View Full Version : Making out on your parents couch!

Justin Chad Taylor
Oct 31, 2009, 6:45 AM
What would you do if you caught your sixteen year old son kissing his male friend on the couch?

Oct 31, 2009, 9:21 AM
Leave the room and give them some privacy.

Oct 31, 2009, 9:23 AM
I'd treat it the same way as I would if I caught him kissing a girl.

Oct 31, 2009, 10:01 AM
I agree, I know the ramifications of reacting violently to a situation like that and I would never do that. The advice above is the right thing to do, I feel.

Oct 31, 2009, 10:08 AM
They're safe so long as they do not use the velour curtains as towelling


Oct 31, 2009, 12:22 PM
Interesting question. When my children were teens (in the 70's) not sure what my reaction would have been. But, I do know it would not have been abusive. With my current (older/wiser/understanding) frame of mind, ii probably would not get any special reaction, whether it was a same sex or opposite sex situation.

Oct 31, 2009, 12:37 PM
I also would treat it as if he was kissing a girl.Then after just make sure he is being safe and tell him i understand what he is going threw.

Oct 31, 2009, 12:59 PM
With my warped sense of humor I would have probably went "Guuyyys! Ya'll cant go make out in a parked car like everybody else?? Dont you be makin' 'ookie' on my couch! grrrrr" and walk out of the room. lol
Silly Cat

Oct 31, 2009, 3:46 PM
If it is hot and heavy the same as I would say about a girl tell them to take it into his room and remind him to be safe.

Long Duck Dong
Oct 31, 2009, 11:00 PM
been there done that, I was living with a family years ago and walked in on their daughter in full on lip lock with her friend ( I was later to find out that it was her partner )

they were pretty freaked out and very embarassed as they knew the parents were out, but had no idea I was there ( i was sleeping in a sleepout and had come in to use the phone )

I just laughed and said, don't worry, I am sleepwalking and I will not remember this in the morning .... I ended up becoming a good friend to the daughter and the partner and even now we still laugh about that night.....

her parents want to shoot me as in their eyes, I encouraged abnormal behievour in their daughter instead of telling them so they could get help for their daughter and make her * normal *

roy m cox
Nov 1, 2009, 3:08 AM
um well when i was 6yrs old i was kissing my friends and they liked it so i see nothing wrong with teen boys or teen girls kissing :bigrin:

so i would give them some private time so long as they are not hurting any one or thing :tong:

and enjoy the site of love to beautiful beings and then wish that i was that age again:)

Nov 1, 2009, 3:35 PM
Let 'em get on with it. Wouldn't batter an eyelid.

May jokingly tell them to get a room, or something to break-the-ice, make a harmless joke of the situation, so they know they haven't done anything wrong.

But otherwise just let them get on with it.

Dec 11, 2009, 8:55 AM
Let them continue, I was cought while on a camping trip with the family and a friend of mine. it was late at night and we were both anxious and thougt everyone was asleep, my friend and i were sleeping in the tent on the ground right beside my dad, I slid my hand down his shorts and felt his hard dick and got so excited, i slowly slid under the coversand began sucking away, after a few minutes I came up for airand cought out of the corner of myeye, my dad was stearing right at me

Dec 11, 2009, 2:33 PM
I would most likely - as others have said - make some witty comment to ease the tension, but hopefully not kill the moment for them !

If I had a teenage child, I would be clear with them about safety, emotional maturity, and age appropriate behavior when they are getting in to puberty. By 16 as they are coming in to their own, it would be my hope to have covered as much as possible that which will help them make informed and responsible decisions.

My goal as a parent would be to help my children grow in to happy healthy adults - straight, bi, or gay !

Dec 11, 2009, 2:42 PM
Cosign. Make funny, ice breaking comment, then leave them alone.

Dec 11, 2009, 4:31 PM
Cosign. Make funny, ice breaking comment, then leave them alone.

I'd probably do the same. Sort of like how my mother in law reacted when she caught my husband and I having sex on hers lol.