View Full Version : Turning Point!

Nov 5, 2009, 1:32 PM
After reading golden finger’s post First same sex experience, mainly for people over 50 years of age, I felt inspired to start a thread of my own. Being 50 myself I realized that there was a turning point in my life that influenced my sexuality. My turning point was at a very young age, though I didn’t act on it rite away. I started occasionally wearing woman’s panties at 18. Though I fantasized about being with another man then, I did not act on that until I was 26. Anyway the point here being that most every one had a turning point. I would like to invite you all to tell us about your’s.
Here’s my turning point its kind of a long story, but writing is what I do. Your’s doesn’t have to be as long unless you want to. “sheepishly grin’s”
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In an old farm house in the mid west a long time ago, it is Christmas Day! With all the presents unwrapped, a young boy sits admiring his gifts he got that year. A big yellow Tonka dump-truck, an erector set, a hand knitted scarf, hat and mittens from Grandma. A new shirt from mom, from dad a big mettle service station with assorted trucks and cars a few other miscellaneous things, coloring books/crayons ect… But his most favorite gift of all was a big brown teddy bear given him by his older sister.
“Now what does a ten year old boy want with a teddy bear“ Was what his father said, his older brother just laughed at him. His girl cousins picked on him too “a grown boy with a teddy bear” tee hee “ya going to sleep with it” “ha ha” they chided. He didn’t know why he liked it he just did. So why was every one making fun of him and trying to make him feel so ashamed of it? So he stashed the bear with the rest of his gifts and soon out of sight out of mined they left him alone about it.
Finally the holidays over and visiting family gone, he’s thankful he doesn’t have to sleep with his brother another night. He had to give up his room for his girl cousins. Now the boy sit’s in his room playing with some of the new toys he got that year. When something under the edge of his bed caught his eye. It was a pair of girls panties. They were pink and silky with pretty white lace around the waist band. Probably dropped and forgotten by his older cousin.
Now I don’t know how most ten year old boys would react to this but for him this was a mega score. This was rite up there with finding the Penthouse magazine under his brothers mattress. He sat on his bed holding them, feeling them, they seemed light and nice compared to his own cotton fruit-of-the looms they were delicate and silky.
Just then mom hollers out “lunch is ready” HOLLY SHIT he nearly jumped rite out of his skin! If he was to be caught he would never live it down. So he shoved them far under his mattress that should be a good hiding place for now. After all it worked for his brothers magazine rite?
Latter that evening the house is quiet and every ones asleep he reaches under his mattress and pulls them out. How nice they felt as he’s thinking about where all the girlie parts fit into them. Now to this day he doesn’t know what made him do what he done next. He hopped out of bed and took off his tightie-whities and put them silky girl panties on. “WOW” What an incredible sensation the feel of soft silky nylon over his skin was all consuming. At first it felt kind of naughty and shameful.
But after climbing back into bed with them on, soon it began to feel nice kind of natural like it was supposed to be this way somehow. He soon drifted off to sleep still wearing them. Waking up the next morning he got out of bed and decided to leave them on. What the heck no one will know. After all no one can see through his pants rite? He pulled his pants on over them and went down for breakfast. He knew that what he was doing felt right and good but at the same time, there was a fear of rejection.
It was his family where this fear was rooted. what he knew of his parents and siblings at this time petrified him when he thought of the chiding he’d get, indefinitely, if he was caught. Now not knowing it at the time this was a turning point in his life. It was the beginning of a process that would bring shame, deception, enlightenment and pleasure throughout the rest of his life. But that doesn’t happen for several years from now.
For as luck would have it he was caught. “Stupid Stupid Stupid” Mistake on behalf of a ten year old boy. He was coloring and dropped a crayon on the floor and when he bent over to pick it up his pants slid down a little. There it was for all to see, pretty white lace and a strip of pink fabric showing above the waist of his pants.
The next thing he heard was the booming voice of his father behind him saying “what the hell are you wearing?” Scared? That doesn’t begin to describe the fear that was going through him at this moment. Jumping up his father yells “what do you have on for underwear” “get them pants off and let me see” Then grabbing him he pulled his pants down around his ankles. “What the fuck” “Why are you wearing those” “Where did you get them” “I’ll be dammed if a son of mine will grow up to be a fucking queer” then off came his belt. A spanking? A wiping? “HA” More like the worst beating he had ever gotten in his entire young life. He thought it would never stop, he just kept wiping him and yelling. “You want to be a little queer boy? How do you like being a little fagot now? Are you going to wear girls panties again, you fucking little pussy?” He was bruised and welted all over his back, on his butt and the back of his leg’s, some of them were bleeding! But that was nothing, compared to the ridicule, shaming and teasing he got from his dad and the rest of the family for what seemed like an eternity afterwards. Except his mother, she did not tease him in fact she showed him a lot of sympathy as she dressed his wounds, but she kindly explained how shameful and wrong it was to do such a thing. He had vowed to her then he would never do it again, he didn't know it at the time but he had just lied to her.