View Full Version : Cruising

Oct 21, 2009, 11:16 AM
While we acknowledge the idea of hanging around furtively in a public restroom is more than a little creepy, we are a little curious as to the signals you would use if you were to want to approach a stranger in a public place. She has never had to approach anyone so wouldn't know and he has no problem approaching women as that is expected. Approaching a man though is tricky.

What are the rules and the signals to use if he wants to approach a guy and not end up in a brawl?

Thanks and have fun,

M & I

Long Duck Dong
Oct 21, 2009, 6:31 PM
thats about as helpful as a condom with a hole in it, isitallovermyface

honestly open2, use *safe * places like gay bars, saunas etc...that can help you pick up on the different * signals * and ways that people connect

even a LGBT support group is a useful tool.....

people refer to the term * gaydar * or *bidar* their ability to naturally pick up on who is LGBT and who is not...its more of a ability to * read* the nature of a person and some people are just more intuitive than others....

be careful using public restrooms, they are dangerous places in more ways than one... you risk health and safety issues, not to mention, you may be eyeing up gay bashers or cops....

if you are so determined to hang around public restrooms.... then learn about what ones are more likely to be a hook up point....watch them discreetly for a hour or so.... you will notice that not everybody uses them but can make hookups outside of them, simply by the way they act or do things....

in a lot of cases, a guy may move on you...but again, be careful

Oct 21, 2009, 7:51 PM
1. Get tested, and once a year until you stop doing on a consistent basis.
2. Use a condom

Not what you asked for, but needed advice nonetheless.

DB :bipride:

Oct 21, 2009, 8:07 PM
Personally, I hate when people walk up to me in a public place, so I wouldn't be much help. My opinion, I am hanging out with friends, or doing my own thing. When someone I don't know walks up to me I feel like they are intruding. But, I'm just a little anti-social sometimes..rofl.

Oct 21, 2009, 10:17 PM
Try finding a club that is GLBT focused and establish yourself there. We used to have one here in our area, but it shut down about the same time as Wilma came through.

Also make friends with the bartenders in those places. They know the regulars and can be very helpful in helping to hook you up with potential playmates and, at the very least, potential friends.

There are always the drag bars, which get a lot of GLBT clientele, that you can hang out with as well.