View Full Version : Us: Libonous hedonists????

Mar 1, 2006, 11:57 PM
Just fuming - letting off steam.
One of the people who knows I'm bisexual is my sister. She is extremely "well married" has a perfect husband, children that go to the best school and is always invited to the best corporate tents for the Melbourne Cup.
Also, in her opinion her shit doesn't stink either.

We've just had our fortnightly lunch (she can be fun, too) and murder came close to being commited. Hers! :eek:
She has never accepted that a sister of hers could be so abnormal as to be bisexual, and even worse, be open about it!
But what got me fuming is her belief that because I'm bi, I have this incredibly hedonistic, liscentious sex life.
She probably imagines me in writhing orgies most nights (I wish at times.. :love: :love: :love: ) I just cannot convince her that actually, sex itself plays no more a part in my life than it does in hers.
(White lie - I KNOW I have more - once a year would be more than her poor hubby is granted)

Does anyone else get the same flack - that because we're different we're something like sexual athletes?

Mar 2, 2006, 12:07 AM
Does anyone else get the same flack - that because we're different we're something like sexual athletes?

No, but I would like to be known as a sexual athlete.

Too bad about your sister, I have two older ones, and I have my moments with them, aarrghh!


Mar 2, 2006, 2:15 AM
But what got me fuming is her belief that because I'm bi, I have this incredibly hedonistic, liscentious sex life.
She probably imagines me in writhing orgies most nights (I wish at times.. :love: :love: :love: ) I just cannot convince her that actually, sex itself plays no more a part in my life than it does in hers.
(White lie - I KNOW I have more - once a year would be more than her poor hubby is granted)

Does anyone else get the same flack - that because we're different we're something like sexual athletes?

There’s an old saying that goes along the lines that” Family gives us the opportunity to know people that we normally wouldn’t associate with”. The quote may not be exact but the meaning sometimes has a lot of truth LOL.
My reply would have gone along the lines of : “Sex, Sex Sex Sex Sex!! Thank God I was able to get away along enough to have lunch with you. I feel like I’ve been ridden hard and put away wet”.
I’m the oldest among my siblings and there’s an art to knowing just what buttons to push..we’ve been practicing it since you were born LOL….and if it gets you fuming then we’re doing our job.. :bigrin:

Mar 2, 2006, 3:16 AM
Carrying on from where Ambi left off: "You choose your friends but you can't choose your family" lol!!! :)

She has never accepted that a sister of hers could be so abnormal as to be bisexual, and even worse, be open about it!

We're back to that "abnormal" if you ain't 100% straight stuff again! And you dare to be open about it!! Is this just because she is embarrassed?

As many of you know my wife "outed" me in early December '05 and she, too, seems to think that as bisexuals all we ever want to do is have sex with as many people as possible as often as possible - she conveniently forgets I have been faithful to her for 15 years+!!!! lol!!!

Over the decades I have told several close friends of my being "bi" and in the main the reaction has been "yeah - so what" but I have been "dropped" by a couple of them - and treated as a "pervert" by one or two. (In fact that's just brought back a memory - although my wife has always known I was bi - the day she "outed" me she actually did call me a pervert!!)

So, finally (thank goodness!!), I have, indeed, received "flak" for being bi and it sure ain't nice!!!

Love and peace from the UK

Rupe :)

Mar 2, 2006, 5:21 AM
:flag4: :flag4: Innaminka,

:( that must have been a rotten experience!!!
:) Your sister reminds me of two t.v. characters: Hyacinth Bucket in Keeping up appearances and the perfect housewife in 'desperate housewives'. She must feel soooo happy to be conforming so much to all the social standards (not). Just think of how uptight she must be.
I imagine, one day, she'll get bored with yet another Marlborough cup, with the bedtime routine with her hubby and... envy you!!!
Until then, take care and don't let her eat at you too much, you are who you are and that's ok.
:rolleyes: Perhaps we should start at thread on close minded straight people bashing :) tips and tricks from the experts.
:soapbox: Sometimes when people say things that sound very unfriendly I say i agree with them and give it a twist. Like in your case: Yes my sex life is very varied, and I'm so sorry that yours is so boring.
:rolleyes: Maybe you should even say something seductive to your sister,
that should really freak her out (evil grin) !!!!!!

Mar 2, 2006, 10:42 AM
It's unfortunate that we have these run-ins with our siblings or what we thought were closest friends, etc....
One thing that I definitely would like to STRESS here however is the idea that those of us who engage in lots of sex (as in the sexual athlete idea) are somehow perverted or slutty. Quite honestly, this conception must stop for those of us who do engage in lots of sex with many partners. Please don't misunderstand, I realize how a moment sexually can feel degrading or cheapened. But I have held in recent years that it truly depends on the attitude one takes with oneself in the encounter regardless of whether it's with a stranger, acquaintence, or old trusted friend. I am so tired of hearing how those of us who engage in with many partners are somehow less than those that don't. I am most certainly a hedonist and I don't think any of us that are should feel badly for this. In fact, I just looked up the definition once again in the dictionary and one of the definitions of a hedonist is " One who is devoted to pleasure".....so, for me, that is a good thing. I realize that if this is something that interferes in the well being of an individual or others around them then it needs to be adjusted.
It's too bad that some are missing out....really, it's just a matter of different choices for different people. For some, hunger for sexual gratification isn't a priority and that's just fine (NOT FOR ME!!!! ...hahaha) All I'm saying is that for those of us who do have a large appetite and choose to have many experiences, we shouldn't be social outcasts unless we're harming others or ourselves in some manner. I would say to you, "Celebrate your sexuality to its fullest, whatever the choice is you make". Best wishes.

Mar 2, 2006, 6:50 PM
:flag4: :flag4:
:) Your sister reminds me of two t.v. characters: Hyacinth Bucket in Keeping up appearances and the perfect housewife in 'desperate housewives'

You have got my sister in one! Except she's slightly better looking.

And in her degfence, when she's not being "Hyacinth" she's actually fun to be with..... I'll call her Hyacinth next time she pulls a wobbly on me.

Mar 4, 2006, 6:38 AM
Hello Innaminka,
i have a sister (who is lesbian) and she still beleives that there are only straight & gay people, nothing else "people who say they are bi are just gay people in denial" and this alone infuriates me.
i have been through many years of counciling, and my councelor has even told me her self that there is in fact a mental capability for anyone to be bisexual (this woman has a PHD in psycology) so i think she would be more of an authority on this subject

Ok, back to the subject at hand,
Innaminka, i understand how you feel, and im pretty much in the same situation as you are

i really and honestly hope that everything will work out for you (and anyone else who may be in a similar situation too)

m.in.heels&hose :bipride: