View Full Version : Holiday Wishes

Oct 30, 2009, 7:44 PM
The gardens are put to bed, except for the cabbages, kolrabi, and a few other root crops. The barns are buttoned up and ready (i hope) to take on another winter. The flower beds have been groomed and the seeds put away for the next sign of spring. All is well at the farm.
I just wanted to take a moment and wish all of the good folks in this community; both those i have met and come to love, and those i have not yet made aquaintance with, the most happy and plentiful of times in this Sahmain season. For many of us, this period between now and the soltice, is a time of reflection and quiet growth. Like the plants and trees, we gather in the quiet of the lengthening night and await the rebirth of the sun at the end of December. We grow inside of ourselves and (hopefully) take stock of our world and our place in it. For me, it is a time to re-commit my life to my goals and values. To ponder the road i have traveled, where it has led me, and where i wish it to go.
My wish for all of you is peace of mind, strength of heart, and a load that is not too heavy to bear. May your travels be filled with friendship and laughter, may you find your own life enriched by the joy you give to others, and may you find hope and love along the path you choose.


Oct 30, 2009, 8:24 PM
Happy holidays, everyone!

DB :flag2:

roy m cox
Oct 30, 2009, 11:51 PM
well happy happy back and a big bunny hug to hehe :flag4: