View Full Version : The Staircase

Nov 27, 2009, 5:56 AM
A few years ago, I saw a doc on tv about a guy who was accused of killing his wife. She fell down a staircase. Did anyone here see that doc. Think the jury found him guilty of murder due to his sexuality, rather then on evidence put to the court.
Does anyone here know of any new development in this case, appeal or what happen to him

A case in point to keep your sexuality secret in some state.
Just wondered.

Nov 27, 2009, 4:58 PM
Actually he is an actual writer of murder mysteries. The issue was that his sexuality was a secret and they found incriminating email where he was suggesting to meet up with some guy after he got rid of his wife. Don't know if he meant for a couple of hours or permanetly. here was also some issue involving money. His name was either Peterson or Patterson since there are a few authours with that surname a search would help.

Nov 28, 2009, 7:31 PM
[QUOTE=IsItAllOverMyFace?;148064]I have seen the TV movie based on this case.

If this guy had been out and not closeted or discreet about his sexuality by keeping it hidden from his wives before he married them, he would have been happy and not killed his two wives who discovered he was bisexual and cheating on them with other men.

He was never found guilty of the death of his first wife, when the case against him for the death of his second wife fell apart, they used his sexuality against him. Remember, he was put on trail in a bible bashing state. Had he gone to trail in another state, he most likely would have been found not guilty. It was however, a strange case.
I hope they don't have the death penalty in that state, forgot which state is was.

Nov 29, 2009, 5:38 AM
[QUOTE=IsItAllOverMyFace?;148101]If the case against the murder of his 2nd wife fell apart how come he was convicted and proven to be guilty of murdering her?

There is a concept in the American Justice system that you are innocent until you have been proven guilty. You also have the right to a lawyer and a trial by a jury of your peers.

Perhaps you have actually heard of these concepts?

Have you ever done jury service, I have, and I know how it works. They pick people who are easy pushover. I was ashamed with some of the people on my jury team, they just didn't give a dam, annoyed at being called up, just wanted it over with so they could go home. So as far as I concerned, a jury mean nothing. How many black people have been found guilty of crimes they never did, by an all white jury.
I never said he didn't do it, nor called him a hero, I was going by what was shown in the doc.