View Full Version : Happy Thanksgiving

Nov 25, 2009, 9:50 PM
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving from Flounder and Mrs.F. I, myself have so much to be thankful for. I have a wonderful family, wonderful friends and a beautiful son! Losing my dad 3 yrs. ago made me not feel so thankful for awhile and I felt the world, God and everything was against me and my family. As I work through my sadness and grieving I've learned that losing my dad was to show me that I should be thankful and grateful for what I have. I just expected and assumed that nothing bad would happen. Until you live through a blow so tragic in your life....you just don't realize that you need to love, be thankful and appreciate what you have! I have now in the past yr. lost a loving most caring close friend...we know here as "Usedbear" and I'm missing our talks and his rants very much.

May all of you who celebrate "Thanksgiving" have blessed one with your family and friends.

Many thanks to all of you on here who have been with me since my arrival in 2005. Your all wonderful!!

Nov 26, 2009, 7:48 AM
Thank you,and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone else at this wonderful site.
Despite all that is going on in this world we live in. The wars,the economy, and the unemployment.We will always have family and friends to be thankful for.So take the day,Relax,enjoy some football and a big turkey dinner(go ahead stuff yourself,it's only one day) but most importantly enjoy your family and friends.

And one more thing,to all the men and women in uniform..THANK YOU and a big huge THUMBS UP, your efforts are not going unnoticed. God bless you and your families, please be safe and get your butts home soon.

God bless

You friend llllllllll aka barcode,

Nov 26, 2009, 8:34 AM
I agree! I hope everyone has a happy, memorable Thanksgiving.

I'm thankful that I found this site and how it has helped me improve my quality of life.

I also found the love of my life here....for that, I'll be eternally thankful!

Nov 26, 2009, 8:50 AM

I wish all of my friends here at Bi.com a most pleasant and filling Thanksgiving

Doggie :doggie:

Nov 26, 2009, 9:22 PM
Mrs. F and Flounder and the little fish too.....

Like you, many of us have had a hard year...be it medically, financially, physically or relationship wise. But know what...we are strong, stronger than I think each one of us ever imagined and have come through the year thankful. We all have very busy lives and may not often take the time to really reflect upon how precious life is and what goodness we have in fact been blessed with. I know it is often said that we here are really not family, but to be honest I disagree. I have been blessed with many precious friends, both old and new and I wish all the best of this time of thanksgiving.


Nov 26, 2009, 11:53 PM
Hope you and yours had a fantastic day, Sweetie. :}

Nov 27, 2009, 1:04 AM
Thanks, hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving as well.