View Full Version : Stop polluting my frequency

Dec 1, 2009, 5:57 AM
I said it years ago! I even stepped outside and screamed it!
People thought I was freaking nut’s for believing such a thing.
I urge you to read the info in this link, and if every one still thinks I’m a freaking nut then well “Whatever”


Dec 1, 2009, 12:46 PM
Interesting stuff---it is hard to know how correct that the info presented on that site is true--but sad to say--even if we could 100 percent "prove it' all, I dare say that such knowledge wouldn't make one iota of difference----we too much love our modern lives and it seems---the only way to stop this exposure is to pulll the plug on everything we know and love in our technological society----it would mean no electrical power, televison, radio or computers and such.

Most folks would just not want to give all that up, just like we don't give up our booze, tobacco, "bad foods" and driving too fast on the freeway!

We are all kind of like Slim Pickens riding that "A Bomb" to its target in the final moments of the film "Dr. Strangelove"---we are gonna take this puppy all the way to oblivion with a smile on our faces and doing some hearty "yee haws" too!!

Thanks for posting it though!!

Dec 1, 2009, 3:32 PM
Sigh..great. And I have a call phone tower about 400 yards away from the house here...and am being treated for five of these symptoms. Grrrr, damn technology...

Illness linked to electromagnetic radiation exposure inclufiede many cancers, neurological conditions, ADD, sleep disorders, depression, autism, cognitive problems, cardiovascular irregularities, hormone disruption, immune system disorders, metabolism changes, stress, fertility impairment, increased blood brain barrier permeability, mineral disruption, DNA damage and much, much more.

Dec 1, 2009, 10:32 PM
Whats the frequency Kenneth

roy m cox
Dec 2, 2009, 2:25 AM
Do you actually foolishly believe this? Or what about olebear?

I went to the website and it seems like a fake conspiracy theory and the person is not a real doctor or scientist at all and those medical conditions are things that can happen to people over time, are mental illnesses, or are general health issues that people get if they have a problem with their weight or are obese.

um no every one all ways think that weight or obese is the cause of every problem under the sun i know for a fact its a bunch of poop, most things you hear on the news about people dieing from a hart problem are in shape and skinny not fat or obese so think about it ,,,, oh not to mention the FDA is noted for a lot of miss information about things like a diet i know a lot of people that tried over 900 diff diets and not one works and yeah they followed the diets word by word and ended up very sick

hell im very sick and loosing a lot of weight i was 280 now down to 236 and nun the better for it i can go on for days telling you and every one hear about how i was doing when i was over weight i felt a lot better at 280 i was very strong and more ,, but now that iv lost a lot i don't have a good thing to say about loosing all this weight :(

Dec 2, 2009, 10:53 AM
In addition to all the electrical things we have in our homes, workplaces etc, that put out EMF--we of course have wireless internet systems, all the radio and television broadcast signals, up in the sky we have satelites beaming down their signals--even if the signals from rather small for each one-there are thousands of them up there---depending on where you live----there are ground to air radar systems for airports, weather tracking etc.--and if you live or work around navigable waterways with commercial, military and civillian vessels equipped with radars---you are getting doses of microwave energy from them.

I first thought about that when I was in the Coast Guard and thought of how much microwave energy we exposing some people to as we came into ports with our radars running--when I was on a big cutter (thankfully only on TDY on one of them for a short time-those dam ships hardly ever remain in their homeports!)--we had numerous radars on it for navigation and aircraft detection--now coming into port--the big aviation radar was off--but the nav radars we had were pretty powerful in their own right---they had max ranges out to almost 100 miles from the ship and even though we scaled back the ranges to just a few miles coming into close waterways---the amount of energy produced by them was still pretty strong and for people who lived in those waterside condos and worked in the office towers of cities like Miami--at the level our radars were sending out their signals--those people on the floors the signals were hitting were getting zapped with some pretty strong radiation-and we were not the only ships doing that--you also had a number of frieght and cruise liners also coming in with multiple nav radars going too--and that goes on 24/7/365.

And for people living in places like south Florida---especially in the Keys---they not only had all of that too--we had several tethered drone blimp type of "balloons" that carried "down looking" radar and other sensor equipment that were on the lookout for planes and ships trying to slip into the country to offload their shipments of drugs.

We sure are awash in all sorts of unseen, but very real electronic fields---it is no surprise that they can make us sick--I know one thing---I sure don't want to live anywhere near one of those major trunk powerlines that come from a powerplant someplace----we had some friends many years ago who had a farm that they ran a line through the ground-you could go out with a flourescent light tube, stand under the line and the tube would light up--not to full strength--but it still did glow up some, enough to see if it was a cloudy day or getting dark. That was both cool and creepy at the same time--so was the juice flowing through the line--it made some funky noises.


this is not a pic I took---got to credit it--its an official US Coast Guard pic I found on the net. Wished it was mine though--it was not all that fun to be on one of those ships--but I always have found this class of ship to have a certain "beauty" if a military ship can have such an attribute.

Dec 4, 2009, 7:43 AM
Sigh..great. And I have a call phone tower about 400 yards away from the house here...and am being treated for five of these symptoms. Grrrr, damn technology...

Illness linked to electromagnetic radiation exposure inclufiede many cancers, neurological conditions, ADD, sleep disorders, depression, autism, cognitive problems, cardiovascular irregularities, hormone disruption, immune system disorders, metabolism changes, stress, fertility impairment, increased blood brain barrier permeability, mineral disruption, DNA damage and much, much more.

"Illness linked to electromagnetic radiation exposure include... uh... let's see here... just about everything. OMG, we forgot tooth decay!"

Now, yes, excess exposure can lead to all sorts of problems, in the same way that exposure to excess exposure to dihydrogen monoxide can lead to all sorts of problems. Personally, I'm not worrying. :)

Dec 4, 2009, 9:26 AM
Well, I guess we all just need to go off and live in caves now :-P

Dec 4, 2009, 10:30 AM
Well, I guess we all just need to go off and live in caves now :-P

Nope-too cold, too dark, too wet, lots of mold, bat pooh and God only knows what else--I'd rather get irradiated by the EMFs out there, get poisoned by all the chemical compounds that help make up most of what we make, and all the other things that modern life brings than that!! There is a good reason we left living in caves hundreds of thousands of years ago!!!:bigrin::bigrin:

Dec 4, 2009, 10:39 AM
All this talk about caves got me to thinking. You know all those "cave paintings" that anthropologists get so excited about? All this insight into the lives of our flea bitten ancestors? I bet in actuality those are the stone age equivalent of when kids use crayon on the living room walls.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.