View Full Version : Mummy's Got a date

Oct 17, 2009, 2:51 AM
Why do those words of Billy Joel's "Captain Jack" come to mind.
..."It's saturday Night and you've got a date!"

I have - I have a real, live date.
We've coffee'd a few times. had a few lunches and a couple of "NoStrings, Early Home" dinners. We've kissed.
Tonight we're going to a show and then coffee at her place, which is way nearer the theatre than mine. I'm picking her up from there at 7:00
And I think maybe ther are a multitude of string attached this time. And we're both mentally gluing more. I know I am.
We're both mature women. We both know how the world works ......

Yet I have never been so nervous - well, maybe since I literally wet myself walking down the path when I was marrying Dean (22 years ago! - I did! My bladder leaked a tiny bit when I got about half way. Everyone in the family knows - its no secret)

Also, the normal dynamics at home are completely reversed. Normally its Mum pacing around at home waiting for daughter to get home hoping to God the boy she's with isn't having his wicked way.
At my house tonite its my two daughters wondering. I've told them I might be late, and my dearest babies have started humming "Mummy's gonna get Laid, Mummy's having seeeeexxx" - They're 17 and 19 so they aren't exactly naive!!!

But I am so nervous, which is why I'm here - I have to tell, to let off steam.

And the Saintly colours won the Caulfield Cup today at about 10:1. I think my odds of breaking the drought at less than Evens!

Oct 17, 2009, 3:12 AM
lol You Go Girl!
Good luck and big hugs.:bigrin:

Long Duck Dong
Oct 17, 2009, 4:03 AM
young lady, you must be home by 12 pm and in bed by 10 pm....... wait.... that doesn't sound right..... sighs.... I will never work out this overbearing parent thing.....

so have fun, have lots of fun.... and if you have a silly grin tomorrow morning, we all know that it went very well indeed

Oct 17, 2009, 7:06 AM
Good luck - I hope you find the love and companionship you deserve.

As for the kids and their smartmouthing - disown them (I don't mean that). You are lucky that your daughters seem more like friends.


Oct 17, 2009, 10:48 AM

Don't be nervous...she is your friend. Enjoy her company, laugh, talk, share and what happens, or does not happen, should come with ease if it is meant to be dear lady.


Oct 17, 2009, 1:04 PM
Good luck babes and have fun. Go with the flow and enjoy the ride. ;)

Oct 17, 2009, 2:21 PM
Enjoy darling!

Oct 17, 2009, 4:29 PM
Well lets hope you have a great time and are able to tell us all about it later.:)