View Full Version : Out! Out I say!

Feb 28, 2006, 9:59 PM
Well, after years if being in the closet, semi closeted, out to some, but not others and generally keeping my mouth shut, I decided what the heck and came out. Not in your face out, but just gently in the course of conversation, sometimes just mentioning it and waiting for the light to come on in the other person. First I told people I sorta know, then some of my newer freinds and most recently those who have known me for years but had no clue as to my orientation. So far I've had one person have some trouble with it, but over all everyone seems very accepting .
I even bought a small rainbow patch and stuck on my backpack.. made a couple of new freinds with that one! :)
I never thought it would make a big difference if I was out or not, but damned if I don't feel good about it. A weight has been lifted that I really wasn't aware of carrying.

Mar 1, 2006, 12:38 AM
congratulations!!! It always feels better to live life true to yourself rather than live otherwise. I am glad for you and hope you will continue to enjoy life to its fullest!!

Mar 1, 2006, 12:54 AM
Good for you slaphappypud...Back when I came clean to my friends, I found it rather funny how some of my old friends became somewhat curious all of a sudden... :paw: :paw:

Mar 1, 2006, 2:48 AM
good for you mate
Im real glad for u
nice feeling eh?
best wishes

Mar 1, 2006, 3:44 AM
I envy your courage. Maybe someday I'll be able to do something like that.

Mar 1, 2006, 3:49 AM
I never thought it would make a big difference if I was out or not, but damned if I don't feel good about it. A weight has been lifted that I really wasn't aware of carrying.

*grin* Yeah, it's one of those things you can never really get across in words to people who take the "private matter, don't tell people" approach. Suddenly not saying each sentence inside your head to check it before saying it out loud.

Yay slaphappypud..... well done dude :D we all know how big a breath you had to take the first time!

Mar 1, 2006, 5:15 AM
Good on you slaphappypud!!!!

I'm in the process of coming out and it's such a relief every time I tell somebody. There are still ppl I haven't told and every time it makes me nervous. Now it's just a few more to go though. Most ppl have been very nice about it. Funny thing is that mom and sister were the least accepting (nothing too bad though). Both suggested I'd stay single (ouch! that hurt).
I think it's great that you told people. The more people that are out, the more people will accept that bisexuality actually exists, is not a perv thing and that will make society more accepting in the end. Thank you for your contribution to making bisexuality 'normal' in the public eye!!!

Mar 1, 2006, 7:57 AM
Good for you slaphappy!!!!
It is nice not to have to worry about "the secret" getting out. I still get a little anxious before I tell someone who does not know but it is becoming less and less of an issue for me. Maybe I will get a flag for the truck soon. :)

Mar 1, 2006, 11:55 AM
Congratulations! You've taken the first step in the never ending processing of coming out. Just remember, you never stop coming out, and even after 15 years you still might be nervous when you meet people for the first time.

Mar 1, 2006, 7:11 PM
Wow! Thanks for the replys! Everyone is being so supportive, it just blows my mind. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, wondering when I'm going to be chased down the road by an angry hetrosexual mob... So far nothing!
By the sounds of it, my expeirence isn't unusual. Makes me wonder why I waited so long.

Good for you slaphappypud...Back when I came clean to my friends, I found it rather funny how some of my old friends became somewhat curious all of a sudden... :paw: :paw:

Same here. One guy caught me totally by surprize, I would have never guessed that this burly, rough guy had the feelings / fantasies he shared with me.
What's more, the ones you "know" are bi seem to be the ones who run from you. But we all know what that internal stuggle is like, don't we?

Mar 1, 2006, 10:32 PM
Congratulations! You've taken the first step in the never ending processing of coming out. Just remember, you never stop coming out, and even after 15 years you still might be nervous when you meet people for the first time.

Yes, that's true Grizzle.

And congradulations SlapHappy. I really enjoyed reading your story.

Yah know... if we don't come out, things will stay as they are. And from what i've read, i don't like how they are: We get married because we think that will cure us, and when it doesn't we feel the urge to cheat... and there goes another potentially happy marriage down the drain. Yeah. I don't like how they are. We gotta come out.