View Full Version : Sensation and ejaculation Problem

Justin Chad Taylor
Oct 16, 2009, 5:52 AM
I have been using condoms since I was in high school and never had sex without one until now. My girlfriend is now on birth control pills for two months and we had sex last night the first time without me wearing a condom. The problem was I could not ejaculate and the sensation wasn't as good as if I was wearing a condom. Does this sound stange? As anyone else experienced this problem? Please let me know if it has. Thanks:three:

Long Duck Dong
Oct 16, 2009, 7:27 AM
give it a lil while to adjust.... you are accustomied to the sensation of fucking with condoms, now with out one, its a different sensation and that can take some getting used to

the other thing is a lil known issue called, unconscious anxiety syndrome, its when something is playing in your mind unconscious, and that would be the * omg is it safe to fuck without condoms * thoughts...

just take your time fuck a few times and let yourself relax and enjoy the sensations, you will quickly be back to enjoying the feeling of fucking and cumming

Oct 16, 2009, 8:56 AM
give it a lil while to adjust.... you are accustomied to the sensation of fucking with condoms, now with out one, its a different sensation and that can take some getting used to

the other thing is a lil known issue called, unconscious anxiety syndrome, its when something is playing in your mind unconscious, and that would be the * omg is it safe to fuck without condoms * thoughts...

just take your time fuck a few times and let yourself relax and enjoy the sensations, you will quickly be back to enjoying the feeling of fucking and cumming

I agree totally. I think that it is just going to take some getting used to. A lot of guys go through this exact same thing, only the other way around. I knew a guy that was so used to not using them that when he finally had to on a regular basis, the second that thing was on he went totally flacid. It took him a week or so to be able to have sex with his girlfriend at all, and about another week to really enjoy it.