View Full Version : omg a US judge with brains

Long Duck Dong
Oct 15, 2009, 9:53 PM
a friend emailed me this..... and I have to applaud the judge....

put this judge on the surpreme court bench.....

Anti-gay groups asked to prove how gay marriage threatens traditional unions

By Jessica Geen • October 15, 2009 - 13:05
The judge asked how gay marriage would threaten traditional unions

A judge presiding over a legal challenge to California's gay marriage ban has asked anti-gay groups to prove how it affects heterosexual marriage.

Gay marriage was legalised in California in 2008 but was banned several months later by the voter initiative Proposition 8.

Two unmarried couples have launched a lawsuit over the ban, claiming it is unconstitutional.

Anti-gay group Protect Marriage, which led support for Prop 8, asked US District Chief Judge Vaughn Walker to throw the case out of court but Walker has refused, meaning the case will go to trial in January.

Lawyer for Protect Marriage, Charles Cooper, argued that the ban was necessary to foster "naturally procreative relationships".

But Walker said: "What is the harm to the procreation purpose you outlined of allowing same-sex couples to get married?"

In bizarre scenes, Cooper was forced to admit he did not know.

Walker also referred to a recent wedding he had presided over, that of a women in her 80s and a man in her 90s, who he said he did not expect to procreate.

Cooper later cited a study from the Netherlands which found that straight couples were turning toward civil partnerships rather than traditional marriage.

When Walker asked whether adverse effects had been found in children, Cooper was again forced to admit he did not know.

January's trial will determine whether gays should be provided with constitutional protections in the same way as racial minorities and whether the ban would protect marriage or comprise an act of hate.

Gay rights activists hope it will reach the Supreme Court.

Around 18,000 gay couples wed while gay marriage was legal. Earlier this year, the Supreme Court upheld the ban but ruled that those couples could continue to be legally married.

Oct 15, 2009, 10:37 PM
Woot! Keeping my fingers crossed for peace and love for everyone!

Oct 15, 2009, 11:46 PM
All judges have brains.....they may not use them for good, but they have them.

Sounds like this particular judge is one that actually upholds their oath of office, to protect the constitutional rights of everyone in their court.

We need more like that; A lot more.

Oct 16, 2009, 12:41 AM
I have listened with much interest to a great deal of discussion about "activist" judges over-turning the "will of the people".

Fortunately, our founding fathers realized that basic human rights are NOT subject to popular vote. And the balance of power in this country, hopefully, prevents that from happening.

Unbridled democracy is nothing more than anarchy.

Oct 16, 2009, 1:06 AM
Glad to here some good news fpr a change.

Oct 16, 2009, 4:03 PM
Wow, this is certainly good news. I still find it absurd that conservatives oppose same-sex marriage because they think it will somehow have an affect on opposite-sex marriage. Straight people will still marry people of the opposite sex regardless of whether bi, gay or lesbian people can marry someone of the same sex. Its good to see those who oppose same-sex marriage openly admitting that there are no logical reasons behind their arguments. Well done Judge Walker.

The fact that there are already same-sex married couples in California and society hasn't collapsed (as many opponents of same-sex marriage argued would happen if same-sex marriage was allowed) is proof enough that the whole "proposition 8" thing is absurd.

Oct 16, 2009, 4:42 PM
Lawyer for Protect Marriage, Charles Cooper, argued that the ban was necessary to foster "naturally procreative relationships".

But Walker said: "What is the harm to the procreation purpose you outlined of allowing same-sex couples to get married?"

In bizarre scenes, Cooper was forced to admit he did not know.

Walker also referred to a recent wedding he had presided over, that of a women in her 80s and a man in her 90s, who he said he did not expect to procreate.

Cooper later cited a study from the Netherlands which found that straight couples were turning toward civil partnerships rather than traditional marriage.

When Walker asked whether adverse effects had been found in children, Cooper was again forced to admit he did not know.

Oh, wait a minute. So, gay marriage doesn't mean society as we know won't collapse? :eek: CALL THE PRESS! Oh wait, it's already been called.

I have listened with much interest to a great deal of discussion about "activist" judges over-turning the "will of the people".

Fortunately, our founding fathers realized that basic human rights are NOT subject to popular vote. And the balance of power in this country, hopefully, prevents that from happening.

Unbridled democracy is nothing more than anarchy.

Yeah. I'd much rather somebody in an electable position sign a controversial yet necessary law and get booted out of office, than the electable person doing the exact opposite so xy can keep their seat.

The fact that there are already same-sex married couples in California and society hasn't collapsed (as many opponents of same-sex marriage argued would happen if same-sex marriage was allowed) is proof enough that the whole "proposition 8" thing is absurd.


DB :flag4:

Nov 4, 2009, 3:55 PM
yay^^ go holland haha, this is really good, i hope more people start to realise the entire procreation debate is not very necessary, I'm we have enough people as it is and there are lots of straight couples who don't want kids.
Having kids really doesn't have anything to do with marriage, at least thats my opinion.

Nov 5, 2009, 8:17 PM
What gets me about marriage is that it's a religious ceremony that's combined with law.
So in other words, our legal rights and status are directly influenced by a bunch of peoples opinions of what they believe God dictates.:rolleyes:

The law should never have let that farce begin in the first place.
I fail miserably to understand why same sex couples cant get hitched in a registry office though.:upside: