View Full Version : Thanksgiving...:}

Nov 23, 2009, 7:38 PM
This was asked of me in another group. :}
What is your take on Thanksgiving, now and when you were growing up?

Growing up it was a time for Family, and of being thankful of every day that you were together. It was a time of laughter, fantastic foods, and the sounds of happiness in a home. It was a time of sharing, a time of showing those that you loved that you Did love them, and that you thanked the Creator for allowing you to have another year together. :}

Now is the same premise for me: I love to cook great foods and make my home a haven for those who Have no one or no where else to go. Its a time of giving, and holding a thanks in your heart that you still have the love of friends and family beside you. I like to make my home warm and welcoming..a place where you can kick off your shoes and relax as if you Were Home...:}

Foods are lovingly prepared, and shared wholeheartedly. Laughter abounds, and a peaceful easy feeling fills up the heart and soul. And for me...its my time to thank God and the Spirits that I have all of my friends and family with me...if nothing else but in Spirit.

Thats my take on it :}
Yer Mama ;)



Nov 23, 2009, 8:09 PM
Thanksgiving to me was always about the turkey and the football games. Making sure there was enough cranberry sauce cause my three boys were pigs and enjoying a family dinner.

Now I have a lot more to be thankful for in my life and yet this year it will still be turkey and football games because my partner is far away.

I have already told LDD that I will be cooking turkey on Thanksgiving Day when I am in New Zealand, he doesn't like turkey but he can have the stuffing and the other stuff while me and his flatmate pig out and watch rugby :) (I might be nice and cook him some chicken to eat while we have the main bird )

roy m cox
Nov 24, 2009, 12:55 AM
not so happy hear cuzz my mom is no longer with us she's desist , just me and my dad now yeah we get invited to diners at others homes but it's just not the same ;_; with out my mom around ;_;

Nov 24, 2009, 9:57 AM
Thoughts on Thanksgiving-----

My thoughts pretty much echo those already made

Of course--one of the big things about Thanksgiving that comes to mind is THE FOOD!!

And a second thing that comes to mind too----FAMILY

For years my mom cooked the dinner---and of course when they were still alive---both of my grannies did too. When I was a wee lad---we often had at least two thanksgivings on the day--either my mom would cook the meal and her family came over or vice versa or one of the grannies cooked and we were at one of their places----when done with that meal--we would go over to the other side of the family for that meal.

Now it did sometimes work out that we spent Thanksgiving Day with the one side of the family--then have a second Thanksgiving the next day or maybe one day on the weekend---so it was definitely a holiday set around spending time with the extended family.

That changed as we all started to leave the small town we all came from and everyone got scattered not only in different places in Ohio, but around the country---my one set of grandparents moved to Florida when they retired---and my other grandpa passed leaving only that grandma--and she got older so she didn't cook as much--at that point--she spent a lot of time with us since my dad's one sis and her family moved out to Arizona and we were in Georgia.

In those years---we'd either have my Florida grandparents up to Savannah or we'd go down to their place.

Probably the most interesting Thanksgiving I had was back in 1983--I was in the service and we were down in Grenada following the invasion----by the time turkey day arrived---all the turmoil was over.

Even though I was the cook on our boat---we had all the CG Cutters come in from doing patrols--and the cooks on the boats worked with the cooks from the Army and Navy and Air Force---we set up a central location with tents and such at the airfield where the central military operations were located---we cooked many big birds, seemingly a ton of potatoes, the rest of the fixin's and fed the crews from our ships, the Army, AF and the US Embassy, and others that had been invited. Once we had finished feeding the troops that could get there---they had us load up food on three or four Army Blackhawk helos so we could take a hot meal of turkey and the trimmings out to the MP teams set up at various locations on the main island of Grenada and surrounding islands.

Those poor guys and gals didn't get many hot meals--at least ones actually prepared fresh--they were eating MREs--which aren't too bad if that's all ya got--but for Thanksgiving---you want people to have "real food."

They sure did appreciate it that we came out to them with some good hot Thanksgiving food. I helped serve a few of those teams. The chopper wound land, we'd unpack the food containers--at each site they had tents set up for us--we served the crews there--cleaned up and put our stuff back in the chopper to head off to another location. They sure did appreciate it--some of 'em almost cried when we were serving them.

This year--I am not going to Florida to see the folks, my sis and her hubby are going to be with his folks on the day--so I am on my own--but in our town they have one of those big community meals--I have volunteered to do something--they haven't told me what I am doing--I guess I will know when I get there.

My sis, her hubby and I will go out and eat someplace on Saturday---no sense in fixing a big meal for only the three of us! I don't need to eat all that food anyhow!!!:bigrin:

I do hope that everyone has a great Turkey Day!!

Nov 24, 2009, 1:02 PM
Now 12volt that is an awesome story and thanks for serving our men and woman (though I have heard mre's suck from many enlisted men).

Nov 24, 2009, 1:07 PM
not so happy hear cuzz my mom is no longer with us she's desist , just me and my dad now yeah we get invited to diners at others homes but it's just not the same ;_; with out my mom around ;_;

Aww, dude. I can so sympathize with you. I get very depressed around the holidays cause of all the lost loved ones. It's just not the same. The family is in shambles and I can't even fathom what christmas will be like. None the less, I havr to try my best for the sake of my children. So, believe me, I understand. I just want to go to sleep and wake up in April.

Nov 24, 2009, 1:11 PM
not so happy hear cuzz my mom is no longer with us she's desist , just me and my dad now yeah we get invited to diners at others homes but it's just not the same ;_; with out my mom around ;_;

Sorry to hear that, Roy. Thanksgiving was my sister's favorite holiday, she died the week before in 96. It can make it tough but eventually the happy memories of times will come through more and you can smile at the remembrance of the way she baked a pumpkin pie. Hugs.

Nov 24, 2009, 2:39 PM
Ahh Voltie, that was wonderful, Honey. You gave them alot to Be thankful for and it was a beautiful thing.
Hugss to you. Have a great day!

Nov 24, 2009, 6:30 PM
Now 12volt that is an awesome story and thanks for serving our men and woman (though I have heard mre's suck from many enlisted men).

MRE's are infinitely better than C-rations. Having had both, I am in a position to make that judgment.

The kids that have never had C-rats don't know what they have. But then, the WWII vets tell me that I was lucky to have the C-rats, because K-rats were even worse.

Nov 24, 2009, 8:33 PM
I can give a difference in one way. Thanksgiving for me is and always will be about family and giving thanks for all I have. NOW, why do people want to cram Christmas down our throats so soon. Its like Thanksgiving doesn't exist anymore. I love Christmas, dont get me wrong. My family does the whole Griswalds meets Roseanne light displays. I just think that Thanksgiving should be celebrated too.