View Full Version : Looks like "Swine Flu" is getting pretty bad!

Oct 24, 2009, 3:22 PM
It does seem that the "Swine Flu"--actually it is officially called H1N1--is turning out to be a rather serious situation with over 1,000 reported deaths now--mostly hitting those who are very young---but for those of us born after 1950--it can be deadly.

The outbreak of this flu has now lead to a declaration of national emergency here in the US:


Oct 24, 2009, 5:56 PM
Yeah...we just had a guy pass away here in our town from it...:( Its getting scary out there Ya'll. Pleaassee take care of yourselves and take precautions if you do get the flu this year. Lots of good foods to build up your systems, and lots of multi-vitamons..Thats what the Dr's up here are recommending....

Oct 24, 2009, 6:05 PM
It's getting bad here in Indy. The hospital I work at has made it mandatory that if any employee shows 2 of the symptoms for H1N1 they have to be off work for 7 days and then have to be cleared by employee health before coming back to work. Even the board of health has gotten into the act and mandated that all area hospitals restrict patient visitors to 2 and no one under 18 allowed.

Oct 24, 2009, 9:13 PM
if anyone has missed me online lately and wondered what happened to ol' Bubba ... I caught the swine flu. I reckon I made a pig outta myself and ate something < or someone> that was contagious. Heres a pic of me. Ya cant just root around on anything.

Oct 24, 2009, 9:53 PM
:bigrin: My question is. If you get the "swine flu", do you start coughing or squeeling like a pig? :bigrin:\

Awwww you know, inquiring minds want to know. Your friend, :doggie:

Oct 25, 2009, 2:00 AM
My 11 yr. old niece came home from school on thursday and was not feeling well. She said she was dizzy and light headed and had a fever. By the next morning my sister knew she had to get her to the dr. She was told she had H1N1 and my sister was given a prescription of Tamiflu for the entire family. Apparently the stuff is not cheap and if you have no insurance...it's over a $100 for one person. It works though. Got her 104 fever down and as of this morning she was feeling a lot better. Out of school for 7 days min.

Now my son and I have both had bronchitis...which started out as a normal cold and just when you thought you were getting better....then came the fever and body aches and a cough that is VERY annoying. My son has been out of school with that alone for 4 days.

This is only October....I hate to see what the winter will bring on. It's ugly out there!!!

Oct 25, 2009, 2:29 AM
All 6 of us in my hostile hostel are down with it since last weekend.

Thurs #1 son starts yakin.

Friday...the #1 daughter.

Tonight....the Mrs.

I am moving into the basement so I can avoid that symptom.
The aches and chills are bad enough.

This is a nasty bug.

Very nasty.

Oct 25, 2009, 4:14 AM
Might I suggest Black Elderberry... it has been shown in several clinical tests to be effective against all strains of the flu.

Sambuol is one of the most widely available, and is the formula that most of the trials have been tested on. The cool thing too is that it is all natural... no chemicals, it is not a drug.


But any Black elderberry extract will do the same thing...


Oct 25, 2009, 5:25 AM
Herbs and plants won't protect you from the flu unlike vaccines.

Really... you do realize that every drug on the market has it's origins in herbs and plants... all they do is find a way to chemically synthesize it...

Take Asprin.. if you knew your history you would know that it is nothing more then synthesized white willow bark.

Anyway... if you researched a bit rather then snapping a decision you could have easily found the following:

1995 (Zakay-Rones)- A double blind placebo controlled study was conducted during an outbreak of influenza B Panama. 93.3% of the cases treated with black elderberry compound saw a significant improvement of the symptoms. A complete cure was achieved within 2 to 3 days in nearly 90% of those treated with the black elderberry extract within two-three days, three days less than the placebo group.

2004 –( Zakay-Rones) In a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled study, black elderberry extract was shown to significantly reduce the duration of the flu by around four days. Significantly less people who were taking the extract took pain relievers compared to the placebo group.

2005 –(Balasingham ) During an in-vitro study carried out in London, black elderberry extract was found to be at least 99% effective against the H5N1 strain otherwise known as Avian Bird Flu.

It has been tested on all strains of the flu and is effective on all of them.

Anyway... if you would rather go with a vaccine I'm not stopping you, but there are very effective alternatives out there. I for one have always gone with natural alternatives over synthetic. It has never done me wrong.


Oct 25, 2009, 6:21 AM
I am guessing this must be a different strain of swine flu than that of the mid 70's . I was in the army then and there was a manditory vaccination for it . We in the service got a dose twice what the civilian population received . Then we attempted to play softball for the rest of the day . We were pretty much useless for anything else .

Oct 25, 2009, 8:31 AM
I've had both the seasonal flu shot and the H1N1 vaccine (nasal spray) as a precaution because I work in a hospital. Not sure that either did me any good since I'm sick. Though knowing my luck my symptoms are for something else all together.:(