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Feb 28, 2006, 6:40 PM
How many straight guys in here would let another man give them oral? And if you did would you still consider yourself "straight"?

Feb 28, 2006, 7:35 PM
I think you mean currently str8 and thats on the assumption that you dont identify as bi until you have had actual gay sex.... I'm bi curious and would but would expect to be able to reciprocate as well.

Feb 28, 2006, 8:46 PM
if i had oral sex performed on me by another man or i performed oral sex on another man i would still consider myself either straight or bi.......women still the focus of most of that sexual energy

Feb 28, 2006, 9:09 PM
I am currently a virgin to the whole bisexual scene...but am quite curious about giving and recieving oral. I belive though that once I preformed said acts...and enjoyed them enough to continue...I would consider myself bisexual, and not just curiuos anymore.

Feb 28, 2006, 9:34 PM
I would like to find out what i would think about myself if i was to let a man give me oral, and or vice versa. Its kinda like how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop...lets find out. One two three...wow that was fast.

Feb 28, 2006, 9:42 PM
I'm laughing pretty hard right now....
Except for the couple of years I went into denial, I've never considered myself straight. Even when I was fighting it I still had my fantasies and sometimes "backslid", so I knew that the idea of me being straight was just an illusion.

I guess my point is. It just dawned on my just how unqualified I am to answer from a "straight" point of view!

Sorry, I'm being no help here!

Feb 28, 2006, 9:43 PM
THis seens to me to be a silly question. Why does it matter what people think. I say just be yourself. Why do you want to know? and how does that really affect you and anyone else.

Mar 2, 2006, 2:52 PM
THis seens to me to be a silly question. Why does it matter what people think. I say just be yourself. Why do you want to know? and how does that really affect you and anyone else.
It's sort of a silly question, but in chat rooms I see guys saying they are straight but yet they either IM me asking about what sex with another guy is like or they want to see my cock. So I was just wondering what their logic or reasoning might be. Dumb old me just sort of assume the purpose of a "thread" was to create conversation, ideas, comments, etc. Thought I might get some guys willing to share what they felt. :2cents:

Mar 2, 2006, 7:29 PM
I am Bi. I notice that there are alot of Bi men around that are afraid to reveal it due to socio-ecconomic standards that have been placed on men.

Mar 2, 2006, 11:00 PM
It's sort of a silly question, but in chat rooms I see guys saying they are straight but yet they either IM me asking about what sex with another guy is like or they want to see my cock. So I was just wondering what their logic or reasoning might be. Dumb old me just sort of assume the purpose of a "thread" was to create conversation, ideas, comments, etc. Thought I might get some guys willing to share what they felt. :2cents:
Wait a second, How can these guys be str8 if they want to look at your cock? And also how can they be str8 if they are curious about what sex with a fellow is like? As soon as they ask the question, they are at the very least, if not more, bi-curious. In fact this raises a question for me, perhaps I'll post it.

Mar 3, 2006, 3:18 AM
I love oral... i would barely consider myself bi-curious. Only because i get a strange satisfaction out of giving head to guys... but i'd rather receive head from a woman. So, im just barely bi-curious. Sucking dick is as far as my bi-curious habits take me.

Mar 4, 2006, 7:02 AM
Having had more than my fair share of homsexual experiences, from blow jobs to receiving anal, I still consider my emotional self to be str8. Why? Because I adore women in every aspect. I could never fall in love with another man. That's just not me. "Bi" is just a social term, so It doesn't describe oneself. I'm just your average part time homosexual. For the fact remains, If I'm sucking another man off (which I enjoy very much), It is an experssion of my homosexual side. :2cents:

Mar 4, 2006, 8:44 AM
Romantically I am straight, but if you read Sparks note that decribes me to a tee!

Apr 26, 2006, 4:00 AM
Those guys are just kidding themselves if they think that they're straight.
Emotionally they might be 100% for women but there's a sexual attraction that they have to men as well. They're having sex with a guy!
It's an oxymoron, you can't be heterosexual and have sex with men too.

A friend of mine used to be a hustler and said how he'd blown more married men than he could remember and how they think that they're straight but how they're going to him to get a bj and not a woman.

Society is very hard on men who have sex with men so that's why lots of men think, oh it's just a blowjob it's not really sex and I'm just getting head not giving it so it doesn't count, and why they'd still consider themselves to be straight after doing this.

Apr 26, 2006, 4:47 AM
But wouldn't it be easier if we didn't get so hung up on labels and let people have sex with other people when it feels right?

I know..I know.I am naive!! LOL!!


Apr 26, 2006, 6:49 AM
I asked my man about it....he's incredibly straight and said "No Way!" He's accepting that others would, but he's had no interest and if it was offered or happened, would be polite and say no.

Then...when I asked him about why a guy would want to look at another guy's cock if they were straight (as opposed to being slightly curious) he figured it would be a 'comparison' thing...guess size (and a bit of ego) still matters.

Apr 26, 2006, 7:06 AM
A friend of mine went the full gamut, including receiving anal. He WANTED to be bisexual so much!

He came back to me very sad, "Sara, it just didn't do a thing for me!" He didn't WANT to be straight...and like it or not, he is.

I knew I was bisexual before I ever touched a woman sexually. I love hetero sex. I love men - but I KNEW I wasn't straight.

I don't think we can force labels on another. It's a self-identity thing.

curious married m
Apr 26, 2006, 7:23 AM
But wouldn't it be easier if we didn't get so hung up on labels and let people have sex with other people when it feels right?

I know..I know.I am naive!! LOL!!


I agree Kate. It is so true. Too many torment their minds with the labels.
And what you said was not naive, but an example of your wisdom and good sense. :2cents: CMM

Apr 26, 2006, 11:26 AM
Sure - labels aren't important and can be harmful but I've sucked/been sucked or fucked/have been fucked by plenty of men with wedding rings. They go off with their little gold "labels" on their fingers, back to whatever world they inhabit and I'm here with my good old "gay" label.

Let's avoid labels by all means but let's be honest with ourselves about what we are doing. If a guy's sexy and thinks I am as well that just fine but a bit of self-awareness never hurts.

Aug 7, 2006, 3:38 AM
I'm laughing pretty hard right now....
Except for the couple of years I went into denial, I've never considered myself straight. Even when I was fighting it I still had my fantasies and sometimes "backslid", so I knew that the idea of me being straight was just an illusion.

I guess my point is. It just dawned on my just how unqualified I am to answer from a "straight" point of view!

Sorry, I'm being no help here!
eh don't worry I was like that too. That's why I try to repeat the mantras "Fuck society" and "question conformity". ;)

I've been up and down the outdated Kinsey scale and I don't really think it's that good of an indication of who I am and I've come to the conclusion that I was never het.

Even when I first had sex with a bisexual man as an adult, that was the first time I recieved oral sex from a man (or from anyone for that matter, I wanted my first blowjob to be from a man in a public place and that's how I did it), it felt like a great weight had been lifted off of me and I was happy.

I didn't deny that I'd had sex with him, or blame the alcohol for it (I may have been bombed; but I was in control and I wasn't forced into anything I didn't want to do and I was safe/did safer sex practises), and I even gave him a kiss back at the bar. I wanted to kiss him outside in public but he said not to since we'd get beat up. :(

Aug 7, 2006, 10:29 AM
If someone is str8 they wouldn't really want anything to do with another guy's penis! My husband says: don't want to look at it, don't want to think about it, don't even start the subject. I consider him 100% str8 [and like him that way!]. So if any"str8" guys are interested in looking at cocks maybe they aren't really str8 ;)

Aug 7, 2006, 2:51 PM
I read through this whole post, and my husband has received oral sex and performed anal with men. He swears up and down that he is straight.

One time, when we were talking about it, I (i know...applied a label which will probably cause some people to be angry with me) but I said...you look at naked men, you chat with them, have cyber sex with them, they've give nyou oral, you've performed anal on them...those are all Sex...how can you think you are straight?

To me, that seems more like self denial than anything else. I think if you have (or want to have) sex with someone of the same sex, you are not str8.

We are still coming to terms with him accepting himself for who he is, and I know that it can be very difficult to label yourself, with the views society has on men (not women...at least not where I live) that are bi.

It's been asked a few times here why you can't just enjoy sex with whomever you please...well, of course you can. But, personally, I find the concept of wanting to see another man's cock, having sexual contact with a man, or even wanting to chat about it, and THEN saying you are str8 to be preposterous.

I asked a few guy friends this questions...and they are all straight. For the most part, they said absolutely not..they don't want to see another guy, or get head from a guy, and that if they are in threesomes...there is NO touching between the men. One guy, however, said...well, if I hadn't had sex for months and months, and was really horny, and a guy offered to suck me off, and I didn't have to touch or look at him, and no one would ever know...maybe. Probably not, but maybe.

Besides that fact, a rose by any other name is still a rose. The actual word (homosexual or bisexual) may be offensive to some. But as far as one meaning of bisexual..that you have sex with members of both sexes, goes...no matter what you call yourself....hell...ditch the bi label (one word) and say "i have sex with men and women" instead...but that's one heck of a mouthful...and means the same dang thing! :P

Aug 7, 2006, 4:09 PM
I don't really think that I could get myself to do anything with another guy being that I'm very straight I'm sure kitten would like for me to be not straight but thats how I am and honestly don't think it will change.

Mystical Light
Aug 7, 2006, 10:33 PM
After thinking about this I decided to throw in my two cents. I am not going to try and define straight, gay or bi, but rather look at why a straight male might wonder about cock sucking.

Time to trot out Bill Clinton. Yes that Bill Clinton. I believed him when he said he never had “sex with that woman” and I still believe him. I believe that in his mind, according to his world view, he did not have sex with Monica. Yes, what happened is called Oral Sex, but that doesn’t mean he had sex. I know of men who view sex as cock in pussy and only that. Nothing else is sex no matter what it is called. By this definition getting a blow job from a guy is not homosexual sex. This act does not change the straight man to gay or bi. In his mind he is still straight. You can see this in men who have been in prison. While in the “big house” they sought and got sexual relief. It just so happens that relief was from another male. More than likely a straight male. And when they get out they are back to sex with only women.

Why would a straight male be curious about male on male sex? Remember before you ever had any kind of sexual experience? Were you curious? If so why? My belief is that it was the unknown and the unknown has an allure that is hard to resist at times. So a man may very well be straight and still wonder. He might even wonder to the point of doing something. If he still self identifies as straight then he is straight. The gays have a wonderful term for this hetroflexible. Basically a straight man that occasionally enjoys the company of men.

Do straight men look at other men’s cocks? I would say 90 percent. I think it is not sexual rather power based. We are a cock centered society. Bigger is better. I have read letters to a certain magazine that said in effect “I have an average 8 inch cock.” No, the average is 6 inches. And you should have seen the fish that got away. Ok men stretch the truth a bit , if you don’t think penis size is important, read Playboy or Penthouse or any other male based magazine. Pay attention to the ads that promise an increase in size. Heck just watch TV and think of Bob. Back on topic. The point is just because a man looks at another man doesn’t mean it is sexual. And just because he is curious about cock sucking doesn’t mean he is bi or gay. While he may be by your definition it is his definition that counts. Terms like straight, gay, bi, punk rocker, skater boy, twink, foxy lady and so on only get you close to the target. Close may only count in horseshoes, hand grenades and atomic bombs, but it works here too. It gives you a reference point for a further dialogue. To quote an old book, “Ask and you will receive” even if all you receive is an answer. And if asked answer. You never know what horizon you might broaden.

For what it is worth that is my two cents. IMHO

Aug 8, 2006, 2:03 AM
< yyaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnn> gotta agree with diddy.... those guys are more than likely bi curious, or just plain ass in denial..nite all :crosseye: