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Nov 30, 2009, 2:17 PM
[B]Some people really need to learn to get lives...lol :rolleyes: All you red heads watch it out there....

3 boys arrested for Calif. 'Ginger Day' attacks:'Kick a Ginger Day' FOX News 56 mins ago
CALABASAS, Calif. – Three boys have been arrested for investigation of bullying red-haired students after a Facebook message promoted "Kick a Ginger Day" at a Southern California school.

Los Angeles County sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said Monday that two 12-year-olds were arrested for suspicion of misdemeanor battery, and a 13-year-old was booked for misdemeanor cyberbullying. They were released to their parents.

A total of eight boys are suspected in the Nov. 20 attacks on seven students at A.E. Wright Middle School in Calabasas.

Authorities believe the shoves and kicks were prompted by a message referring to a "South Park" episode satirizing racial prejudice.

Nobody was seriously hurt.

A message left for the school superintendent was not immediately returned.


Nov 30, 2009, 3:21 PM
South Park obviously has to be banned.

Did you notice how many fires happened after Beavis and Butthead had to stop talking about Fires ?!

Nov 30, 2009, 4:04 PM
Joe, has anyone else even mentioned how disturbing you tag line is? Everytime I see it I puke a little in my mouth. It's just about enough to make me turn gay. And her stunned look almost makes it appear true.

I'm just sayin'. Bwaa haa haa.!!!!!

Nov 30, 2009, 5:10 PM
Joe, has anyone else even mentioned how disturbing you tag line is? Everytime I see it I puke a little in my mouth. It's just about enough to make me turn gay. And her stunned look almost makes it appear true.

I'm just sayin'. Bwaa haa haa.!!!!!

It's true. I always cross my legs a little when I see that.

I miss the dancing guy...a lot.

Nov 30, 2009, 7:08 PM
I just chuckle a little when I see Joe's sig block - i'm strange like that I guess.

Nov 30, 2009, 7:57 PM
Ginger Day
There was an incident in a local school about Ginger Day. Several red headed kids were kicked. I think that there were about five kids both boys and girls kicked by grade 8 students. The school shares a building with a high school and one high school student was reportedly kicked. The paper said that the older kid was reluctant to come forward.

Several grade 8 boys and at least one girl were suspended. I'm not sure how long.

Nov 30, 2009, 10:41 PM
lol When I was a kid, there was a "Kick the Redskins" day for the rival Jr high school football team. Well, these ole boys got it in their heads that it would be fun to "kick the Redskins" that went to the school and commenced to do it to a couple of us of Native American descent.

After the 2nd to kick me hard enough to break the skin got thru picking himself up off the pavement, they decided this wasnt a good practise after all, and decided to save it for the playing field...lol :rolleyes:
Humph..pick on a poor, defenceless, girl...
Maybe this is what the Gingers need to start doing too. Showing a little back bone will deter someone from messing with you Real quick..:} I'm not advocating violence, just a little self-preservation.
Mean ole Cat...lol:cool:

roy m cox
Dec 1, 2009, 2:46 AM
0_o oh gwods what next,,

some times i want kids till i read and hear stuff like this,

i guess it is a good thing im fixed :(

Dec 1, 2009, 3:05 AM
However started this clearly missed the satarical nature of that episode. That's what Tvtropes calls: http://www.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MisaimedFandom