caffeteria or to the gym.. we just went to the bushes and went at it for the whole 4th grade and part of 5th grade...he got a girlfriend and so did I... i didnt have sex with a girl until i was 14 or fifteen....
til this day we dont talk about the stuff we did when we were kids... he has a girldfriend and is about to get married... anyhow he looks horrible now jajaaja so i dont care......not the same tight cute kid i met...

Dec 2, 2009, 12:34 PM
First was with buddy too. I was about nine, him a couple years older. Mutual b/j, rimming and finger play. We reinacted stuff we saw in his older brother's gay porno mags. Girls entered the picture at about 14.

Dec 2, 2009, 4:26 PM
My friend Stevie and I used to jerk each other off. He butt fucked me a couple of times to. He was uncut and I loved his foreskin. I smelled his cock and loved the musky smell. Wish I had sucked him off.:tongue:

Dec 2, 2009, 4:42 PM
My 1st time was with a woman when I was 18, didn't have sex with a guy til I was 32. Looking back at it now, if my 1st time would have been a guy instead, I probably would never have been with a woman at all.

Dec 2, 2009, 5:07 PM
My first actual sexual experience (with another person) was with a boy much my same age - about 16.
We were at a party, ended up kissing and went behind the garden shed (I swear its true - a garden shed!!) :tongue:
He put his hand under my dress and tentitively touched my nice hairy 16 year old fanny through my panties, I toched this hard thing thing through his jeans.
It lasted about 1 minute before he made strange noises and his jens became gooey wet. ..........(I wonder if he still has that problem??)

And that was that until I actually "did it" a couple of years later.
Definitely a late bloomer.

Didn't experience another woman's "treasures" until I was in my early 30's.

Dec 2, 2009, 7:09 PM
First time was with a male friend at 12 or 13. We stroked and sucked each other (he convinced me that men had to be sucked off by other men after having sex with a woman. What can I say? I was naive.). Didn't have sex with a woman until several years later.

Dec 2, 2009, 7:24 PM
my first time was with a guy when i was 13.. my best friend (he also tought me how to masturbate a year earlier) and i were having a sleepover and he suggested that we jack off so he offered to help me then we tried to penetrate each other but at that time we hadn't hit puberty.

well that's my story

Dec 2, 2009, 8:05 PM
I was 14 at boy scout camp. He was an older scout. Still get a hard on thinking about that.

Dec 2, 2009, 11:17 PM
When I was 12 my female friend wanted to touch me and kiss me but I freaked out so I told her my mom will know (I was scared)...so nothing happend...I had my first boyfriend at 20, we touched each other and rubbed. I had sexual intercouse at 23 (and many more after that) and my first girlfriend at 30...very late bloomer...my mother really scared me...I was closeted bi till last year, after coming out to myself, I met my gf and I am so attractive to her that I find being with woman facinating :female:

Dec 3, 2009, 1:39 AM
First experience with a guy age 9 with my best friend. Lots of touching, eventually kissing, sucking and occasionally anal. Last about 7 years.
First female was at age 11. Lots of partners after that.

Dec 3, 2009, 2:51 AM
When I was in the seventh grade, the son of one of my mom's friends stayed over. We slept in the same bed. I can't remember the conversation exactly, but I ended up putting my mouth over his cock. That was it.

My first sex with a woman was at age 22 with my first cousin. We got drunk together and she seduced me. She had long hair, huge tits, very nice. I couldn't resist even though we were related.

My first real sex with a man was at age 26. His female friend asked me to dance and on the dance floor, they did the switch-a-roo on me. I ended up taking him to my place. The minute we were through the front door, I undid his pants and started to blow him. A few minutes later on the couch, I had his cock up my ass. I freaked a little later on and drove him home to get him out of my apartment ... he blew me in the car on the way to his place.

Dec 4, 2009, 12:01 AM
My first actual sexual experience (with another person) was with a boy much my same age - about 16.
We were at a party, ended up kissing and went behind the garden shed (I swear its true - a garden shed!!) :tongue:
He put his hand under my dress and tentitively touched my nice hairy 16 year old fanny through my panties, I toched this hard thing thing through his jeans.
It lasted about 1 minute before he made strange noises and his jens became gooey wet. ..........(I wonder if he still has that problem??)

And that was that until I actually "did it" a couple of years later.
Definitely a late bloomer.

Didn't experience another woman's "treasures" until I was in my early 30's.

hahaahahahahaahah classic..... i have a friend who was going to bang his neighbo in the backyard... he took of his pants and she pulled down her skirt... 3 seconds later he came all over her without even touching hahaahahahaah they were both 15

Dec 4, 2009, 12:03 AM
I was 5 or 6 yrs old when I convinced another boy to have oral sex. No orgasm, but, it felt real good to do and receive. Then, nothing male-male for way too long. But, I have always been mostly gay and now, I have what I want and what I need.

Dec 5, 2009, 10:45 AM
Mine was with a guy, with a friend at a sleepover. We were comparing sizes and he had boner which I thought was unfair. He started to jerk off to make it “Go away”. I was young and naive and agreed to help when he said it would go faster:eek:

Dec 5, 2009, 6:02 PM
The first 3 sex experiences I remember were with other guys, so gay.

First one was with my best friend at the time. We were about 11 years old. I don't remember the exact details but I know I talked him into oral sex. We did it often enough that we had a code word for it: SMD for Suck My Dick, and we were pretty brazen about it.

I'd call him at home and, in the course of the conversation, would ask "SMD". He'd say "sure. meet you at the churchyard". We'd go to the church just a short ways from our houses where they had classrooms that were nearly always left open. That was our private place to suck each other off. I remember mostly sucking him but I'm sure he did me too.

That lasted maybe 4 or 5 months and we kind of drifted apart. I ended up with a new best friend in the same neighborhood. At least one time we jacked off together. No touching of each other involved. I didn't really consider that fagging off but apparently he did. When we'd be around friends talking about queers and stuff, Doug would always say "We used to be queers, too, didn't we Fred?". I'd just nod in agreement, not sure exactly what he meant.

It wasn't until many years later I realized what he was talking about and I still don't consider that to have been homo activity.

The last time was the son of a friend of my mothers. We went to visit them and him and I ended up going down to his basement talking about all sorts of stuff. Naturally, I had to manipulate the conversation to sex and eventually started talking about jacking off and me telling him how great it was.

We jacked off together that time and one other time when I went to visit him on my own. I believe I did handle his cock a little and helped him jack off but mostly I consider it a homo act because I deliberately started the whole thing and I was sexually interested in the guy.

One thing I'll never understand was why I didn't suck him off, especially the last time when we had such an erotic encounter and were alone at his house. It's not like I hadn't sucked cock before but it just didn't come to mind at the time. One of my great regrets in life.

That was it until I was about 15 years old when I gave an older girl in my neighborhood some drugs and she let me fuck her, two times in a row (wish I could do that now).

After that it was all sex with girls and a decent number of them. Didn't fag off again until I was probably 19 or 20.

Dec 5, 2009, 9:06 PM
Gay - a friend and I used to look at porn in his basement. He taught me how to masturbate by describing it. One time, he went in the next room and when I walked out he was naked and stroking. He was rock hard and asked me to grab it to see (he was a couple of years older than I was, so was much more developed - say 12 and 14). I did, but then quickly left. Next time we were together, I proposed that we blow each other. I was overwhelmed by his musky smell and all of the semen in my mouth. But that did not stop me from doing it again, and again, and I grew to crave his cock and cum. Then I asked him to fuck me... We stayed discrete lovers for years.

My first woman was probably 2 years later, but not full sex tell I was 16. Still love it all.

fred fencesitter
Dec 5, 2009, 10:44 PM
My first sexual experience occurred when I was 15 or 16. Two girls convinced me to come into the woods with them. At their request, I jerked off in front of them. When it came time to finish, I found myself thinking of guys. I didn't know what was wrong with me! They ran off, laughing, before I had a chance to do anything with them.

I had one girlfriend in college. We did everything except intercourse. I discovered that I loved eating pussy. Besides her, my efforts to get with women got me nowhere.

I had sex with a man for the first time when I was in my mid-twenties. He seduced me, after a year of trying. We became lovers. He is totally gay, and I thought that maybe I was too, since I had so little experience with women. We started off just jerking off together, later we did oral. It was all great fun, although I was confused by why I was still attracted to women. So for the next few years, I had sex with men. Discovered that I love it up the ass. Had some periods where I wasn't having sex with anyone, due to career and health reasons.

But then I realized that my feelings for women were actually getting stronger. Even stronger than my desires for men. So I finally plunged in and started dating women a few months ago. Turns out I still love to eat pussy.

Dec 12, 2009, 11:14 PM
We were both 10 and I was spending the night over at her house and she decided to dry hump me while I was sleeping and when I woke up (half sleep until...) she stuck my hand up her shirt (there was nothing there of course being 10) then we started kissing and then she removed her pants and underwear so I began toughing her all over but then her mom started knocking on the door (That was the most terrifying moment I have ever had in my life) so we stopped . :cutelaugh

Dec 13, 2009, 5:25 AM
I did not know what terms like heterosexual or homosexual were then.

As for my first time experiences I have written about them before on here.

Dec 13, 2009, 8:02 AM
My first sexual experience was gay. We didn't do any oral or anal penetration (unfortunately) but we just played and examined with each other. I was about 13. My actual first sexual act was with a girl, we was 15, I licked her out. All my experiences have been few and far between though. Just looking for some cock to suck at the minute, lol.

Dec 13, 2009, 10:00 AM
first time about 13 during circle jerk in boy scout camp, friend suggested more and I agreed. Straight first at 17 while ditching a couple of classes at school. Shaking so hard afterward couldn't even unlock my locker!

Dec 13, 2009, 4:00 PM
My first time was with a friend when I was 16. We started off by jacking off together, then oral sex, and finally I let him drill me. I was a few years later when I had sex with a woman. Since then, I've never had sex with another guy but I wanting to explore it again. Just need someone that is a little patient.

Dec 13, 2009, 5:17 PM
I haven't been with women... I dated my first boyfriend at 17 and had sex for the first time at 19 with my second boyfriend who is now my husband. I'm not sure if and when I will have a sexual experience with a woman.

Dec 13, 2009, 6:35 PM
When I was about 12 or 13, a son of my mother's friend came to Los angeles to visit his mother. We share the same bed .... at night we just touched and jack each other off until we both cummed. One time we were all naked and tightly hugged and rolled with a very bonded feeling ... We did know how to suck nor fuck at that time.
My first experience with a girl when I was about 16 or 17. We had been together for awhile and she moved away with her family.
Over all I had sex with more guys than girls. Somehow I had been attracted to the men more than women ... but I do not have a pleasure to date nor having relationship with men.

Dec 13, 2009, 11:08 PM
My first was with boys around my age. I guess the first time was when I was about 7 or so and a friend and I played with each other several times in the shed.

Later a young boy who was known to like sucking cock sucked me in the park. Of course I was not able to cum yet so there was no cum for him to eat.

When I was about 12 an older boy and I were in the park and he had me play with his cock, and I remember it was huge. He tried to get me to suck him, but I chickened out. Wish I had done him.

The first time I sucked cock was when I was about 14 or so. One of my long time friends and I sucked each other off by the river. We played with and sucked each other alot over the summers.

It was not until I was about 16 that I ate my first pussy and then got to fuck that juicy thing.

I enjoy sucking cock, but love women more than men.

Dec 13, 2009, 11:20 PM
straight ,,, early 20's started having bi tendencies

Apr 2, 2011, 4:59 AM
My first sexual experience was gay, with some perv who I met in the park. I was 12. My first straight experience was later in the same year with a female freind of mine. How about you guys, what came first?

my frist experience was with a female i was only 11 my frist time with a guy i was 14. i done six guys an been with 3 females,my frist time actually having sex was with a girl name pam she is also bi too she knew more then me that was the best feeling i ever had still to this day i cant get it out of my mind. :)

Apr 2, 2011, 2:59 PM
First sexual experience was 'straight' at 14 with another 14 yr old. Although scientific experiment might be a better description, we'd been discussing and planning the whole "sex" thing for about a year, what it would be like, would we enjoy it, was it as noisy as it was on the illicit porn videos we managed to sneak from older siblings? In our defence we were, and still are geeks. First same sex experience also 14 with a girl a couple of years older.

Argent 11
Apr 2, 2011, 5:46 PM
My first sexual encounter was male/male with my best friend staying at my house. I awoke at around 3:00 am to him sucking on me. I was so shocked and excited by this that just as I started to cum he stopped and I came on my stomach, he just wiped me off with my underwear and asked if I would return the favour. I recall being very aroused and scared at the same time but when I took him into my mouth it did not seem unnatural at all. I was excited by the fact that I was able to please him and when he came in my mouth it once again felt perfectly acceptable so, I swallowed his sperm and I believe this is what has only grown stronger in me as I have grown older.

Some years ago I had a girlfriend "Sara" she was the most sexually open person I had ever met when I confided in her of my one and only Bi experience she told me that all her life she was bisexual and knew it from her early teens, when she told me that I could join in with her roommate I was surprised and delighted. Then she floored me when she said "I would love to watch you pleasure another man" saying something like we are all sexual beings and should not let society deny us our urges providing we do not harm one another. This has been my dilemma ever since to find out why and truly define my bi-sexuality. I am still searching for my bi-sexual friend(s)

Apr 2, 2011, 8:24 PM
straight I was 8 she was 7 and ate (ok I tried to eat her from a porn mag. I had found) MM at 56 3 weeks ago:male::rolleyes:

sweetie pie
Apr 3, 2011, 2:16 AM
a girl friend slept over one night. i had to have been 6 or 7. she jumped on top of me and jammed her thight against my puddy. she stuck her tongue down my throat. i didn't even know about french kissing yet! i just remember thinking the whole time we were fooling around "i really like this!" from then on i had no doubt in my mind about that i was attracted to girls. i have many more girl on girl experiences after that. i didn't have sex with a boy until i was 15

Apr 3, 2011, 7:53 AM
straight, gee who'd a thunk it :)

Apr 3, 2011, 8:32 AM
first times were gay for me...about a years worth of sleepovers with one friend where we would wait for parents to sleep then we would streak through the neighborhood, and end up back in bed stroking each other. we were 11. i wanted to suck him but was too scared I'd enjoy it and thought that would mean I'd have to be gay.

First girl was at 18...I had been trying to date her for years, but we went as friends. One night she asked if I wanted to have sex. I was bad, over course, but it turned out she liked bi and gay men and so fucked me because she knew what I didn't admit.

Then at 22 I tasted my first cock...it was wonderful...but his boyfriend found out and outed me to my friends and life sucked for awhile.

Apr 3, 2011, 1:11 PM
My first experience was straight. I was 14 and with an older girl. She'd sneak out of her house and come over late at night. She taught me how to eat pussy and loved to watch me jerk off for her.

First time with a guy was with my cousin, who was a year older. When he'd spend the night, he'd think I was asleep and would take my hand and use it to jerk off and play with his balls. I would always pretend I was asleep. I really liked doing it, and I know he had to realize I was awake because I'd just keep that pace until he came. Have always wished that he'd have said something, because I'd have done it while awake and if he wanted me to blow him I would have.

Apr 5, 2011, 10:28 AM
First time at 18 with first girlfriend who is now ex wife.

Apr 5, 2011, 3:47 PM
My first time(and mant times there after) was with a male cousin about the same age as me . We were 12 or so and started with anal . We played together into our late 20s . My first woman was the woman who would be my wife . That was the day before I turned 18 . We were together for 30 years and 30 day until she passed .

Apr 5, 2011, 8:49 PM
Me to. My first (and only) experience was with a male cousin about the sane age when I was about 10-12, although I do not think it would classify as sex. We cuddled naked with our cocks rubbing against each other. I enjoyed it and would like to experience that feeling again.