View Full Version : Thanks for flying with us today--have a nice flight!

Nov 14, 2009, 10:32 AM
I have always loved flying----but seeing the vids of some of these airports around the world---it is enough to make ya want to stay home in bed!!!! lol

They neglected one other hairy airport---it is found on one of the Grendadine Islands down in the Caribbean---LIAT Airways (at least it did then-this being the early/mid-80s) flew little "puddle jumper" twin turbo prop planes into the airport--much like the strip featured in the story on a Malayasian Island airport with the same sort of planes----the runway is along a narrow coastal flat plain--with the approach both in and outbound flanked by mountains---they have to do one of those twisty manuvers right before they set up for final and land--and going out is not much better.

Other than Reagan-Washington National and JFK in New York--most of us probably will never fly into any of these airports---but if you do---have a great flight!!!


Nov 14, 2009, 11:01 AM
When I was in the Air Force, airstrips like those were known to increase your "Pucker Factor"! Imagine making landings like these, while under fire!

Nov 14, 2009, 1:33 PM
When I flew into Logan in Boston, I wasn't aware it was built on reclaimed land on the waterfront. Imagine my horror as we descended and there was no sign of terra firma until seconds before the plane touched down!

Nov 14, 2009, 2:43 PM
...What? Aside from an insane taxi-way system JFK is a cakewalk. My all time favorites are in Mexico, especially Taluca or Saltillo,MX for somewhat difficult airports. Many Mexican airports are in a bowl with mountains on 3 sides, that is how these are, also their approaches are rather complex, requiring many turns and descents at the same time with not much margin for error due to the mountainous terrain in the area. Doing them in the day time with fair weather is rather neat, but scary to know what is out there when you cannot see!