View Full Version : ok ok now i know this person is stupid :/

roy m cox
Oct 28, 2009, 6:38 PM
i went up to a party store just up the street from me had to get some coffee and over heard a woman talking about her son and how he contracted bisexual , and im thinking a std or so i was thinking and stared talking to her about a good doctor he can go to for treatment and when i asked her what typ of std he had , and now hears the stupid part she told me that he has bisexual and i sead no not his lifestyle and she looked at me so funny i asked her if he just like guys or girls and she sead both and i told her that not an std and tryed to tell her its a lifestyle but you know how some people are :/

Long Duck Dong
Oct 28, 2009, 6:54 PM
lmao.... yeah.... its something I have heard before.... anything that is not the * norm * is a disease, mental illness, inbalance of the brain etc etc

unfortunately we live in a society where more and more * norm * things are getting labelled as disorders..... and if you ask me, fuckin excuses.....

the *gay fear * defence is a example of a legal standing.... now they want it as a psychological / medical defense

they are actually working to diagnosis and label the reasoning for phobia behievour against people, so it can get a label and then we do not have *LGBT phobia * we have people with a disorder which means that they do not have as much control over their reaction to LGBT people
and that the person is also a victim of their disorder, which means that they are not completely responsible for their treatment of the LGBT

lol I am bisexual and I have dystimia ( depression ) and my dystimia is no excuse for the fact I can be a total asshole at times.... it did lead to a number of issues in my life with drinking and drugs, but it was still no excuse what the things I did....

Oct 28, 2009, 8:20 PM
I wouldn't call her stupid, but she is very uneducated.

Oct 28, 2009, 10:30 PM
:bigrin: Yep, one day, a long time ago, I contracted Bisexual and it's been with me all my life. :bigrin: And as far as I am concerned, it's rather enjoyable! Like I tell a lot of folks to try it sometime as they might like it! :bipride:
Your friend, :doggie:

Oct 28, 2009, 10:47 PM
lmao.... yeah.... its something I have heard before.... anything that is not the * norm * is a disease, mental illness, inbalance of the brain etc etc

unfortunately we live in a society where more and more * norm * things are getting labelled as disorders..... and if you ask me, fuckin excuses.....

the *gay fear * defence is a example of a legal standing.... now they want it as a psychological / medical defense

they are actually working to diagnosis and label the reasoning for phobia behievour against people, so it can get a label and then we do not have *LGBT phobia * we have people with a disorder which means that they do not have as much control over their reaction to LGBT people
and that the person is also a victim of their disorder, which means that they are not completely responsible for their treatment of the LGBT

lol I am bisexual and I have dystimia ( depression ) and my dystimia is no excuse for the fact I can be a total asshole at times.... it did lead to a number of issues in my life with drinking and drugs, but it was still no excuse what the things I did....

Last year, someone down here tried that "gay fear" defense. No one bought it, but the guy claiming it and his shyster lawyer.

While we do have a lot of people trying desperately to create an idiocracy, we don't have enough people that are quite dumb enough to let that kind of stupid get away with it yet.

roy m cox
Oct 28, 2009, 11:43 PM
I wouldn't call her stupid, but she is very uneducated.

well i try ed to educate but she knew all the std"s ,

yeah right-O

roy m cox
Oct 28, 2009, 11:46 PM
:bigrin: Yep, one day, a long time ago, I contracted Bisexual and it's been with me all my life. :bigrin: And as far as I am concerned, it's rather enjoyable! Like I tell a lot of folks to try it sometime as they might like it! :bipride:
Your friend, :doggie:

well if i have a disease like this wear i can have a male or female i don't want to be cured ill enjoy it till i die :bigrin:

Oct 29, 2009, 12:53 AM
I guess I must have gotten this std thingie called bisexual before puberty, since I have been totally turned on by both sexes as long as I remember. By the way they can keep their cure.

Oct 29, 2009, 1:05 AM
I wouldnt have been able to contain myself if I had heard that someone contracted bisexuality. I would have said "Hmmm, wonder if he caught it from deinking Evian bottled water? Evian is Niave spelled backwards ya know....lol She isnt stupid, Hon. Just someone who knows nothing about the real facts of life. Like a friend of my ex-husband who came and said one day said, rather depressedly, "That god-damned Grandson of mine went and turned Gay on us. I think he learnt it in college while he was there. Either that, or he got it from his Gramma's side of the family. They gots a queer uncle in there somewhere."
I almost got my ass kicked after he left for popping off, "Yeah, but I bet he didnt go to college...." :bigrin::rolleyes:

See? People are just uneducated when it comes to something they have no valid knowledge of. Its the way of the world, Hon. :}

roy m cox
Oct 29, 2009, 4:21 AM
I guess I must have gotten this std thingie called bisexual before puberty, since I have been totally turned on by both sexes as long as I remember. By the way they can keep their cure.

hear hear "hugs" :bipride:

roy m cox
Oct 29, 2009, 4:25 AM
I wouldnt have been able to contain myself if I had heard that someone contracted bisexuality. I would have said "Hmmm, wonder if he caught it from deinking Evian bottled water? Evian is Niave spelled backwards ya know....lol She isnt stupid, Hon. Just someone who knows nothing about the real facts of life. Like a friend of my ex-husband who came and said one day said, rather depressedly, "That god-damned Grandson of mine went and turned Gay on us. I think he learnt it in college while he was there. Either that, or he got it from his Gramma's side of the family. They gots a queer uncle in there somewhere."
I almost got my ass kicked after he left for popping off, "Yeah, but I bet he didnt go to college...." :bigrin::rolleyes:

See? People are just uneducated when it comes to something they have no valid knowledge of. Its the way of the world, Hon. :}

heh and was very very Niave i think :banghead:

Oct 29, 2009, 5:44 AM
Sorry to point this out , but evian spelled backwords is naive !

Oct 29, 2009, 3:05 PM
Sorry to point this out , but evian spelled backwords is naive !

Cat just misspelled it, but the word is still pronounced ny-eeve! LOL

Oct 29, 2009, 8:48 PM
I take a good dose of men mixed with women when one of my "Bi-STD" outbreaks occur... :rolleyes::paw::paw:

roy m cox
Oct 30, 2009, 3:21 AM
Cat just misspelled it, but the word is still pronounced ny-eeve! LOL

um :rolleyes:

roy m cox
Oct 30, 2009, 3:23 AM
I take a good dose of men mixed with women when one of my "Bi-STD" outbreaks occur... :rolleyes::paw::paw:

ahh i just take the men and woman LOL :three: