View Full Version : Do people really want to connect or just dream?

Oct 17, 2009, 9:54 PM
I've been on this site for some time. I have to wonder if most people really want to connect in the sweeet flesh of sex or just fool around and fantasize butg never close in a clinch. Can anybody advise whether you are for real or just dreaming?

Oct 17, 2009, 10:57 PM
Well, so far, I've met 3 great folks from here. One's turned out to be one of the most fantastic finds you can imagine. The other two were great, too, but time, distance and a few things prevented more from happening.

I didn't come here with an idea to connect with anyone.....but in a year, I've personally met 3 of the greatest folks I've ever known.

There's more I'll probably never meet, but I am still happy that I found the empathy, intelligence and common interests, here.

I don't think this is really a site dedicated to connecting people, but it does happen.

Maybe you just haven't met the one who's on the same wave-length, yet.

Don't give up.

Oct 18, 2009, 12:00 AM
Yes we do. Yes we have. We are lucky to have met one of the nicest, and sexy couples we could have dreamed of meeting!

A good relationship has just developed!

Oct 18, 2009, 12:37 AM
No offense but...here we go again...

Oct 18, 2009, 9:35 AM
real just can't find anyone in the mesquite nv area:(

Oct 18, 2009, 10:41 AM
Since I joined, it's been my experience that a lot of people are not looking to hook up here. Most of the people I know are here to spend time getting informed, getting advice, chatting with like-minded individuals, and especially making friends in the chat room.

I don't mean this to sound critical, but your comments in your profile might be one reason you have been unsuccessful at meeting someone... it's a matter of respect for the other person:

.......Why on earth do you people list on this site and even check it every day if you're too scared or rude to respond. You really find being here a cheap kick? How weird! What a waste of your time and mine.

Sometimes people don't respond because they might be busy in private messaging... tending to think the worst of people isn't very welcoming.

If you are seriously looking for a hookup, parker, try Craigslist at http://tucson.craigslist.org/

good luck !~

Oct 18, 2009, 1:15 PM
Most of the people I know are here to spend time getting informed, getting advice, chatting with like-minded individuals, and especially making friends in the chat room.

Exactly. I'd certainly love to find some local bi folk here, but that wasn't my intention in joining the site. It's just nice to communicate with [for the most part] like minded folk. It can be quite lonely being bi for some people depending on their social circumstances.

roy m cox
Oct 19, 2009, 12:04 AM
id love to meet any one hear and have a good time with any one and i don't mind chatting with people and making good friends like every body hear on this site my boy friend and i are in an open relation ship we just love any one we meet up with :male::male::female::female:


Oct 19, 2009, 12:25 AM
Hey Parker123, nice to see that you considered the 'more flies with honey' approach and adjusted your profile ;-)

Ive met the most incredible people (both same and opposite gender) in person from bisexual.com, though I was only looking for support and friendship. HOWEVER, (inserting disclaimer here), I spent a *lot* of time in the chatroom and really getting to know each of these individuals before meeting ANYONE in person. It was never just a 'hook up' but a long-standing friendship with a spark of something special.

IMHO, if you really wanna meet people in person: spend time in chat, reply to posts with your views and opinions, & let people from your area get to know you better. Hey, if you make friends, you're sure to come out ahead... :bigrin:

~Sapphy~ :tong:

Oct 19, 2009, 12:46 AM
I've been on this site for some time. I have to wonder if most people really want to connect in the sweeet flesh of sex or just fool around and fantasize butg never close in a clinch. Can anybody advise whether you are for real or just dreaming?

Well I want to connect just have'nt had any luck in doing so. It'll happen one day I hope.

Oct 19, 2009, 7:04 AM
Well, that´s mainly the problem with Internet. You can have a wonderful relationship with someone on the net and then, when you meet them in person, realize that the attraction you felt towards him/her was based mostly in the idea that you had of them. To tell you the truth, I have just been on this site for less than a week, so I haven´t had time to properly connect with anyone, but I have heard amazing stories about this site so I decided it was worth a try to see if I met someone, even it was someone from another country. Hope you have luck meeting someone ;) Just dont force anyone into it , the best things of life always come when we least expect them

Oct 19, 2009, 1:19 PM
I would Love to meet several people from on this site, but not for sexual purposes. I'd just like to meet them and Talk to them. (well...maybe a couple of huggs and kisses too...lol)
I've met so may from here that I consider wonderful friends, and it would be a priviledge to si and share a meal and some fantastic laughter. (And I'd park my truck where Show couldnt find it...lol)'
I met a young man from here, took him to a party and a year later he married my sis! lol
So you see, its not all about sex, its about the people you meet and befriend on here. If all you're looking for is sex, then check out that meat market called Craig's List.
Keep trying, one cannot have too many friend's. :}
Cat's :2cents:

Oct 19, 2009, 1:58 PM
It is very true that connecting here is not very productive...
However as so many have already stated, it's a great place to connect for information, sharing thoughts and feelings, and to realize that there's so many like us from everywhere.
I must admit, that I would like to connect more often for just the fun of fulfilling my appetites from time to time.
What would really be ideal is to meet that certain someone for a significant relationship. But even here, no one has ever stepped forward for that reason. It would be exquisite to meet such a person or at least have someone move beyond the fear of at least meeting. I thought for certain when I first became a member that I would meet such a person here. I still haven't given up on that idea as I trust there is someone who really desires the same thing understanding the sexuality...
Though I've been here for a few years now, my advice would be don't give up. There's some really great people here....I have actually had one person who I am very close to and did meet from here 3 years ago. Though we live far apart, we will always care for one another. I know there are others.

Oct 19, 2009, 3:29 PM
I've had a few people, who, after cybering with me, wanted to meet and fuck with me. While flattering, I've always refused.

I'm also here for support.

DB :flag2:

Oct 19, 2009, 7:37 PM
I joined this site at first to get advice and to make friends. I didn't expect to work up the nerve to email someone much less meet her for lunch one day. Granted it took almost a month before our schedules allowed us to meet for lunch. But to me it was well worth the wait. Now it's just a matter of getting our schedules to coincide so that we may meet up again.

It's so easy to get disheartened or pissed off when you have plans to meet someone only to have something come up and plans are scrapped. If a meeting is supposed to happen it will. I'm glad I never gave up on the woman I've come to think of as a good friend.;)

Oct 19, 2009, 8:03 PM
I must be the luckiest person on this site. In the five years that we have been here I have met nearly fifty people in person. I agree that it is best to get to know people as friends and that is what I have always done. It was never my intent to just meet someone to hook up...not my style. Many of these fine folks have become friends, some very important parts of our lives and yes a few have become lovers. My job and travel take me around the country and it has been a privilege to have met each and everyone.

In order to get a friend....you have to be one.


Oct 19, 2009, 9:01 PM
I've personally met 3 folks, chatted for a long time with them first, 2 of those had phone calls - one had cam (for more than just naughty bits) don't regret any of those - but across the board (more than just this site) there are apparently lots of folks who think about what they want to do a lot and then for whatever reason just never follow through.

If you do chat with folks and read their posts you can sometimes get a feel for who they are as a person and then you'll have a better idea if you are compatible.

Back in the days of dial-up BBS we used to be able to do things like have local picnics since most of the people you knew by posting were either local or in the next few neighboring states dialing long distance.

I've met some very nice folks here but they truly are from all over the world - it would be hard to do a picnic and have everyone show up - especially with the cost of things the way they are today.

Oct 19, 2009, 9:28 PM
For all you people who are looking to "hook up" with someone.... just be careful out there.

Before I joined this site, I met a person on another site. A person who seemed to be very interesting and intelligent and normal. Someone that I thought I could develope a relationship with. It was only after I felt comfortable enough to give this person real information about me (name, address, etc.) that I discovered that the person was a total whack job. The person has gotten insanely jealous of me and has become obsessed with me and continues to stalks me everywhere.... making my life totally miserable and keeping me in fear.

I will NEVER, EVER FOR ANY REASON get involved again with anyone I meet on the internet.

Oct 19, 2009, 9:36 PM
For all you people who are looking to "hook up" with someone.... just be careful out there.

Before I joined this site, I met a person on another site. A person who seemed to be very interesting and intelligent and normal. Someone that I thought I could develope a relationship with. It was only after I felt comfortable enough to give this person real information about me (name, address, etc.) that I discovered that the person was a total whack job. The person has gotten insanely jealous of me and has become obsessed with me and continues to stalks me everywhere.... making my life totally miserable and keeping me in fear.

I will NEVER, EVER FOR ANY REASON get involved again with anyone I meet on the internet.

Please do not tell lies about me. I am not a ''whack'' job. Neither am I a drug addict, something else you tell people. I have never kept you in fear...that is a terrible lie. I had hoped that you were not going to start on this again. It's very easy for you to tell your garbled version of events and people think you are telling the truth, when in fact there is a very different truth to what happened in our friendship. If people are taken in by all you say.....well, what can I say...but then once upon a time, I was taken in by your lies also. No other comment. People know what you're like.

Oct 19, 2009, 11:29 PM
While I believe in dreams coming true....I also believe in reality. I've met many amazing folks...and can call them my friends. I've fallen for a few myself. I've met two. One I connected with, but apparently didn't connect with me...and that's okay.

The second, I fell for his wife...LOL...so that really ended in a wonderful friendship...actually has not ended. We had dinner together a couple weeks ago. Had a lot of fun.

Another...well...a story that will never be told.

All in all...I think this site has opened doors for me...and perhaps closed a few as well, sadly, but I will continue to think that love, in whatever form it is for you, is out there...and will find you when the time is right...Afterall...I am the Hopeful Romantic...no longer Hopeless. (though lonely at times...)


Oct 20, 2009, 12:28 AM
Try going to other sites or going out and actually meeting people.

Both have worked for me and I'm not even into the whole internet hookup/dating game.

Oct 20, 2009, 2:01 AM
I hope that most people are looking to hook up, but how often does it seem that the people you really fancy are in another country and the ones close to you don't really appeal. However, always the optimist

Oct 20, 2009, 11:13 AM
It's even more difficult when more than one is involved. I met two amazing women here. I've been with one for about a year, now. Have talked to the other one for months, with my lover's knowledge. Both are the kind of lovers who I've searched for most of my life. Then, within a year of finding each other, we discussed entering a poly relationship. The prospects were outstanding and the pieces began falling into position nicely (I thought)

Both lovers are wonderful bisexual ladies and they, in my view, could have become great friends, confidants and I suspected lovers, too.

However, a problem with Jealousy has risen and it's ruined any prospects. Sometimes these things work out, sometimes they don't. I really care for them both, but without complete harmony, there's no sense in trying.

Oct 20, 2009, 11:21 AM
I stand corrected and humbled by responses to my thread, and attempted to make some amends by eliminating the offending snide remarks from my profile. And Sapprodite was kind enough to notice and remark on them. To all, a genuine gassho and thank you. I learn a little every day, maybe not much, and lose it the next day, but I can measure progress in spoonfuls. I still don't get the quick retorts needed in the chat sections, my fingers maybe don't move fast enough, but I'll try.

Oct 20, 2009, 1:08 PM
I stand corrected and humbled by responses to my thread, and attempted to make some amends by eliminating the offending snide remarks from my profile. And Sapprodite was kind enough to notice and remark on them. To all, a genuine gassho and thank you. I learn a little every day, maybe not much, and lose it the next day, but I can measure progress in spoonfuls. I still don't get the quick retorts needed in the chat sections, my fingers maybe don't move fast enough, but I'll try.

Good! We all live and learn!

DB :bipride:

Dec 11, 2009, 9:04 AM
Im not dreaming, its been so long sence I have tasteddick im about ready to resort to taking advantage of my well hung friend when he gets drunk

Dec 11, 2009, 1:50 PM
I've met a few guys from here, and they were all very cool. Just keep at it.

As for your well hung friend, may I suggest 4 beers? Then he's yours for the night. LOL!!!