View Full Version : Over the Counter Erectile disfunction aids

Nov 9, 2009, 12:52 PM
Does anyone know of an over the counter aid for erectile disfuntion?

I'm guessing if there were some, they wouldn't be as effective as the script stuff, but quite frankly I just need a little help at this point, and not all the time.

I'm an afraid of the side effects of the presription stuff.


Nov 9, 2009, 8:10 PM
Theres several that you can use Hon, that are all natural and safe. You can try Horny Goat Weed..an all natural suppliment, Damiana, used primarily as a Female Sexual Inhancer, Jojoba root, Papricka flakes, and several others. Best bet would be to go to your local Vitimin suppliment store or health food store and ask them about safe, all natural herbal suppliments to help a bit.
I use the Damiana, and man it works great. It really helps women who need a little boost now and then. :}
Good luck Sugar

Long Duck Dong
Nov 9, 2009, 9:23 PM
a gay friend of mine swears by the horny goat weed...I have never used anything so I can't comment on any side factors or risks with using it

Nov 9, 2009, 10:55 PM
There are Numerous things that can cause ED. Being overweight, lower testosterone, and vitamin deficiencies. There is actually an effect from raw oysters that help ED. But if it is moderate to severe ED then oysters won't help. Increasing Zinc, some swear by garlic (of course you should consume parsley after consuming garlic)can help in intermittent ED. Drinking can increase the chance of ED, as can stress.

If you choose to see a doctor, please get your testosterone checked. More than once, as testosterone fluctuates throughout the day and it would take a few tests to get a base level.

Also testosterone is higher in the early morning when you wake up, and will fluctuate and lessen throughout the day.

You can try an herbal supplement, and through some small natural daily changes, see if you have a benefit, before you go to your doctor.

Losing weight and exercise are a couple of "duh" things you can do, cause if you increase the healthy blood flow through your body, your aching cock will benefit :tong:

Nov 10, 2009, 1:04 AM
If you happen to go to Thailand you can get kamagra over the counter it is safe and affective only side affect is your your dick size and width increases and you can stay hard for several hours. And can still get it up the next morning.

roy m cox
Nov 10, 2009, 2:59 AM
There are Numerous things that can cause ED. Being overweight, lower testosterone, and vitamin deficiencies. There is actually an effect from raw oysters that help ED. But if it is moderate to severe ED then oysters won't help. Increasing Zinc, some swear by garlic (of course you should consume parsley after consuming garlic)can help in intermittent ED. Drinking can increase the chance of ED, as can stress.

If you choose to see a doctor, please get your testosterone checked. More than once, as testosterone fluctuates throughout the day and it would take a few tests to get a base level.

Also testosterone is higher in the early morning when you wake up, and will fluctuate and lessen throughout the day.

You can try an herbal supplement, and through some small natural daily changes, see if you have a benefit, before you go to your doctor.

Losing weight and exercise are a couple of "duh" things you can do, cause if you increase the healthy blood flow through your body, your aching cock will benefit :tong:

Being overweight um "no" i know 4 different guy's who are grossly overweight and can have the hardiest of hard penis and i wish i could get as hard as they do they even brag about how big and hard they can get i did not believe them till i saw how big the one guy is :tong: i got to see them in a gym i go to ,, so no being fat has nothing to do with and hard on ,, now hi blood presser or diabetes yeah thou's have a bigger impact on a good erection ..

Nov 10, 2009, 8:28 AM
My husband sent off for the free samples of Enzyte. He wasn't having any trouble with erections, it was more of a joke than anything. THEN he took the pills....Holy crap, did they ever work!! They increased his stamina, made his erection harder...I will swear by these pills. He had no adverse side effects from them. Cat mentioned horny goat weed and that's one of the ingredients in Enzyte. Plus you just gotta love those commercials :bigrin:

Nov 12, 2009, 2:47 PM
The real truth may be that there are NO real penis awakening recipes in stores. But, many of so called "natural" anything may even be poisonous or have strange side effects. Be aware and don't risk your health.

What is wrong with buying some Chinese or Indian knock-off Viagra or Cialis? The patented formulas have been "out there" for many years and these medications are made by several reputable drug companies, away from USA/Canada/Europe. There are many sites on the Internet. My average price has been less than $ 1.40 per 100 mg Viagra pill, 60 at a time, delivered to my mailbox. I cut them in two since very few men, short of being almost dead, would need a full 100 mg dose. I have never had a negative experience in several years, taking delivery via mail.