View Full Version : self piercing

Nov 13, 2009, 8:00 PM
Anyone ever done it? I just did a PA with a safety pin. The amount of precum is great the pain is ok. Looking forward to getting a real one some day

Nov 14, 2009, 1:04 AM
Anyone ever done it? I just did a PA with a safety pin. The amount of precum is great the pain is ok. Looking forward to getting a real one some day

What the HELL were you thinking? Do you want your cock to fall off?


Nov 17, 2009, 4:31 PM
DUDE!!!! In most states, those who do piercings--LEGALLY--have to have some degree of traning and such to make sure they have a minimum proficiency doing it and even more important than that---they do the work with sterile equipment---like sterlize the piercing tools in an autoclave---you take a big risk doing this yourself with equipment not meant to do that sort of thing, equipment that if not properly sterilized---can make you very sick.

I do hope that you are using plenty of Hydrogen Peroxide and Neosporine---I would suggest to you--don't do this yourself again---if you want pierced--go to a someone qualified to do that sort of thing!!

Nov 17, 2009, 4:36 PM
Seems a little Pin Headed to me...I might call that a Prince Albert, IV or even the fifth...I don't know.

Nov 17, 2009, 6:31 PM
Anyone ever done it? I just did a PA with a safety pin. The amount of precum is great the pain is ok. Looking forward to getting a real one some day

WELLLLLL now that is not smart haha. I have not done any self piercings but I have done piercings for others before...HOWEVER that was after studying about safety, anatomy, aftercare, disease prevention, so on and so forth AND using the proper needles and jewelry. Still, I would not have done anything there for a friend because...well...even professionals who do this job for years make mistakes...and I don't want to have to try to go to sleep at night knowing that I could be the cause for a possible dick removal due to gangreen or some crazy crap like that.

However, if you enjoyed it and everything is going ok, then all the more power to you I guess. Just make sure you keep it clean please! And if any sign of infection should start to pop up get it treated right away because anything wrong in that region is not something you wanna play with.

Nov 17, 2009, 7:09 PM
I keep coming back to this thread.
Why? I have no clue.
All I do know is that there is nothing that I can think of saying about anything as incredibly stupid as doing your own piercing.......any kind of piercing.

I think that the others have pretty well covered all of the things that immediately come to mind.

Nov 18, 2009, 6:19 AM
This seems like one for SNL's Weekend Update segment "Really?"