View Full Version : Remembrance Day

Nov 2, 2009, 3:56 PM
A couple of weeks ago I watched the movie, Taking Chance, on HBOC. It was the story of a fallen soldier's return for burial. It followed him as he was taken care of in Dover and then the trip to his family in Montana. Kevin Bacon stars as the escort officer. It is a moving, touching and respectful film. There is no political slant one way or the other, it simply depicts the reverence and care with which KIA's are treated. Chance Phelps is treated with dignity and respect, and his story is told the same way.

The film moved me and caused me to think about how often such a similar story is being told throughout the world. Whether it is the US, Canada, England, Australia or any other country, our fallen soldiers should be treated with respect and dignity. When I saw the film, my first thought was that this was a fine tribute film that should be shown on Remembrance Day.

Nov 11 is Remembrance Day in the commonwealth. Elsewhere, it is known as Veteran's Day. This morning, as I walked down the street, I saw people wearing their poppies. It is a symbol of remembrance for those we lost in various conflicts throughout the world. Centotaphs and memorials abound to honour those who were lost in the wars. 'Lest We Forget' is the mantra for this day. We should never forget the sacrifices made by these brave, young people to preserve liberty and freedom. It is a day to honour their commitment to duty and country, not to bicker about 'why' they were there and what their sacrifices meant.

There are few WWI vets still living, same with WWII and Korea. Vietnam veteran's are getting older. These ceremonies held throughout the land give us a chance to remember the past and, hopefully, remember the sacrifice.

At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, two minutes of silence is not too much to ask. For me, it's an opportunity to say, to those who have served before and who serve now, and to their families left behind,

Thank You
thank you for your honour and dignity,
thank you for your unwavering commitment and courage
thank you for your sacrifice.

We shall never forget

A Pittance of Time

Soldiers Cry

Long Duck Dong
Nov 2, 2009, 4:59 PM
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them. Lest we forget

I am the fallen soldier, the unknown soldier, the battle weary
I have no face, no name and no tags, no medals,
I have fought in all battles, all wars, home and abroad
I am armed with words, a voice, a weapon, a life

You may not know me, nor ever see my face
You may never hear my name uttered on your lips
You may never understand for what I fight
You may never know if I stand tall or I fell

I am every man and every woman,
I am every father and every son
I am every daughter and every mother
I am everybody, you and me

you are the veteran of war and the pacifist
you are the king and the servant
you are the tycoon and the pauper
you are the mansion owner and the homeless

I am the one who fought with you and for you
I am the one that fight for you and against you
I fought for freedom and invasion
now I fight to be remembered, do not forget me, I am the unknown soldier

Nov 2, 2009, 9:07 PM
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them. Lest we forget

I am the fallen soldier, the unknown soldier, the battle weary
I have no face, no name and no tags, no medals,
I have fought in all battles, all wars, home and abroad
I am armed with words, a voice, a weapon, a life

You may not know me, nor ever see my face
You may never hear my name uttered on your lips
You may never understand for what I fight
You may never know if I stand tall or I fell

I am every man and every woman,
I am every father and every son
I am every daughter and every mother
I am everybody, you and me

you are the veteran of war and the pacifist
you are the king and the servant
you are the tycoon and the pauper
you are the mansion owner and the homeless

I am the one who fought with you and for you
I am the one that fight for you and against you
I fought for freedom and invasion
now I fight to be remembered, do not forget me, I am the unknown soldier

Thank you LDD for sharing this wonderful verse with us. I do believe we must always remember those who have given their lives for our freedom.


Long Duck Dong
Nov 3, 2009, 12:02 AM

the first part is the returned services ode to those that have passed, and it is said every day at 6 pm, in the watering holes of the returned services assocation or the RSA as they are known in NZ.....

the second part or the tribute is my own work and was written for a friend to read at the anzac commemorations day in nz
ANZAC Day (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anzac_Day)

it took me 32 attempts and 4 months to write it..... its a tribute..... but not just to the fallen soldiers in the world wars

it is a tribute to every person.... of every generation, including ours,
not all battles are wars, fought on a battle field.... some are fought in homes, on the forums, on the streets, in goverments.... by ordinary people of all races, and cultures, ages and genders.....
because of their actions and voices, we have freedom, we have rights, and we continue to fight towards final full and equal rights.....

I wanted to honour those people that most of us will never know, never see, never hear.... whose names we will not speak.... the generations past, the present generation and the generations to come..... for what we have today.....and to say thank you and to ask everybody.... lets not forget those people, whoever they are... for its their fight that they won, that are our rights today and the fight we fight now, will become the rights of our children and their children to come......

so to whom you are and were... out there..... thank you for the chance to live my life the way I do.... as a result of your hard fought battles

Nov 3, 2009, 12:59 AM
11/11 is also veterans day here in the US.

It is one of the more ignored holidays in this country.

Whenever I can, I use it to relax and reflect on my small part as a former service member.

Nov 3, 2009, 2:29 AM
Thank you for starting this thread Baachus. A most apt one, for this time of the year and for what we remember on November 11th. Not just the many people who died during WWI, but those who have died in other wars and are still dying. I like to take it a step further and remember all the young men and women who must have died in conflicts, over the many centuries which have passed. The soldier, the sailor, the pilot serves his country, not only in war time but also peace time, but the professional is always ready to serve his/her country.

November 2nd saw the annoucement of the name of the latest British Soldier to be killed in Afghanistan. He worked on making mines and other explosive devices, safe. One of these devices killed him. He was only 30 and should have had a bright future, but now he is gone. His widow takes comfort in knowing that by doing what he did, he had saved many lives. He isn't the first soldier to die. He will not be the last.

On November 11th in my local town, everything will stop at 11am and young and old alike will stand in two minutes silence.

We will remember them. Bless them.