View Full Version : Same-Sex and Opposite-Sex Relationship

fred fencesitter
Oct 25, 2009, 6:58 PM
Has anyone had to introduce a new opposite-sex partner to people who had only known them to have had same-sex ones? Coming out in reverse, so to speak.

Oct 26, 2009, 1:51 PM
In a sense, yes. When I was in High School I had a problem finding dates, so everyone in my class assumed that I was gay. I surprised them when I took my female girlfriend to my 10 year reunion. :tong:

Oct 29, 2009, 11:24 AM
I lived as a completely out lesbian for about 7 or 8 years in my 20s and 30s. I fully embraced my identity and my community. But then I got involved with a bi man and it was a total mind shift for me. He knew all about me and I was totally comfortable with him. But I hid our relationship for a while because I just wasn't ready to announce that I was with a guy. I had to deal with my self-perception as a bi woman which I didn't expect. When we went out in public, I knew we looked like any other straight couple and it took me a while to feel comfortable with that. I remember the first time we had dinner with another (straight) couple and I felt like I was in some alternate reality. I was definitely worried about my gay friends and what they'd think, but everyone was cool. Although, I did avoid going places where I might run into any ex-girlfriends and I didn't take my guy to dyke events. It definitely was a transition and one I still have to think about at times depending on where I am.

Oct 29, 2009, 5:19 PM
If you have the time to do the research, which a lot of us don't, you will find a thread or two on this subject with responses from both former and current members of the site.
I know that I have seen a couple of threads on this basic subject, but with differing titles, and there are more than a few folks who have been in that position; probably more than answer here.