View Full Version : Little confused...

Feb 26, 2006, 3:12 PM
I'm not really confused about my sexual orientation, but it has been a year since I was with a girl and lately it has become more difficult to fantasize about the opposite sex, I've only been with a guy sexually since this fall...

I had no difficulties fantasizing about girls/women when I was with the last girl, is this common?

Is it common for you/others to experience this?

Feb 26, 2006, 3:19 PM

I'll let other people weigh in on this issue, but I anticipate that many people will tell you that your fluctuations are common and should not be cause for alarm. I know I go through gay and straight phases, like a pendulum. Scientific studies differ in their stances, but some researchers have found it common for people to go back and forth in their sexual attractions over their lifetimes. I am sure that others on the forum, though, can tell you much more than I.

J :rotate:

Feb 26, 2006, 4:21 PM
My fantasies and attractions fluctuate. I think that is what makes me bi. If I did not have fantasies about or attraction to men I would be straight. If I did not have fantasies about or attraction to women I would be gay. I have both and not always to the same extent. Sometimes it is flavored more by what I had most recently sometimes it is flavored more by what I am hoping to get. :) I do not worry about it anymore. I just go with the fantasy and enjoy it. :bigrin:

Feb 26, 2006, 4:56 PM
My fantasies and attractions fluctuate. I think that is what makes me bi. If I did not have fantasies about or attraction to men I would be straight. If I did not have fantasies about or attraction to women I would be gay. I have both and not always to the same extent. Sometimes it is flavored more by what I had most recently sometimes it is flavored more by what I am hoping to get. :) I do not worry about it anymore. I just go with the fantasy and enjoy it. :bigrin:

Rumple - I couldn't agree with you more!!

Rupe, London, UK :)

Feb 26, 2006, 5:04 PM
thanks rupe - always nice to know i am not alone :)