View Full Version : Meeting people in person.

Oct 29, 2009, 10:07 AM
I've met lots of different nice people on this site no matter what their age.

But i've been wondering, how long do you talk to the person for until you can meet them, i've heard that people have waited for around 2 years until they get the courage to meet up with that someone.

so how long do you think someone should wait until they meet up with each other.. how long does it take to build up this trust.. some people seem very laid back about it.. but i worry a lot. lol.

what are your opinions on this???

thanks :tong:


Oct 29, 2009, 10:15 AM
Simple,you wait until YOU are comfortable..Then you meet in a public place for coffee or a drink .Then go from there.People that want to rush things along is a big red flag for me

Oct 29, 2009, 10:26 AM
I agree with barcode on this one, your comfort level is what you have to go by. I have been a member on this site for a few months and I realized the possibilities of meeting someone locally was remote at best. but I live in a rural area and there are not many places here for bi's to gather. Your situation is a little different as you are in a more cosmopolitan part of the world.
To me, it is like meeting someone at a club, some you will connect with more easily than with others, but the possibility of meeting someone to have a relationship with has to come from the level of trust and confidence you have in yourself. You will find a few who are sincere, some that want to simply "hookup" and some who can not bring themselves to finalize a meeting outside of the internet. As I have spoken with you in the chat room, you come across as an intelligent, honest lady and you deserve the same from a partner. Don't be discouraged but remember, some frogs you kiss are still just frogs. Good luck and always stay true to your values.

Oct 29, 2009, 10:33 AM
thanks for the help guys..

what about hook ups.. for people who say they just wanna meet up for the fun.. not the relationship..

worth it or not?

Oct 29, 2009, 11:02 AM
Well, since I have met oh so many people from this site I have some experience. I will agree with all of the above. I ALWAYS get to know the person over several months. Never met anywhere except a public place for usually a drink or a cup of coffee. I think that you have to determine your reason for meeting. For me, it was always to get to know a person that I enjoyed chatting with on line. It was rarely for the intension of hooking up. On those occasions when there was chemistry, yes the relationship turned intimate, but that was rare. I guess I just happen to be someone who enjoys meeting new and interesting people and have been privileged to have found many here. I do think there are no set rules other than safety, so go at your own comfort level.


Oct 29, 2009, 11:17 AM
I agree with Belle :) I have met several people from this site and also a couple of other sites...it is always in a public place. The time frame for meeting has varied, one girl wanted to meet me a week after we started talking and I was fine with that...another waited until we had talked for a couple of months, that was ok too. It just depends on the situation and the people involved. Yes, I have met a couple of people and it turned out to be a "hookup". It was never my intention but it just happened that way. I try not to place undue expectations on meeting someone, whatever happens will happen. If you go into it with the right attitude, you are never disappointed.

Oct 29, 2009, 12:29 PM
take your time meeting people, the time it takes to build up trust depends on the other person as well, there is no set rule. Anyone pushing for a meeting should be regarded with suspicion

Oct 29, 2009, 1:02 PM
You are in the London area so come along to the Bisexual Underground meet advertised on the Home page of this site. It may not be what you are looking for but it will give you a gentle introduction into what goes on and where.

It can also act as a common ground meeting place. Regular meet is in a pub with e.g. coffee meets at other times. Friends made could provide support elsewhere.


Apart from the whipping, branding, and the frenzied baby eating sessions we are generally quite normal

thanks for the help guys..

what about hook ups.. for people who say they just wanna meet up for the fun.. not the relationship..

worth it or not?

Oct 29, 2009, 2:14 PM
In my wildest dreams I'd never imagine meeting such wonderful people, here!

In a little over a year, I've met the most fantastic lover I've ever had, who far exceeds my expectations!

Recently, I've been chatting with someone who I have admired from the first posts. There is chance we may meet someday, too!

Where in hell was this site when I was younger?!!

Oct 29, 2009, 9:24 PM
I met someone on here that I became very close with...friendship wise. I was never looking for a hook up or intamacy. After a little over 2 yrs. of talking online and phone he made the trip here to meet me. Took a lot guts really to fly here and plan to stay for 3 days when we had never met in person and really didn't know what it would be like. But, we knew each other very well just by talking and felt it was time to meet in person and talk face to face. It went well and he's since made a 2nd trip here. We knew friendship was the most important thing we had and had it not been then I don't think the "meeting in person" would have gone as good.

It all depends on you, them and the comfort level of both of you and knowing what each expects from the visit. I don't think you set a time limit on knowing when the time is right....it will be different for everyone.

Good luck!