View Full Version : Earings and men who like men...

Nov 18, 2009, 7:26 PM
Okay I've been wondering since I'm not a man (GQ but not male) I have no way of knowing this. Are earrings still a signifier of sexuality among queer men? My mom told me that it was born out of the fact that Green Berets got their right ear pierced and so gay/queer men got their left pierced in a kind of protest of a subtle way of saying, "Yes, I like men." But that was decades ago and the GLBTQP movement has come a long way, so I was wondering if the symbol is still valid. Or if it ever was. Thanks for any answers I get!

Nov 18, 2009, 7:39 PM
What's GQ? Do you mean you like to look at the men's fashion magazine?

As far as GAY men and earrings go BREEDERS (straight people) one had the saying 'Left is right, and right is WRONG'.

GLBTQP? What's the QP stand for Questioning people?

The earring thing was way more signifigant in the late 70s and 80s.

Today it is irrelevant. I know straight men who have both or the right ear pierced and gay/bisexual men who just have the left ear pierced.

Gender Queer, meaning that I don't identify with one gender of the other but rather both. I'd say androgenous accept that gets people to think that I have an androgenous appearance that this is an internal gender identity. And that Andro, is a male prefix so it kind of undermines the dual gender aspect.

QP stands for Queer and Pansexual. I guess I should out questioning in there too to be totally inclusive.

What I'm really asking is, "Does it mean anything for a man to have an earring in his left ear only anymore?"

Nov 18, 2009, 8:08 PM
I'm sorry my gender identity isn't current enough. Not all straight people have kids, or 'breed'. And what about that gayby boom I keep hearing about?

Nov 18, 2009, 8:09 PM
I occasionally still see people online asking "Which ears is the one that's pierced when you're gay?", and my response is always that that particular fad is pretty much over, much like its friend the hankie code. Unfortunately or not (depending on how you view it, I suppose), there just don't seem to be any "discrete queer signifiers" any more.

I'm sure there are still fellas out there who pierce their ear as a sign that they're into men, just like there are surely some ladies donning the labrys symbol to quietly advertise their lesbianism. But it's over as a cultural phenomenon, and there are so many people out there getting one or both earrings pierced for any number of reasons that it just isn't a good indicator of sexual orientation.

Also, rock on with your genderqueer self! Just had to throw that in there, for a little balance :)

Nov 18, 2009, 8:26 PM
Seen this post and had to ask myself , since I have both ears pireced, And im pretty manly if I do say so myself. Does it really matter if both or one or none are pierced?

Nov 18, 2009, 8:35 PM
It doesn't mean shit anymore nowadays.

And by the way, "breeders" is kind of rude.

Nov 18, 2009, 9:00 PM
I have my left ear pierced and I wanna get my right eyebrow done just to balance it out :cool:. Does that have any meaning I should know about?

Nov 18, 2009, 9:30 PM
It doesn't mean shit anymore nowadays.

And by the way, "breeders" is kind of rude.

That's what I thought, but I still hear some people mention it, I didn't know if they were in the majority or not. And 'kind of rude'? More than kind of I should say, but oh well, thanks for answering.

Nov 18, 2009, 9:42 PM
I got called a faggot on this site. Don't dish it out if you can't take it mikey. ;)


Nov 18, 2009, 9:43 PM

Seconded, "Huh?"

Nov 18, 2009, 10:28 PM
It doesn't mean shit anymore nowadays.

And by the way, "breeders" is kind of rude.

Particularly since the term "breeder" is normally limited to women who pop out kids like a Pez dispenser, or urban couples that insist on unnecessarily large families.

Nov 18, 2009, 10:42 PM

Actually, "breeder" is a word that "gay activists" like to use to refer to both men and women heterosexuals and probably bisexuals who have sex with the opposite sex. It seems to be used by those who want to show their contempt for anyone who is not gay.

Nov 18, 2009, 10:46 PM
And used by heterophobes. It's part of the agenda. Check the book.:tongue: LOL!

Nov 18, 2009, 11:19 PM
Back to the earring question - there has been a subtle shift in some regions where it is not the particular ear that is pierced, but the type of adornment.

the straights and non advertising gays go for hoops or rings, and the advertising gays go for studs.

as with many fashions, it is not universal. some regions put no significance on piercing or type of jewelry. further, in regions that do, other sub sets of society, for example, the hip hop community, may interpret the jewelry types differently.


Nov 19, 2009, 12:11 AM
A breeder is a heterosexual person who reproduces and thinks that it is their life's mission to have children or pump them out like a candy dispenser like Falcon said.


However, the term is thrown around quite often in the sense that tenni described. In either case, it's not really nice. If a person feels that it is their lifes duty to have a large family and can provide the love and care to do so, then that is their business and right as a human being. They shouldn't be looked down upon for that.

Nov 19, 2009, 12:13 AM
Calling a heterosexual a 'breeder' is a laughable term considering there are some homophobic bisexuals on here like Mikey who call gay men faggots and clearly do not respect gay men even though they claim to.

Antagonist, troll, flamer, bafoon, imbicile, sucky baby, pick anyone you like. You claim all bullshit. You claim I'm a closet case, fine, I prove you wrong. She calls you a name and you're all indignant. Suck it up. You harass so many people on here for not holding your views, take it like the man you claim to be and learn to shut up. Not everyone cares for your own personal agenda. Go troll elsewhere. :eek:

Nov 19, 2009, 12:20 AM
Oh please. The only troll here is you mikey. You and your wife are homophobic.

Yeah OK I get that we do not agree but calling me a faggot?

Why not just call me a slope, gook, or a chink too? :rolleyes:

Yeah...the fag thing was overkill...but seriously all this homophobic and closeted and hypocrite stuff is getting a bit ridiculous...

Nov 19, 2009, 12:41 AM
"A breeder is a heterosexual person who reproduces and thinks that it is their life's mission to have children or pump them out like a candy dispenser like Falcon said.

No Tenni, breeder is not used against bisexuals at all ever."

Well, maybe not in all the Belgium PC gay sites it isn't used but it is in some of the USA and Canada gay sites to refer to what I wrote....what a know it all Richard Cranium you are.

This site home page only mentions a bisexual community site contrary to what you have previously posted about it being a GLBT site. If you can not be supportive, why are you here, GayAZN?

Nov 19, 2009, 12:53 AM
[QUOTE=GayAZN;147385]I call it like I see it. Mikey called me a fag so that makes him a homophobe even if he denies it.


I've been in the presence of a lot of openly gay men who have called other fags. What's the deal with that?

I kind of don't see how that makes him a homophobe though. I can see how that would make him rude, or inappropriate or whatnot. But I don't see how the word fag automatically makes you against gay people, or afraid of gay people, or whatever.

It's kind of like getting annoyed at a fat person and the first thing that comes to mind is being mean and calling them Shamoo. It doesn't automatically mean that they hate all fat people, it just means that they were a jerk for a minute.

Nov 19, 2009, 1:02 AM
Breeder (slang), a pejorative term used by gays and lesbians to refer to heterosexuals and especially those with children


Well, wiki doesn't use it to refer to bisexuals that is true. It definitely is a perjorative put down term used by gay people(not all just those who are activist in promoting a cause). Bisexuals are more likely to have children than gays and are lumped in with heteros in this case.

I've said that the term "closet" is used by the gay community. It has since generated to the mainstream language but I believe that it has been used by GayAZN to refer to bisexuals in a pejorative way. Most bisexuals who posted chose the word "discreet" over "closet".

Nov 19, 2009, 1:23 AM
"It was totally uncalled for and he did it in a hateful and homophobic way."

You called every man and woman couple and in particular those with children by a pejorative gay term, "breeder". Although wiki doesn't refer to bisexuals in particular, that is more than likely because it considers bisexuals in a male/female relationship, heterosexuals. You've slurred the bisexuals of this site. Why are you on this bisexual community site if not to create friction?

Nov 19, 2009, 1:57 AM
Damn, somebody didnt get their Bran this morning, did they.....?

Nov 19, 2009, 8:11 AM
Have you noticed the most famous 'breeders' didn't have sex to make their babies?

Mary, mother of Jesus, and Octomom........And well even though they had sex, John and Kate didn't procreate through sex.

Just a irrelevant tid bit from Sunshine.:cool:

Nov 19, 2009, 8:29 AM
When the first person questioned your use of the word "breeder", if it was unknown to you that the word is used as an insult by North American gays, you should have apologized. You didn't. Instead you argue that I'm wrong in what I've read on North American British gay sites. Whatever....you're right ..wiki and others are wrong. Men and women in relationships or want to be in relationships with each other are not called Breeders by gays wishing to slur them...cuz you say so.

Nov 19, 2009, 8:32 AM
SO ANYWAY earings are cool :tongue:

Nov 19, 2009, 8:43 AM
Dude, stay closeted or 'discreet' all you want.

The only person you are hurting is yourself.

In some cases, a person feels much more comfortable not making it an open thing. In some cases a person is waiting for the right time or situation. Sexuality is not easy and trying to lump it all into one general thing is crazy.

Personally, I feel that this was very wrong of you to say. This is one of those situations where no one can say what is best for the individual. In some areas of the world there is an abundance of people who physically attack those who are gay or bisexual simply because they don't agree with it. So they should put themselves in harms way all for the sake of proving how "proud" they are of their sexuality? If you are ok with that then fine, but who are you to try to put others down for not wanting to be a martyr for your cause?

On another note, you can catch more flies with honey...and...well...being judgemental is SO not honey...

Nov 19, 2009, 8:54 AM
I had heard of this before myself over this side of the pond too, that having your left ear pierced (as a guy) meant you were gay. But as others have already mentioned, that idea/fad/trend/what-ever-you-want-to-call-it is as good as ancient history now.

These days, no one really gives much of a tinkers which ear you have pierced. It doesn't 'mean' anything anymore. It's now just something people do because they'd like to, more for personal fashion sense than anything really.

I wouldn't worry about it

Nov 19, 2009, 12:31 PM
I raise doves and the adult breeding pairs I call breeder's, but their birds not people! People are just people! So why do other people feel the need to label them? There is only two kinds of people, good people and bad people.
I don’t know what all this has to do with what side an ear-ring should be worn on but I felt it needed to be said.

Jackal, dude, it’s the year 2009 wear what you want where ever you want to wear it and be happy, and to hell with what anybody thinks.

“Every way of man is rite unto himself”

Nov 19, 2009, 1:52 PM
OK, so I'm an engineer. I got my ears pierced before I even started hormones. I also work on construction sites, NO ONE said anything negative to me about having both ears pierced. They could have, if they'd had a mind to most of them would have. but these days it doesnt matter that much.

as an aside, I don't think much of your comments regarding transmen, GayAZ, but its your opinion(even if you are demonstrably wrong) and I know that you are trans-phobic, but that's another topic for another day

Nov 19, 2009, 2:09 PM
Wow. Seems like folks forgot what this post was originally about it their need to get their personal little vendettas across.
What does it matter if a man decides to wear earrings in which ever ear? It doesnt mark him as straight or gay or bi. It just means he like ear decorations. People need to lighten the heck up...lol:rolleyes:

Nov 19, 2009, 9:59 PM
I raise doves and the adult breeding pairs I call breeder's, but their birds not people! People are just people! So why do other people feel the need to label them? There is only two kinds of people, good people and bad people.
I don’t know what all this has to do with what side an ear-ring should be worn on but I felt it needed to be said.

Jackal, dude, it’s the year 2009 wear what you want where ever you want to wear it and be happy, and to hell with what anybody thinks.

“Every way of man is rite unto himself”

Thank you but I wasn't asking about myself because being biologically female the earring bit doesn't really apply to me. I was just wondering what the status of the significance of earrings.

GayAZN, the gayby boom comment was meant to reflect that plenty of homosexuals are having kids these days. No matter how many they have compared to heteros, they're still 'breeders'.

Well this thread didn't turn out the way I thought it would, talk about snowballing...;)

Nov 19, 2009, 11:09 PM
At least you don't identify as being male when you do not have a penis!

I think it's rather silly when butch lesbians and Trans 'men' identify as male when neither of them are male at all.

Sigh. Just when I think you have a valid point to make about being "out," you say dumb shit like this.

People are complicated. Gender identity is complicated. There are male brains in female bodies and vice versa. People ultimately are what they believe themselves to be, not what their chromosomes are. Deal with it.

And I say this as a pretty "cisgender" person myself. My brain is very much male, even though this gives me personality traits which I don't like very much.

Nov 20, 2009, 12:33 AM
Sigh. Just when I think you have a valid point to make about being "out," you say dumb shit like this.

People are complicated. Gender identity is complicated. There are male brains in female bodies and vice versa. People ultimately are what they believe themselves to be, not what their chromosomes are. Deal with it.

And I say this as a pretty "cisgender" person myself. My brain is very much male, even though this gives me personality traits which I don't like very much.

Bi-Zarro, I think I love you. :bigrin:

Nov 20, 2009, 1:20 AM
Bi-Zarro, I think I love you. :bigrin:

Heyyyyyyyyy you think you love me, so what're you so afraid of, afraid that you're not sure of, a love there is no cure forrrrrrrrr...

Yes, I'm goofy. :bigrin:

Nov 20, 2009, 9:56 AM
LOL. Zarro...I knew there was a reason why I liked you so much.

Nov 20, 2009, 9:59 AM
Oh I remember growing up in highschool how to know the difference.

"Left is right and right is wrong"

Because as you all know in a redneck Texas small town "wrong" is gay.

Nov 20, 2009, 2:33 PM
[QUOTE=Jackal;147460]Thank you but I wasn't asking about myself because being biologically female the earring bit doesn't really apply to me. I was just wondering what the status of the significance of earrings.

My most humble apoligies me lady, that'll teach me to pay more attention!

Like accualy knowing to whom your speeking before u speek.

Agian sorry bout that, "you can slap me if want to, I got it coming"

Nov 20, 2009, 11:52 PM
Heyyyyyyyyy you think you love me, so what're you so afraid of, afraid that you're not sure of, a love there is no cure forrrrrrrrr...

Yes, I'm goofy. :bigrin:

I loved that song when I was little. And goofiness is next to godliness.

Feeling confirmed! LOL

roy m cox
Nov 21, 2009, 2:11 AM
'breeders' eww

well i wear ear rings all the time and a dog collar too and get funny looks some time ,, but i got a bunch of collage kids wearing this stuff to and they love it so yeah it's not wrong to wear ear rings some of the grate men in history wear them :bigrin:

Nov 21, 2009, 4:39 PM
I loved that song when I was little. And goofiness is next to godliness.

Feeling confirmed! LOL

Heh. It's good to be loved. Wanna be my sugar mama? :tong:

Nov 21, 2009, 6:25 PM
JACKAL: "My mom told me that it was born out of the fact that Green Berets got their right ear pierced"

I AM a Green Beret and have never met any Green Beret that has an ear ring; that doesn't mean some Green Berets don't have earrings, it just means Mom told you BS!

There is NO Green Beret initiation I've ever heard of where a Green Beret gets an ear ring as part of graduation into Special Forces.

It would seem likely that some members of the Armed Services have such initiations however...

Nov 21, 2009, 6:52 PM
JACKAL: "My mom told me that it was born out of the fact that Green Berets got their right ear pierced"

I AM a Green Beret and have never met any Green Beret that has an ear ring; that doesn't mean some Green Berets don't have earrings, it just means Mom told you BS!

There is NO Green Beret initiation I've ever heard of where a Green Beret gets an ear ring as part of graduation into Special Forces.

It would seem likely that some members of the Armed Services have such initiations however...

Actually, military men aren't supposed to have piercings anyway.

Nov 22, 2009, 12:39 AM
JACKAL: "My mom told me that it was born out of the fact that Green Berets got their right ear pierced"

I AM a Green Beret and have never met any Green Beret that has an ear ring; that doesn't mean some Green Berets don't have earrings, it just means Mom told you BS!

There is NO Green Beret initiation I've ever heard of where a Green Beret gets an ear ring as part of graduation into Special Forces.

It would seem likely that some members of the Armed Services have such initiations however...

1. I don't think she meant it as an initiation thing, more of a solidarity thing.
2. She was talking about a totally different era anyway.
3. she nor I ever said that this was gospel truth only something that we'd heard.

4. Calm the fuck down.

Nov 22, 2009, 7:53 PM
What about nipples? I've been thinking about getting one of mine pierced and was just thinking it would be the left one. Never really gave it any thought. I just think it looks sexy! :drool:

Nov 23, 2009, 8:15 AM
What about nipples? I've been thinking about getting one of mine pierced and was just thinking it would be the left one. Never really gave it any thought. I just think it looks sexy! :drool:

Find a piercer you trust with a good reputation. Not just based on the reputation of the place he works from. I got my left one done, Thought everything was hunky dory, went back after six months to get a new piece of jewelry for my nipple, talked to the same guy who did mine, to have him change it for me, he looked at my piercing and asked me "Who did that?" like it was a bad job, and I told him "You did it." He just went "Oh". Changed my jewelry and I left pissed. Of course When I got Preggers with my 3rd I had to take it out anyway and it closed up.

But yeah, be careful.

Nov 23, 2009, 8:20 AM
Find a piercer you trust with a good reputation. Not just based on the reputation of the place he works from. I got my left one done, Thought everything was hunky dory, went back after six months to get a new piece of jewelry for my nipple, talked to the same guy who did mine, to have him change it for me, he looked at my piercing and asked me "Who did that?" like it was a bad job, and I told him "You did it." He just went "Oh". Changed my jewelry and I left pissed. Of course When I got Preggers with my 3rd I had to take it out anyway and it closed up.

But yeah, be careful.

I didn't take my nipple out when I had my kids...there was no way. I love it too much haha.

Nov 23, 2009, 8:33 AM
I didn't take my nipple out when I had my kids...there was no way. I love it too much haha.

I had to, I have large aureolas and my nipples shrink when they get hard, so when he was piercing me, my nipples got hard cause he was touching me.... He though he was getting the base of my nipple, but is was just tightened aureola. So when my breasts grew with my pregnancy and the aureola grew with the breast, it was pulling and ripping around the ring so I had to take it out.

Nov 23, 2009, 8:56 AM
I had to, I have large aureolas and my nipples shrink when they get hard, so when he was piercing me, my nipples got hard cause he was touching me.... He though he was getting the base of my nipple, but is was just tightened aureola. So when my breasts grew with my pregnancy and the aureola grew with the breast, it was pulling and ripping around the ring so I had to take it out.

OOOOhhhh yeah...if they were pierced correctly that would have been no problem...

Nov 23, 2009, 6:01 PM
Glad I don't have to worry about getting pregnat. I'm kinda freaked out as it is about infection. Not to mention how it's gonna hurt. LOL
I still haven't convinced the wife that I need this either. Guess it will be one of those things that I'll just come home with one day.

Nov 23, 2009, 6:16 PM
Glad I don't have to worry about getting pregnat. I'm kinda freaked out as it is about infection. Not to mention how it's gonna hurt. LOL
I still haven't convinced the wife that I need this either. Guess it will be one of those things that I'll just come home with one day.

The licensed places usually go over the after care with you and most have a leaflet/flyer with aftercare instructions that you take with you. You clean it in the shower and use betadine or similar on it a couple times a day till it heals.

As for the pain...

Do you like your nipples bitten/pinched? ;)

Nov 23, 2009, 6:39 PM
The licensed places usually go over the after care with you and most have a leaflet/flyer with aftercare instructions that you take with you. You clean it in the shower and use betadine or similar on it a couple times a day till it heals.

As for the pain...

Do you like your nipples bitten/pinched? ;)

It's always much more painful for men than women. If you want a more accurate account of the pain, talk to men who have had it. Women's nipples are meant to be able to handle abuse, men's aren't. For the most part though, the way I've always seen piercings and tattoos is that if it is something that you want bad enough, a little bit of bearable pain is worth it. Crap, I have some tattoos that really hurt like a motherfucker...the whole time I was thinking "God, is this gonna be over soon or what" but in the end, I would so do it again if I had to!

Nov 23, 2009, 6:55 PM
My husband and I got ours at the same time. So he described it as a bite/hard pinch. But I am a nipple fanatic, so I may have toughened his nipples up.

But that's an idea for the OP to try. Rubbing his nipples with a wash cloth and pinching rubbing his nipples to lessen the sensitivity and toughen them up a bit.

Another lil tool. Breath in on the insertion of the needle.

Nov 24, 2009, 9:42 AM

Nov 24, 2009, 9:44 AM
Oh so you think that gay/queer men dressed in leather or even assless chaps at Pride events give us all a bad name?

I'm sure your opinion of men and women in drag of the opposite sex is not good either and you think how drag kings and drag queens give us a bad name at Pride. :rolleyes:

Crawl back into your locked closet that you peek out of once a year at pride, and do all of us out and proud GLBT people a favor and never come out.

Those men in assless chaps or in other types of leather at pride and other GLBT people who you have a vile hatred for and look down upon fought for your rights just so you can say that they give everyone a bad name, and yet you still stay closeted and homophobic which is total bullshit.

Breeder is a word that describes heterosexuals only. It can also describe people who breed certain animals like a dog breeder or other types but in the context of how I wrote it and how the word is used to describe people it is used to describe heterosexuals only.

As far as the 'gayby' trend that Jackal wrote about most gay and lesbian couples adopt children and even if they do happen to use surrogate mothers or have a dyke who will carry the kid for them that is still just a drop in the ocean compared to the needless reproduction that lots of heterosexuals have worldwide when our Earth's population is already way too overpopulated!

Thankfully some heterosexuals and people are coming to their senses and they are not needlessly breeding, except for that white trash woman from Arkansas who now has 18 kids all her own I might add!

Jesus Christ lady! Give your uterus a break for once in your life!

I think this is a total disgrace. We live in an already over populated world. Millions of children are starving and dying from lack of food. If they wanted so many children why not adopt some who desperately need help?


I have even heard other heterosexuals use it at other heterosexuals who feel the need to reproduce and have kids or who get pregnant on purpose or by 'accident' when there are so many various forms of birth control out there besides the pill and condoms.


Ummm, when heterosexuals use it, they are using it offensively...so where was your point there?

As for adoption...just because there are kids in the world that need to be adopted it doesn't mean that a couple should be looked down upon because they choose to have their own traditional family.

It sounds to me like you are being a bitter gay old man. You're not going to be fathering a child with a woman anytime soon right? So mind your business.


the sacred night
Nov 24, 2009, 5:18 PM
At least you don't identify as being male when you do not have a penis!

I think it's rather silly when butch lesbians and Trans 'men' identify as male when neither of them are male at all.

What about trans women? Or is your phobia restricted to uppity vagina-havers who dare to think they can be manly?

Nov 24, 2009, 6:20 PM
What about trans women? Or is your phobia restricted to uppity vagina-havers who dare to think they can be manly?
Hon, he doesn't like anything with female in it...

Nov 24, 2009, 7:02 PM
Wrong! I like women as friends, I just do not want sex or a relationship with a woman since I'm a gay man and there's no sexual attraction there.

I also do not want sex or a relationship with a woman who has had tons of cosmetic surgery and taken hormones to try yet completely fail to appear 'male' yet she still has a vagina and is biologically a woman and not a cisgender man like me and other bisexual/gay cisgender males are.

Do your female friends know that you refer to women as "Tang"?

If you want to get some poon tang and she wants you to shave or trim, don't cave in!

Tang usually wants a man that is smooth or shaved and NOT masculine at all. If it were up to women we'd all look like smooth Ken doll clones and have armpits and sweat that smelled like strawberries.

Nov 24, 2009, 8:51 PM
My husband and I got ours at the same time. So he described it as a bite/hard pinch. But I am a nipple fanatic, so I may have toughened his nipples up.

But that's an idea for the OP to try. Rubbing his nipples with a wash cloth and pinching rubbing his nipples to lessen the sensitivity and toughen them up a bit.

Another lil tool. Breath in on the insertion of the needle.

Thanks for the info. After 27 years of marriage I've finally gotten the wife to feel comfortable sucking on my nipples. It drives me insane. Maybe that will toughen them up. :rotate:

Nov 24, 2009, 11:03 PM
WOW, everybody keeps on describing what they think "breeders' are, and it's various related classifications and so on and so forth. Now seriously I would have thought that after 3 pages of post(s), you folks would have been a little closer to figgureing things out, but evidently not. Oh well, I guess that that's just life in the big city, HUH? :rolleyes:

Well now I need to admit that I am, at least, a little bit experenced on the subject of "breeders". You see I used to date a girl whose last name was Breedlove, and that was a good description of her too. Yep, fighting and fucking were her most favorite subjects. The fuckin part was great, it was the fighting part that just became too much drama for me, and that (I believe) is what made us drift apart. Incidently, she was a very straight one too.

So while you folks deal out your thoughts as to who and what a "breeder" is. My advice is to come over to my house and I can show everybody a picture of one. :cool:

Just my :2cents: ........ Your friend, :doggie:

Nov 25, 2009, 9:22 AM
Of course they know! Do they care? No.

In Europe we use the word cunt in various ways and even women use it so it is not offensive.

Do you want to know more of the pet names my friends and I call each other or the words we use jokingly?

What I wrote is true so what's the big deal? Don't believe me? Just pick up any magazine over the last 20 years and look at the ads for men's clothing, cologne, and other products and see how the men look.

Defensive much...

Nov 25, 2009, 9:24 AM
WOW, everybody keeps on describing what they think "breeders' are, and it's various related classifications and so on and so forth. Now seriously I would have thought that after 3 pages of post(s), you folks would have been a little closer to figgureing things out, but evidently not. Oh well, I guess that that's just life in the big city, HUH? :rolleyes:

Well now I need to admit that I am, at least, a little bit experenced on the subject of "breeders". You see I used to date a girl whose last name was Breedlove, and that was a good description of her too. Yep, fighting and fucking were her most favorite subjects. The fuckin part was great, it was the fighting part that just became too much drama for me, and that (I believe) is what made us drift apart. Incidently, she was a very straight one too.

So while you folks deal out your thoughts as to who and what a "breeder" is. My advice is to come over to my house and I can show everybody a picture of one. :cool:

Just my :2cents: ........ Your friend, :doggie:

LMFAO that's rich. I want to see the picture of a breeder!

Nov 25, 2009, 9:55 AM
Of course they know! Do they care? No.

In Europe we use the word cunt in various ways and even women use it so it is not offensive.

Do you want to know more of the pet names my friends and I call each other or the words we use jokingly?

What I wrote is true so what's the big deal? Don't believe me? Just pick up any magazine over the last 20 years and look at the ads for men's clothing, cologne, and other products and see how the men look.

My Mother always said "If your friends jump off a cliff, would you follow them?" I sometimes think she was half hoping I would (j/k)!

Just because someone else says something, does not make it ok. Would you be fine if a straight , white, vanilla guy came up and called you a C*** S****** faggot? Especially if he had a nice little sneer on his face? I bet not.

Nov 25, 2009, 11:42 AM
WOW, everybody keeps on describing what they think "breeders' are, and it's various related classifications and so on and so forth. Now seriously I would have thought that after 3 pages of post(s), you folks would have been a little closer to figgureing things out, but evidently not. Oh well, I guess that that's just life in the big city, HUH? :rolleyes:

Well now I need to admit that I am, at least, a little bit experenced on the subject of "breeders". You see I used to date a girl whose last name was Breedlove, and that was a good description of her too. Yep, fighting and fucking were her most favorite subjects. The fuckin part was great, it was the fighting part that just became too much drama for me, and that (I believe) is what made us drift apart. Incidently, she was a very straight one too.

So while you folks deal out your thoughts as to who and what a "breeder" is. My advice is to come over to my house and I can show everybody a picture of one. :cool:

Just my :2cents: ........ Your friend, :doggie:

craig breedlove land speed record blue flame dont know why but i hate earrings on men.

Nov 25, 2009, 12:05 PM
What I wrote is true so what's the big deal? Don't believe me? Just pick up any magazine over the last 20 years and look at the ads for men's clothing, cologne, and other products and see how the men look.

But where is your proof that these images are dictated by women? These are ads directed towards MEN...usually as a result of market research of what appeals to these men conducted by research teams that include MEN....and yes...many of them GAY men....so your argument that women insist on smooth men and prefer that look is without merit. Argue all you want GayAZN....you continue to insist on things being the truth because they are YOUR truth...plain and simple. The preference of women as to the hairiness of men is as varied as it is for anyone else and unless you have conducted actual studies, there is no way you can convince anyone otherwise.