View Full Version : Coming out

Oct 20, 2009, 12:23 PM
Okay so i have been bi for about two years now. Ive only told a few people. But i have a slight problem. there is one more person i want to tell my best friend. But i dont know how he will react. Whenever he hears about something like this he freaks. but i want to tell him so bad. I had a crush on him too. Any ideas on how i should approach it?

Oct 20, 2009, 1:02 PM
I have no advice, but I want to state the obvious. If you procrastinate, it'll only get harder.

DB :bipride:

M. Wolfe
Oct 20, 2009, 5:17 PM
any kinda big or difficult news, it would probably be best to start by kinda consciously re-establishing your mutual trust with each other. "We're the bestest of pals aren't we? We can talk about anything?" kinda line.

That will prepare him for something difficult but make him mindful of his responsibility as a friend.

It's what I did, worked well enough.