View Full Version : Used Bear's Final Journey Home

Oct 19, 2009, 7:50 PM
I wish to thank ALL of those kind folks who have showed their support by calls, texts, emails and posts of remembrance and encouragement since we learned of Used Bear's sudden death. This is a fine example for those who do not believe this site is indeed a community.

Bear had said in many moments of jest...that I should speak at his funeral. I never thought that day would come, but today I fulfilled my friends wish and reflected on my friendship with him. I have been asked to share my thoughts with you. Kindly forgive the length....

He was laid to rest on a hillside under a cherry tree overlooking Giants Stadium.....just as good as front row seats at a game.

Good Morning,

Melissa thank you for allowing me the privilege to share my thoughts, feelings, remembrances of your father, my dear friend, Bear.

Nicholas DePalma was a cantankerous old bastard. I can say that with a laugh and honesty because we all know it is true. HE told me that often. He would often say, and I quote “ I am a tough bastard….I am Dago tough, I am Harlem tough, I am DePalma tough.” Tough he was, there is no doubt, but he was also a giant, a Gentle Giant of a man who was not afraid of anything or anyone and above all…Proud. Proud of his heritage, proud of growing up in New York and proud of his family.

I heard of the years growing up in Harlem, a white Italian boy who used to take the train to Spellman High School. He was the boy who was not afraid of speaking his mind…. be it now or in his youth. When he was concerned about something, who else but Nick would have called the governor of NY and have gotten to speak his peace. Or the white kid that stowed away in a bus load of older black women who went to Washington DC to hear Martin Luther King speak. I am not sure what made him so determined in his convictions but I suspect it was growing up in the neighborhood he was SO proud to have been a part of and accepted by those of many cultures, which surrounded him. I remember on many occasions when people of so many nationalities would be surprised when Nick would talk to them in their native language and be genuine in their background.

My memory is such that I can not possibly remember all that Nick shared with me of his younger days but some of the stories I can recall was the time that other electrical workers came from England to work and he and his dad took them to an outing were there were clams. Nick and his dad ate and ate and ate bushels of cockles so the limey’s went back to tell their co-workers they never remembered any two men eating so much. I remember him telling me of how his mother would send him to shadow his sisters on dates…to keep them in sight and make sure no harm came to them. He was the big brother that I always wished I had. Just recently he waited patiently for the phone call to hear of his sisters health and relieved when it did come with good news. He spoke and was a prime example of the stubbornness of the DePalma men and complimented with the generosity of his mom…giving to others who were less fortunate at holidays.

I know that Nick was devoted to his beloved mother. One story that is foremost was the day that they learned of the death of Judy Garland. How they traveled in the pouring rain to NYC to pay tribute to a woman they both admired. A fond smile came to his face when “ Somewhere Over the Rainbow” played when I was with him. He said his mother instilled a love of music in him, which would last a lifetime. His love for her and their special bond served as a guide for all the women who would become important in his life….sisters, wife, daughter, and friends whom I count myself proud to be in the company of.

He was proud of his heritage. He spoke so often of the constant connections and contributions of Italians in every facet of life. From Michangelo and DaVinci to Rudi Guliani. Bottocelli to Bellini. From the operas of Puccini and Verdi to the voice of Pavoratti and Mario Lanza. Frank Sinatra to Tony Bennett. I remember when he was first introduced to Barbara’s mother, she mentioned a love of opera and he got on the phone and sang her an aria. He was the true meaning of the phrase “ a man with a song in his heart”. I can not even count the times when a single word or thought would spark him into song, even when standing in line at the grocery store. Oh the looks I would get from those around us when he would burst into a show tune or “ La Donna e Mobile” or “ Toreador Song from Bizet’s Carmen. He was thrilled that he was going to see Carmen at the MET as a Christmas Gift from Dan and Melissa. He shared his love of music with others and me as well. I remember in June when he and Craig and Susan and the children were at the Cape and we sat on the deck and between the two of them you could see the joy of music in their eyes when they talked of the great Jazzmen. Music was so important to Nick that he supported WGBO and Ivette, Barbara and I were privileged to have been his guests at many of their events.

No one could excel in cooking like the Italians did Nick would say…and could he cook, and as of recently, bake. He loved to eat…. he loved food with a passion and many of my most treasured moments with Nick were spent in the kitchen. We used to watch the Food Network simultaneously and concoct new recipes. As you can tell….it was something Nick and I shared to the fullest.

Nick liked being around the children in his life. He would look forward to the trips to Pennsylvania knowing that he would see Michael, Kaden and most recently Casey. They were a handful he would say but I doubt he would give up one moment spent with them even on vacation in Disney when his legs ached. He loved coming to Boston or the Cape knowing that our daughter Kendall and my nieces and nephews would be there to catch up with Uncle Nicky. He was so looking forward to meeting our new little Quinn.

Nick was not a man to shy away from expressing his thoughts or opinions on anything…be it politics, health care, the economy, religion or the cost of tea in China. Even of sports…he was a brave enough man to come to Boston wearing a Mets, dreaded Yankee or Giants cap…no easy feat in our neck of the woods. The endless bickering and bantering of Nick and Tracy about the Red Sox and Patriots will not soon be forgotten. He spoke, or wrote with such conviction and sense of the common man that several of his writing were published. Nick possessed a love of WORDS. He wrote to convey every sense of emotion. He had several stories to tell within him and shared them with us. At the first of the year he shared a story he wrote of a Native American who was a wise man that foretold the future when tragedy struck and he became everlasting…perhaps that man exists. Cat will have to finish the story. He loved to write, that is one of the many things that Nick and I and others whom we met on line had in common.

Yes…. I met Nick on line. In a chat room nearly five years ago about this time and met in person about five months later in person with my daughter and nephew Andrew. It amazes me that in these five short years this man has become such a part of my life and that of my family. I met Bear, Used Bear as those of us on line have come to call him to be exact, in a chat room and found a common bond of music, politics, food and old movies. When I found out that he was in the electrical business I had many a question for him as we were building our new home and had some difficulties. He was always happy to answer this blonde's questions no matter how trivial or dumb. He always called me Belle, Blonde Belle but never dumb.

People say that you have to be careful about whom you chat with online and that it is a new world out there and to be cautious. Yes that is true no doubt, but for every bad example a good one exists. I am proud and privileged to have met Nick on line and all the other fine people who have come to be our friends. I have always said that people come into your life for a reason and perhaps you do not know why until they are gone. Nick was lucky to have met some wonderful folks who would indeed become important parts of his “other family”. There is a wonderful group of people who are also saddened with the news of Nicks passing and I have been asked to express their deep sorrow for his passing and to convey to you all the sheer joy that this “Ever Luvin Bear” has meant to them. From the mountains to the seashore from the heartland of America to the lands down under, friends, and I call them friends have expressed their love and admiration for a man who touched them. Perhaps it was a word of encouragement for a young man working on a Boy Scout badge, to staying up late to talk someone through a crisis, acting as mediator in a discussion to tips on cooking, or editing a story or article. Nothing was ever too trivial for Nick to take the time to listen or give advice to. Nick was a man blessed with friends. Two of those dear friends have been taken from him in the last year and a half and I know without a doubt they left a hole of sadness in his heart. My only consolation is that Nick will not be alone in heaven. He has the finest table in the house with his mom, Huney and Barbara at the table of four.

I have spoke of the many things Nick was proud of but there is one, which he was most proud of…his daughter Melissa. I remember the first time I met her on a visit to Hackensack…saying hello then off to study. I heard of the times when they would listen to the Prairie Home Companion. The times of her Sweet Sixteen cruise. He beamed with pride when he showed the pictures of her induction into the honor society at school and knowing she will earn her degree shortly. She shows her dad’s determination and diligence as she works and goes to school. I came across an email that he sent me in April of 2008 on a day when he was down, and he did have them as we all do. When talking about his life and thoughts of the future. His wish for the future was that he wanted to see his daughter walk down the aisle. He was so happy that Melissa had found a good man in Dan that she could share her life with. That dream came true when he was in Las Vegas last month to share in that special day with them. He loved you so much my dear.

May this burly gentle giant of a bear be blessed with a wonderful time in eternity and I know with certainty that he shall be looking down upon us all, with a cold, dry martini with olives in one hand and a fine cigar in another telling us to stand up for what we believe, take no shit from anyone, enjoy and cherish music and the arts, learn from those who have come before you and share your knowledge with the ones who come after you and most importantly tell those whom you care about what they mean to you and never be afraid to tell them you love them.

Dear Bear, you may have left us, and your journey on earth is done, but you shall always have a special place in my heart for making me a better person to have known you.

Rest in Peace my dear Sweets.

Your Ever Luvin

Oct 19, 2009, 7:54 PM
That was lovely, Belle....and thank you for sharing this with us!


Oct 19, 2009, 7:55 PM
Awww Belle, you are such a sweetheart and that was beautiful.

Oct 19, 2009, 8:12 PM
Belle ,That was indeed a fitting tribute too the Man. Once again you show why so many on this site love you,including my self. Very well done...

Oct 20, 2009, 12:25 AM
I know our Friend and Brother Bear would be extremely please with his final resting place, and that he was very proud that you spoke from the heart for him.
You did beautifully, Honey. :}

Oct 20, 2009, 10:53 AM
That was wonderful Belle. I'm sure it was very hard for you to read. God bless you for doing that for Nick, his family, this family and for yourself. No one could have said it better!!

Oct 20, 2009, 11:35 AM
I hope when I'm gone, Sweet Belle, that I have one friend like you to say that I was loved as much!

That was absolutely heart-rendering.

Oct 20, 2009, 12:39 PM
Wow. I didn't even know him, yet I'm teary. It sounds like he had a wonderful life. And A lot of it was because of you, Belle. Extra special.

Oct 20, 2009, 1:01 PM
That was a beautiful eulogy. I didn't know bear, but now I feel I kind of know him. Thanks, Belle.

DB :bipride:

Nov 4, 2009, 10:05 PM
Dear Sweet Belle - you formed an ensemble of such eloquent words, descriptions and tales of a man we all came to love and respect. I am saddened because I never had the opportunity to meet Nick in person, or to sit down with him and have a truly great conversation while smoking a good cigar on your porch or at the Cape.
However, it is because of the caliber of such a fine man as Nick and the truly caring sweetness of friends like you, that really make up "our little slice of heaven" here online. Our family.
Thank you Belle - always your friend

Doggie :doggie:

Nov 4, 2009, 10:48 PM
Belle, thanks.

That was a powerful and moving eulogy.

curious married m
Nov 5, 2009, 7:33 AM
This thread is about a very much loved chatter who recently passed away and your post about some dating site is innappropriate. I hope that Drew may consider deleting your post and restoring this thread to the respect it deserves. If you want to advertise another site START a seperate thread and not stain this one. :2cents:

P.S. to Drew if you do delete Lorry's tasteless ad. Remove mine and restore this thread to what it was intended, the memory of the late and always
Ever Luvin Bear

Nov 5, 2009, 8:48 AM
This thread is about a very much loved chatter who recently passed away and your post about some dating site is innappropriate. I hope that Drew may consider deleting your post and restoring this thread to the respect it deserves. If you want to advertise another site START a seperate thread and not stain this one. :2cents:

P.S. to Drew if you do delete Lorry's tasteless ad. Remove mine and restore this thread to what it was intended, the memory of the late and always
Ever Luvin Bear

Thank You CMM for your word and the respect that you have shown.


Nov 5, 2009, 11:31 AM
I'm sorry I have not posted myself before now. I am grieving the sudden loss of UsedBear myself. Thanks to all who have shown their love. UsedBear, you will be missed by all of us. We all love you, and we will all miss you!

Nov 5, 2009, 3:41 PM
Thanks heaps Belle.

its taken me longer then i wanted to post a reply or Thanks and love, But its still a great shock to me.

*huge Huggles*

We will all miss our Bear very much so! but we all loved and cared for him and that will never go away!

Nov 5, 2009, 5:52 PM
I have looked at this post several times and each time I have wanted to post a reply. I would start and then get upset and bail. My eyes are tearing up a bit as I write this but I will not bail this time. I want to thank you Belle for the wonderful thoughts and the way you expressed them. I consider myself lucky to have known Nick and have spent time with him in person and count him as a friend. He was a good friend to me. I have had the thought to pick up the phone and call him and remembered that I cannot talk to Nick any more, on the phone at least. I miss Nick and will continue to miss him and that is ok. I am sure that I will continue to learn from my friendship with Nick since I will remember the conversations we had and the time spent together with great fondness.

Thank you again Belle for your wonderful words.

Nick, I wish you well on your journey my friend.

Nov 5, 2009, 7:33 PM
I have looked at this post several times and each time I have wanted to post a reply. I would start and then get upset and bail. My eyes are tearing up a bit as I write this but I will not bail this time. I want to thank you Belle for the wonderful thoughts and the way you expressed them. I consider myself lucky to have known Nick and have spent time with him in person and count him as a friend. He was a good friend to me. I have had the thought to pick up the phone and call him and remembered that I cannot talk to Nick any more, on the phone at least. I miss Nick and will continue to miss him and that is ok. I am sure that I will continue to learn from my friendship with Nick since I will remember the conversations we had and the time spent together with great fondness.

Thank you again Belle for your wonderful words.

Nick, I wish you well on your journey my friend.

Thank you Darlin.........HUGS to a dear man. I never would have thought that I could have gotten up in front of that large group of people to speak. But my desire to express my reflections, and the thoughts of many gave me inspiration to go forth. Our friend was a great guy and friend to many. The outpouring of sentiments has certainly shown that.


Nov 5, 2009, 7:59 PM
I really wasnt going to say anything else on this; one, because everything had been so beautifully said by our Belle, and two, because it hurt too much.
I know Nick is proably so very touched by the out-pouring of loving comments made for him..He always loved this little sometimes disfunctional family, and I know this has probably made him smile greatly.
We often talked of Spiritually, and the Native American heritaghre. He said even tho he was of the Blood, he identified with it. He knew there was a great journey waiting for him and he said he didnt fear it. He was a big bear of a man with a heart the size of a mountain, and I often called him Dovi.(Cherokee for Brother)

I feel like I have lost another of my brothers, having already lost 5 biological ones, but I know his pain is through, and he is always with us, so I wont grieve any longer. He remain in the hearts and minds of many people; people who knew and loved him, and he loved them as well. :}
Payello Dovi Yona. (Be safe and well until we meet again, Brother Bear);)
Wesachie, Cat

Nov 5, 2009, 8:59 PM
Nev reely knew Bear 2 well..a few wee chinwags an a giggle or 2 but cant say me reely knew him.. but can say 'e wos always the perfect gennelman wen we spoke an kno 'e'll b missed not least by me gorge tall lady from Boston. Am sorry Belle me luffly for ya loss..an sorry 2 all who luffed 'im..an to us for Bearie wos 1 of our own...an it always is a sore thing wen we lose 1 of our own.. kissie from Fran 2 the Bear.. muuuuuaahhhhh :)