View Full Version : You go "gurl"!

Oct 9, 2009, 12:28 AM
Never judge a boy by his dress...


Oct 9, 2009, 8:49 AM
I love to see people like those punks get cut down!

I remember several years ago, three, 30-something year-old bikers, who were riding choppers, jumped on a 19 year old college student, who was riding a Honda. I think it was in Chicago, maybe Detroit.

The kid was a very talented Black Belt holder and proceeded to put two of the thugs in the hospital.

Apparently, one of the bikers decided it was prudent not to get involved.......anyway, someone needed to be available to get medical care for his buddies!

tg Shannon
Oct 9, 2009, 9:04 AM
Hell yeah!!!!!

Oct 9, 2009, 10:04 AM
That was great. Those guys got fucked up lmfao.

Oct 9, 2009, 12:53 PM
hellz yeah! now thats justice

Oct 9, 2009, 1:33 PM
That'll teach him to pic of us poor, defenceless, innocent, women.(Like me) Even if not all of us are what we Appear to be. I love it. :}
Silly Cat

Oct 9, 2009, 9:19 PM
There's an article about it on BBC News too: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/8296190.stm

Its great that those thugs got what they deserved, maybe they'll think twice before picking on anyone else.

Oct 9, 2009, 10:01 PM
Hey now, I liked that one, that was :cool:. To me learning how to defend yourself in a confrontation is a lot better than any help from others or depending on some law, or a worthless cop to help you. All that is a waste of time. In a couple of years time a person could learn enough about (judo & karate) to be able to side-step a attacker(s) and throw them to the ground every time they come at you. And then, when you get tired of playing with them, you would be able to kick their asses so phuckin hard that their whole family and neighborhood would feel it. It does take a desire to learn, practice and to be fairly physically fit. If at first you are not physically fit when you start you will become that way. You also need a likewise dedicated training partner. It is nice to have a teacher, but not necessary. There are too many books and videos that will do. (a teacher is expensive)

Lots of punks know a few moves and are frequently quick at making them. But when up against somebody that has some real training on them, they would not stand a chance. I doubt that you will ever will meet up to an attacker that is trained in the martial arts. I guess that the only exception to this is if you meet up with an attacker that has a gun. I guess that all punks carry guns nowdays. Usually a punk with a gun won't start a fight with you, they just stick it in your face and tell you to "show me the money". The ones that pick on you, make fun of you and start a fight is the one that has been drinking and feels cockey and feels the need to "whoup ass".,.,.,.,.,.I BET THAT IF MATTHEW SHEPARD WOULD HAVE KNOWN SELF DEFENSE, HE PROBABLY WOULD STILL BE ALIVE.

I can remember years ago one late nite I was walking out of a bar (about 2 am) and this guy that was about 6 ft tall, and at least looking fit, was proped up against a power pole. Blood was pouring from his mouth, nose, side of his head, both of his eyes were shut, and 2 cops were standing beside him and were saying, "OK now you want us to arrest this girl and you are going to get in front of a judge, and court room full of people and tell everybody that this little girl just beat you up for no reason"? "Is that what you really want to do"? Anyway I looked in the back of the cop car and this girl that could not have been over 5 ft tall was sitting in the back seat. I looked at him then looked at her, gave her a "thumbs up with both hands" and laughed.

Evidently she knew how to handle herself, HUH??? Now I can imagine what happened. They were both drinkin, talked, maybe even danced. He decided yes while she decided no. He kept on saying yes, she kept on saying no. She decided to leave, he followed her outside, and kept on after her, and she had to convince him that she really means NO!!! Thats all

Thats my :2cents: and because of inflation:2cents::2cents::2cents::2cents: Yo friend, :doggie:

It's rock & roll time man!!!!!! I'll do the rockin and you do the rolling. HUH?