View Full Version : HIV question. how worried should I be?

Nov 10, 2009, 4:06 AM
I was hoping someone here who knows bit about HIV/AIDS could help me put here. Recently I was having sex with another man (I was bottom). I didn't know his full sexual history.

We used a condom, but at some point it broke inside. Luckily he noticed before he came, and he was able to pull out. Id saw in total he was inside only for a few minutes without the protection (less than 5).

I plan on getting tested in a few weeks, but I wanted to know if anyone knew the chances of getting HIV from a situation like this.

the facts:
- I was bottom, he was top
- He was inside for 3-5 mins without protection
- He did not cum inside
- He claims he is HIV neg and disease free
- I don't know his full sexual history

Given these factors, I wonder if anyone can let me know how worried I should be.

Long Duck Dong
Nov 10, 2009, 5:17 AM
the odds are low, very low but they are there......there is no way to give you a dead accurate idea of the risk, all we can do is tell you, based around the research of the most likely ways you can catch it.....

if the other person is long term infected, the risk can be higher of transmission..... but we are still talking about 1-2% possibility of transmission depending on variables

the thing here is %'s mean nothing..... its actually more like 50% / 50% you get it or you don't, if your partner is infected.....

my advice, is get tested, and if you are with a person with a unknown history, use double condoms and stop if the condom breaks immediately.....

you only have to catch hiv once, to have it

Nov 10, 2009, 9:45 AM
You are listed as living in Toronto. If I had questions about HIV and I was in your situation, I would go to 519 Church St. in Toronto or call one of the organizations there if you are concerned about your privacy. I hope that you are comfortable enough to turn to them. They have a really good reputation as far as confidentiality and offering support.

Here is their website

Here is the info on the web cover page.
The 519 Church Street Community Centre is the hub of community life in Toronto's diverse Church and Wellesley Village. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, two-spirit and queer (LGBTTQ) communities and our allies and friends have always found a welcoming place at The 519.

We offer a wide range of internationally renowned Programs and Services that operate from an anti-oppression framework. Our public meeting space enable groups in our community to organize and find support as well as find enrichment through arts and culture.

I think that you are wise to get tested anyway. You may want to consider either refraining from sex or be more cautious about your types of sexual activity until you get the results from your tests. They will tell you how often you need to get tested or have advice for you. I wish you well and peace of mind.

roy m cox
Nov 11, 2009, 4:24 AM
i would get tested any way just to be sure and get a anal pap smear i had one and i am clean i get tested a lot just to be on the safe side :2cents:

and yes men can get a anal pap smear all bi and gay men need to get this :2cents: