View Full Version : Am I bisexual?

Nov 8, 2009, 6:03 PM
Is it bisexual to get aroused by a man in drag but feel nothing when he is not crossdressing? I only like girls and crossdressers. Is this related to my fetish or am I just a biseual who is mostly straight?

Long Duck Dong
Nov 8, 2009, 6:40 PM
defination by self perception

do YOU think that you are bisexual, and do you feel comfortable calling yourself bisexual, you may be attracted to *feminine * males

Nov 8, 2009, 6:43 PM
I kind of feel the same way- crossdressing or transgendered is a turn on...still not sure why but I like it

Nov 8, 2009, 9:27 PM
To me, bisexuality means enjoying sex with either women or men...period ! In that regard I consider myself bi. Emotionally I am attracted only to women and do not feel the same emotional desire to love a man or live with a man. Being newly single again (actually separated and divorcing 2nd wife) and presently uncommitted to a woman, I actively desire and seek sex with bi couples and bi men again. I do not desire and seek out attached or unattached women for just sex in this way. I do hope to meet a special woman with whom I can again build a relationship which is both emotional and sexual, but until and unless that happens again I will remain uncommitted and my sexual orientation will continue to be bi ! Perhaps I am a closet heterosexual LOL

Nov 9, 2009, 2:26 AM
I have desire for both men and women, as a teen it was equal feelings towards both male and female. But I was closet bisexual, so I dated men, which was great. Then last year I came out to myself and to others. I met my girlfriend who is a transexual and it's been great. I still have desire for men, although the more I am in love with my girlfriend further the desire for men gets. I guess that's what love does.
I think i was always a bisexual, too bad didn't come out till I was 30.
Aslo to add, I totally find transexuals arousing, I can connect to men and women emotionally as well as sexually...I think it's really self determination of what we want to be labeled as...

Nov 9, 2009, 9:19 AM
If you only wanted sex with women who dressed in men's clothes , would you still be heterosexual ?

Nov 9, 2009, 1:01 PM
Is it bisexual to get aroused by a man in drag but feel nothing when he is not crossdressing? I only like girls and crossdressers. Is this related to my fetish or am I just a biseual who is mostly straight?

Are you comfortable being a guy whether or not you are in drag? Would you rather live your life in drag? Perhaps you are attracted to femininity in people? So many questions so few answers!

I find that attraction is never black or white, it's mostly gray. Sometimes, I find a feature in someone very attractive and the same feature on someone else just doesn't do it. I guess what I am trying to say is, know yourself, experiment and as long as you comfortable with it, embrace it!