View Full Version : Platonic Relationships/Romantic Friendships

Oct 20, 2009, 8:52 AM
I would like to know people´s opinion about platonic relationships and/or romantic friendships. I assume that most people know that this kind of relationships between two people are mostly based on pshychological or emotional attraction rather tan physical and sexual attraction. Back when I was younger(more or less in my early-to-mid teens), I had a couple of romantic friendships with some of my mates (both boys and girls) but it never transpired into a physical relationship, although some of them were very intense. I haven´t had this kind of relationships for a while. However, in the last months, I have formed a bond with a friend of mine, who is a lesbian, and we are pretty close with each other, even if all that we have shared is some passionate kisses. We are openly affectionate with each other, and we tend to bicker lots of times over the most trivial things (to the point that most people refers to us as "an old married couple"), but that´s pretty much all of it. We are interested in other people as well,so we are just friends who like to make up with each other...I guess.

Oct 20, 2009, 2:41 PM
This is the way I am with my former significant other/business partner. We were together for 4 years and just decided that we were meant more to be friends than a couple. I still hug and kiss the man and he never fails to reach down and cop a feel of thse big ol boobies on occasion. I in turn will grope a handful of zipper now and again, or goose him on his way out the door (Big surprise there huh!) lol
We too sound like an old married couple or a brother and sister, and always have, and will. His new girlfriend isnt happy about that, mainly because she's never had a male friend that close to her before. I have no prob giving him hugs, kisses or a playful little grope here or there because I know its not going anywhere. I dont want him back as a boyfriend, or want to take him to my bed and curl his toes, I just love him as my friend :}