View Full Version : Now, this new bug might be a threat!

Nov 24, 2009, 5:04 PM
I saw this news story pop up on AOL just a bit ago----this is the sort of thing that keeps epidemeologists up at night---according to the people who lead that seminar I attended in late summer about H1N1 flu. They said that it was not necessarily things like "swine flu" that had them concerned since health officials around the world were well aware of and monitoring "swine flu"--it was the sudden development of a bug like this one that seemingly comes out of nowhere and is a truly dangerous and deadly disease.

It looks like this Ukraine bug could be the one that came out of left field and blindsided us all.

Let us hope and pray that the Ukrainian and WHO people can get a quick handle on this one :


The big problem with the world today is that thanks to jet travel---someone can be infected with a bug and also be infectious, but not yet show any signs of being sick--get on a plane bound for say, London, and in the course of traveling-- expose untold numbers of people from points all over the globe--and they in turn become carriers taking a new bug all over the place in a matter of a few days---this was process that once took months if not years.

Sorry to be a barer of ill tidings--not that we as individuals can do much about it per se----but at least it is good to know what might be coming down the pike.

With this--I do hope it comes out to be only a little bit of ado for nothing and this is either an erroneous or exaggerrated report--or they get this thing under control in short order.

I am sure that before long if this goes on too long---this story will be all over the media and it will get treated as if its the end of us all!! :bigrin:

I was wondering as I mangled the phrase "Much ado about nothing" as to where it came from--I had forgotten the phrase was actually the title of a Shakespearean play----here is some info on the origin of the saying though--I also wondered what "ado" meant--here it is: http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/251500.html

Nov 25, 2009, 12:42 PM
Send the bug to Afghanistan, Iraq & Iran