View Full Version : Discrimination Fact or Fiction

Long Duck Dong
Oct 28, 2009, 10:56 PM
Discrimination Fact or Fiction

How do you percieve discrimination ? and does discrimination exist as much as we say it does

we all know that there is no * equal rights * it is a fallacy that people love to preach about but is something that is actually NOT possible, in order to have equal rights, we all have to be equal and we are uniquely inequal....

that is not to say that any one person is better or worse than the person next to them, but we as humans actually do set a status and ranking to people that makes a group inequal to the group beisde them

many people will argue that, but we are quick to say that a sex offender should have no rights compared to a law abiding citizen...that is actually discrimination....and no I am not calling for * equal rights for criminals *.....

we even created terms such as * reverse discrimination * or discrimination that goes against the standard catch phrase of * I am discriminated against because of my LGBT lifestyle, I am a person of color, my religion, my gender * and say I am discriminated against because I am not LGBT, I am a european ( using that term to indicate skin tone ) my non religous beliefs, the fact I am not this gender *

but this begs the question what is discrimination, why do we bitch about it, then actively practise it ourselves.... and the answer is personal perception.
the KEY is the way we discriminate .... we are more subtle, more careful, more subdued how we discrimate and we often do not realise how biased and one eyed we are if its us discriminating against another group... but we are very vocal if they discriminate against us

I live in a country where we have anti discrimination policies etc etc.... a *paradise * of *equal rights * as some people have said.... and unfortunately, we are one of the most discriminating, racist, biased hell holes on the face of the earth, because we have equal rights.....

things like support groups and community groups are a prime example of * sublime * discrimination, if I am to use the LGBT support groups as a example.... they are for the lesbian, gay, bi, transgender community... and that all sounds good, until you look at it again..... its the LGBT support group for LGBT... and thats where the * sublime * discrimination comes into it... there is no mention of hetero / intersex / undefined sexuality / bi curious / alternative sexuality
tho most LGBT groups will say they cater for all sexualities and people, they will also say, its a group for the LGBT

its a interesting aspect of human nature, that we create * support and community groups * that practise aspects of discrimination..... but are very vocal about stopping discrimination.

but the question remains, is there actually discrimination in groups like that, or is it just the ramblings of a lunatic with a keyboard and a net connection......

yes and no.... well the rambling part is right and the lunatic aspect.... mmmm I have good and bad days.....

ok.... we have gay bars and lgbt bars etc etc.....and we have * normal bars *.... and I know that we do have discrimination in * normal bars *.... but I have been witness to discrimination in gay / lgbt bars too... seeing a hetero friend of mine asked to leave a gay bar as they are not gay / lgbt.....
the reasoning is that heteros discrimate against LGBT and are the main faction responsible for homo / bi phobia.... which is bullshit.... the LGBT community is more bi / homo phobic then the hetero community.... even religion is not as judgemental of the lgbt as the LGBT themselves....

so my friend was asked to leave and they did.... much to the happiness of the gay bar.... until somebody pointed out that the person they just asked to leave, was there with me to fix the hose system for the bar. a gay bar with no beer for 3 days.... boo hoo.....

but the point is, it was discrimination, not against the LGBT, but against a person they percieved to be a *thorn in the side * of the LGBT community

now the catch phrase there was protection for the patrons of the bar.... but there was no threat, no issue and the person was in fact lgbt friendly, thats why they were there helping me.
a case of * protection from discrimination * that had got out of hand.

I never returned to the bar, I was so disgusted by the actions of a place and group that were vocal about discrimination, and actively practising it.

but back to the aspect of * no discrimination * how many people actively discriminate against others, stating it is their right etc etc.... but also are quick to discriminate against others

home owners that may turn around and say we do not want young adults renting our home, the catch phrase there is protection of your property....but its a form of discrimination

a boss that is hiring people and doesn't hire a person due to something like LGBT, the catch phrase there is that they are choosing the person for the job with the right personality, attitude, and qualifications for the job and the least work place issue impact.... but its discrimination....

a church that welcomes people with open arms but turns away others that are not of that belief, the catch phrase there is that they want a harmonious enivoriment in a place of worship, but its a form of discrimination....

a place of employment that is hiring but requires a person to have a clean criminal record or a record that doesn't have convictions of fraud or theft, the catch phrase there is a workplace of honesty and trustworthiness... but again, its discrimination...

there are many many more examples of discrimination that I can list..... that we * justify * as non discrimination....... but I want to include one that I know, will cause debate....

in a site like bisexual.com.... a person / couple seek another to join them for * pleasure and company * married people / discreet people / closeted people, need not contact them.... the catch phrase there is that people do not want to get involved with issues ....but again.... its actually a form of discrimination....

its interesting how many people decry discrimination, yet, none amongst us can say honestly, that we have never discriminated against any group or person on the grounds of sexuality, gender, race, creed, culture, religion, age.........

we however will argue the hind leg off a donkey, that we are not people that judge others or practise discrimination..... but discrimination is biased against a person, a group or a nationality or country....

its called a opinion, a judgement, a assumption, it has many names.......but it is still discrimination.... or is it in fact discernment, discretion and safe quarding personal well being....

so the question has to be asked, is discrimination, fact or fiction, does it actually exist... or is it actually, in many cases a reaction to a issue, a problem or a thread and turned around to fit the terminology of discrimination......

now before you reply to this thread, ask yourself, if you feel you have been discriminated against.... have you ever passed judgement on another, put one person, group, race or nation above another, seen one person, group, race or nation, above another...... and why are you crying discrimination about others, but not about your own actions......

and before anybody says it.... yeah as far as I am concerned, I have discriminated against people as a employer, a business owner, a friend, a forum poster and I have used many reasons to justify my actions... and watched many of the same reasons labelled as racist, sexist, ageist and discrimination by other groups and people..... yet the same people use the same reasons against others and claim its not discrimination