View Full Version : Open relationships

Oct 20, 2009, 7:32 AM
Well, I think that this topic has already been discussed several times in this forum, but I would like to know the opinion of people about open relationships and/or open marriages. I have had some experience in the past relating to them ( some of my friends have been in open relationships for a long time, and I myself was involved on one a couple of years ago). I would like to hear about your point of view when it comes to this kind of relationships. If your significant other asked you to be in one, would you accept? Would you be able to manage jealously? Would you like your S.O. to introduce you to his/her other lovers? Would you also have other relationships? Please tell me what you think, and also if you can present an example, it would be very insightful, thank you :)

Oct 20, 2009, 10:46 AM
If, you can get three, or four people, on the same level of interest, communicative abilities and desire, there is a potential for a magnificent event to to occur.

I've never been in a successful relationship with four people, but have had both two poly relationships (one, with a married couple and one, with two ladies) and I also have been in one successful open relationship. Other attempts did not work out...for the long-run. In fact, I recently entered into a poly situation that did not pan out.

The biggest issue as I see it, is the willingness of all parties to accept the others' interest, actions and desires. Jealousy is always something that can ruin a harmonious connection and it may raise it's ugly head when you least expect it.

The only way they've worked for me is to be absolutely honest and open about my desires, needs and having the lack of jealousy, or at elast being in control of it. Unlike others' feelings, I feel jealousy is NOT based on the lack of caring, but the product of not being self confident, or understanding yourself as well as your lovers.

Anyway, those are my experiences.

Oct 20, 2009, 11:11 AM
They are personally not for more. The way I see it, open relationships is a situation where you just have a lot of "fuck buddies" except one fuck buddy in particular you are much closer to. However, that is just for me, and I've known many people in open relationships that were happy with what they did. So the way I see it is, if it works for you, then rock on:bigrin:

Oct 20, 2009, 7:01 PM
I've been getting more and more interested in polyamory as of late, but I still think of it as more of a "If the perfect situation/most amazing people ever present themselves" kind of thing, not something I'm actively seeking.

Oct 20, 2009, 7:47 PM
If I might offer my two cents?

My boyfriend and I are both bisexual, and have agreed to not close the door on other potential lovers. That being said, we also have had to learn that an open relationship does NOT mean that you can run wild and not consider your primary partner's interests as you explore.

As long as there is open communication between all parties, a mutual respect, and an understanding that any ill feelings from any of the partners warrant discussion, and need to be taken seriously, I can see that this would be a positive and rewarding experience.

Oct 20, 2009, 9:51 PM
I'd be open to polyamory, but probably not an "open relationship."

roy m cox
Oct 22, 2009, 12:00 AM
hmm my boy friend and i are in a open relationship he sezz i can have a girl friend to and i am looking but no luck so far tho :(

so i sad he can have a second boy friend to and he wants me to have fun with the both of them to and i wont mind it a bit :bigrin: