View Full Version : Former Miss California - Just when you thought she couldn't get any dumber

Nov 22, 2009, 11:03 AM
This one will have you laughing at her even more; just in case her pageant fiasco wasn't enough.


Bad news for Carrie Prejean: She now has EIGHT sex tapes to explain away

On Friday, Radar online revealed that the sex tape Carrie Prejean has called "the worst mistake of my life" was in fact a series of 8 explicit videos and 30 lewd photos all self-produced by the former Miss California. Today, TMZ broke the news that porn distributor Vivid Entertainment has offered Prejean "millions of dollars" for the right to distribute "erotic footage that Carrie Prejean, former Miss California, produced for her boyfriend following their four day rendezvous in February 2007."

Meanwhile, the boyfriend in question (who remains unnamed) told reporters that he received a call last week from Carrie's reps asking him to lie and say the pageant winner was 17 when the tapes were created. Though it would be awfully convenient for Prejean's camp if she was actually underage in these vids--she'd be a minor and it would be illegal to show them--in reality, the events occurred just two years ago, when she was 19 and 20.

And here's the point we come to with this whole mess: Who cares if a young adult woman made masturbation porn for her boyfriend? It's not the wisest idea and I certainly hope my daughter never does the same thing--but it doesn't really hurt anybody. However, it does become dangerous when there's massive hypocrisy involved, when the young adult woman who made the porn is also trying to make money off being a highly moral, God-fearing, public face of Christian values. It's also a problem when this same young woman is holding herself up as a role model for young girls and using the U.S. court system to sue for religious discrimination when she seems to be faking or at least badly following, her religiousness. In interviews last week, Prejean claimed she became "really serious" about her Christianity when she was 18. She told Christianity Today: "It wasn't my parents saying, 'This is what you need to do.' I decided to go to a Christian college, I decided to start living my life the way that I thought I should have been living it."

One can only assume that this way of life involved pre-marital sex, on-camera masturbation, and dozens of nudie pics.

Nov 22, 2009, 11:16 AM
I knew a woman who was in training to become a preacher.

She married a virgin she told her circle of friends (my wife included at the time)

She also said her and her husband had anal sex often. Before marriage. because she remained a virgin that way.


Nov 22, 2009, 11:47 AM
I knew a woman who was in training to become a preacher.

She married a virgin she told her circle of friends (my wife included at the time)

She also said her and her husband had anal sex often. Before marriage. because she remained a virgin that way.


LMFAO gotta love it.

Nov 22, 2009, 12:14 PM
I really wished that this woman's "15 minutes of fame" would pass, she disgusts me!!

On the surface--she looks "hot"--but when you see the way she acts with a good example of that being what she did on Larry King, it makes her a most unattractive person. I also hate that underlying "sneer" that is on her face----I just cannot stand her.

I do have to say about the Larry King Show deal----Larry let that dimwit get the best of him---you have to wonder if good old Larry is cognizant of what goes on, on his own show? I sure as hell would have known it if my producers had made any concessions to her such as things like "off limits questions" and also a fundamental factor--like if we were modifying a main element of our show in regards to taking on air phone calls--that is part and parcel of the show---King and his producers should not have allowed her to get away with the crap she did--I woulda told her: "Anyone who comes on this show knows--we take calls from our viewers with rare exceptions and for someone like you--I don't make such an exception---so my dear---don't let the door hit you on your backside as you exit the building!!"

Now---it would have been a scramble to fill the air time--but I am sure that with a show like Larry King Live---the producers would have been able to find someone to be an emergency guest or a panel of people to make comment on Carrie Prejean and her deal.

This woman is like so many others in our society--she is a no talent opportunist. It is a sad commentary on the state of our culture that we let people like Carrie Prejean take up so much space on our airwaves and in print.

Nov 22, 2009, 4:46 PM
There would have been no dead air . Larry could have openedth e phone linesand have the american people comment on this so called"Christian" it would have made for a grat show

Nov 22, 2009, 5:21 PM
What I think is sad the most is how bad it makes other Christians look.

It's tough to judge a broad spectrum of people when....well it was said best as : It takes a large community to build a good village. and one idiot to bring it down.

Nov 22, 2009, 5:50 PM
Well, this made me smile. I'm not surprised at all though. Even though I think she should get the fuck of the air, I would like to know how those tapes wound up in the hands of TV people. I suspect the boyfriend.

Nov 23, 2009, 1:59 AM
Well, this made me smile. I'm not surprised at all though. Even though I think she should get the fuck of the air, I would like to know how those tapes wound up in the hands of TV people. I suspect the boyfriend.

My guess is that those videos came out in the same way that Paris Hilton's sex tape came out, as a prelude to celebrity by her.

How else can a nobody get national fame when they have nothing to offer in the way of talent or skill? Release a sex tape and blame someone else for letting it get out.
We will soon be getting some lame excuse from her about how the tapes were released without her "consent".

Nov 23, 2009, 3:01 AM
Here is something I would like to see happen----some well known Christian minister takes Carrie Prejean to task in her claims to be "a Christian" and not because it appears that she has done some nude pics and/or videos---but he or she does "the calling out" beacause "Sister Carrie" hardly exhibits "the spirit of Christ in her actions and deeds"

That to me would be great--but I doubt that such a thing would ever happen.

Nov 23, 2009, 8:37 AM
I laughed my ass off, when her brother was interviewed and asked about the sex tape and he said he would watch it if someone was playing it.. Ewww.

I also find funny how for like the last 6 months she's bitched and bitched about her freedom of speech and now what you hear out of her mouth is " I can't talk about it". There have been christian groups who have canceled her appearances and public speaking events, so wonder how her humble pie tastes to her.

Nov 23, 2009, 8:57 AM
I laughed my ass off, when her brother was interviewed and asked about the sex take and he said he would watch it if someone was playing it.. Ewww.

I also find funny how for like the last 6 months she's bitched and bitched about her freedom of speech and now what you hear out of her mouth is " I can't talk about it". There have been christian groups who have canceled her appearances and public speaking events, so wonder how her humble pie tastes to her.

I bet her humble pie tastes like feet.