View Full Version : fustrated with indisission

Oct 19, 2009, 2:49 AM
Im getting fustrated at all the B.S. going on with these so called... Bisexual Males coming on with their false adds, claiming to be something that they WISH, FANTIZISE, HOPE, DREAM, VISIALIZE they hope too be some day.
they need to stop wasting everybodys time, and go too some str-8 website and play their stupid games there. I've ran into alot of that since i've begain this lifestyle. Its really sad, That some people need to play such stupid head games.:disgust::disgust:

Long Duck Dong
Oct 19, 2009, 4:35 AM
welcome to the bisexual community .... community as in diverse community...its got many kinds of bisexual people

not everybody is here to sleep with you, fuck you, or talk with you.... many of the bisexuals here are happy to chat in the chat, read the forums, post threads..... but the majority are intelligent, mature bisexuals that often have feeling thoughts and emotions.... and actually have discretion and discernment about who they wish to have contact with.....

just cos you can not get laid when you click your fingers, doesn't make it others fault or responsibility.... and nor does it mean they are dreaming..... it means that they are not interested in you...and thats not a crime... its a sad fact of life.....

there is something called friendship and companionship and thats what people come here for as well.... so they tend to ignore pick up artists.....
which is what I would be assuming is going on here....

as for slamming people for not doing or being what YOU think they should be.... lol.... there is a saying... * what people say about others, is often truth about themselves..... * think about it

Oct 19, 2009, 6:56 AM
I agree with LDD.

However, if you are patient, maybe revising your profiles where you post to make it short, direct and honest, someone will show up some day. When you least expect it, the person(s) will appear, who will be exactly the one you're looking for.

In the 55 years that I've been sexually active and bisexual, almost every male I've been with was a surprise! I've searched for the ladies, but only once did I make an effort to enter a relationship with a guy. I've had 8 m/m LTRs, since I was 14 and everyone, but one, was well worth the wait. (Never once had a one night stand, or sex with anyone I didn't know well and trust)

Don't give up; maybe you need to change your approach, redirect your efforts. No matter what your interests and desires are, there's someone out there who feels the same ................and is looking for it, too!

Oct 19, 2009, 8:15 AM
welcome to the bisexual community .... community as in diverse community...its got many kinds of bisexual people

not everybody is here to sleep with you, fuck you, or talk with you.... many of the bisexuals here are happy to chat in the chat, read the forums, post threads..... but the majority are intelligent, mature bisexuals that often have feeling thoughts and emotions.... and actually have discretion and discernment about who they wish to have contact with.....

just cos you can not get laid when you click your fingers, doesn't make it others fault or responsibility.... and nor does it mean they are dreaming..... it means that they are not interested in you...and thats not a crime... its a sad fact of life.....

there is something called friendship and companionship and thats what people come here for as well.... so they tend to ignore pick up artists.....
which is what I would be assuming is going on here....

as for slamming people for not doing or being what YOU think they should be.... lol.... there is a saying... * what people say about others, is often truth about themselves..... * think about it

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Oct 19, 2009, 9:29 AM
welcome to the bisexual community .... community as in diverse community...its got many kinds of bisexual people

not everybody is here to sleep with you, fuck you, or talk with you.... many of the bisexuals here are happy to chat in the chat, read the forums, post threads..... but the majority are intelligent, mature bisexuals that often have feeling thoughts and emotions.... and actually have discretion and discernment about who they wish to have contact with.....

Kudos, LDD! That's precisely what I come here for. Companionship, exchanges of points of view and understanding from people like me.
I'm not interested in finding a sex partner at all. I have a life partner already, which is something that's clearly stated in my profile, but yet the very few times I've chatted I found SOME people who didn't care and made a pass at me nonetheless. But this did not make me change my opinion about the community as a whole, which is a source of invaluable support for me.
Thank you for expressing it so well.

Oct 19, 2009, 10:58 AM
After reading many of the emails I receive about someone wanting to meet with me, I wouldn't go near them with a 10 foot pole never mind my 8 inch pole.

LOL. If I had an 8 inch pole, I would feel the same way haha.

Oct 19, 2009, 11:43 AM
well i appreciate all your feed back, but i think you have gotten me all wrong. im not trying to sleep with everybody ,and i dont think i can snap my fingers and someone comes running. i think you missed my point. point being...there's a lot of flakes out there just playing games. that's all. dont make me out to be some sort of self centered jerk. because ..im not. anyway, thanks for your your comments.:bigrin:

Oct 19, 2009, 1:45 PM
well i appreciate all your feed back, but i think you have gotten me all wrong. im not trying to sleep with everybody ,and i dont think i can snap my fingers and someone comes running. i think you missed my point. point being...there's a lot of flakes out there just playing games. that's all. dont make me out to be some sort of self centered jerk. because ..im not. anyway, thanks for your your comments.:bigrin:

That was kind of our point too...just because there are people out there that are confused or a bit "flakey" because they are unsure about themselves doesn't make them a game player or someone who is a waste of time. It's attitudes like that that makes it hard for some of these people to find themselves at all though, so be careful while judging.

Oct 19, 2009, 8:08 PM
welcome to the bisexual community .... community as in diverse community...its got many kinds of bisexual people

not everybody is here to sleep with you, fuck you, or talk with you.... many of the bisexuals here are happy to chat in the chat, read the forums, post threads..... but the majority are intelligent, mature bisexuals that often have feeling thoughts and emotions.... and actually have discretion and discernment about who they wish to have contact with.....

just cos you can not get laid when you click your fingers, doesn't make it others fault or responsibility.... and nor does it mean they are dreaming..... it means that they are not interested in you...and thats not a crime... its a sad fact of life.....

there is something called friendship and companionship and thats what people come here for as well.... so they tend to ignore pick up artists.....
which is what I would be assuming is going on here....

as for slamming people for not doing or being what YOU think they should be.... lol.... there is a saying... * what people say about others, is often truth about themselves..... * think about it

I agree with Rissa..well said dear man.

roy m cox
Oct 19, 2009, 11:36 PM
:( i was in the same boat i know how you feel :(

but don't give up you'll find that one person or 2 i hope that'll be grate for you


but keep looking ;)

Oct 20, 2009, 12:00 AM
You'll find flakes everywhere not just on a bisexual site.

I've met tons of flakes on sites geared towards gay men and in gay/GLBT bars.

Oct 20, 2009, 3:31 PM
That was kind of our point too...just because there are people out there that are confused or a bit "flakey" because they are unsure about themselves doesn't make them a game player or someone who is a waste of time. It's attitudes like that that makes it hard for some of these people to find themselves at all though, so be careful while judging.

look who's talking about judging lol

Oct 20, 2009, 3:50 PM
look who's talking about judging lol

I said "be careful while judging" not "don't judge". I WAS being careful while judging. If I wasn't I would have said "Stop being a pile of shit" to you.