View Full Version : Being a Bisexual Couple

Justin Chad Taylor
Oct 7, 2009, 10:06 PM
:flag3:I been dating my girlfriend for about 8 months now and in the last couple of weeks we discovered that we both like men and women. I defintely want to keep our relationship going because we care about one another very much. However, how do we live like a bisexual couple. Any suggestions would be appreciated.:flag2:

Oct 7, 2009, 10:09 PM
Well since you just posted that the two of you had issues pertaining to sex between yourselves, I would suggest working those out before venturing out as an active bisexual couple. Can't keep a relationship working until the two of you iron out the issues that are affecting the two of you as a couple. Just my :2cents:

Good luck to you both.

Oct 9, 2009, 10:51 AM
I agree, if your relationship is not solid, involving others can distract you from your union.

If you don't care if you hang in there, or not, maybe connecting with others will confirm that you no longer need to be together......I can see benefits and pit falls, too.

Good luck with whatever happens!

Oct 9, 2009, 11:15 AM
I read your post differently than the earlier two. If you both are bi, the challenge is to hold your love of each other together while playing with others, just like hetero. couples have the same challenge. You need to base your love on more than sex, and full understanding that good sex play has no boundaries and is just one way (pleasant and exciting) of communicating with friends with benefits. That is, keep your own love sacred and beyond the mere fun of sex. And be sure to be totally honest with each other re play with others. You might make a rule of playing with others only in your presense or with your consent. That's the practice with my gf. We play apart sometimesl, but always with the other's knowledge and consent, and with someone we both know and hae played with. Good luck and be kind to each other.

Oct 9, 2009, 11:35 AM
I read your post differently than the earlier two.

Just to clarify, the post that myself and Realist are making reference to is this one:


I still contend that they should settle this particular issue before venturing out with others if they wish to remain solid as a couple. Not only are they experiencing some sexual issues, there also seems to be a serious lack of good and honest communication.

Oct 9, 2009, 12:38 PM
I have a slightly different take on this. I don't think there is that much different to being a bi couple versus any other kind of couple.

It is perfectly possible to be a monogamous bisexual couple. Its just like being straight and monogamous, except that the pool of potential sexual partners you are choosing to forego is twice as big.

It is also possible to be a non-monogamous bi couple. This has the same challenges and benefits as straight couples in some form of "open" relationship. There is just a much wider choice of partners.

The one big difficulty some people might have is that jealousy and insecurity can be aggravated in a bi situation: when you are with another guy (or expressing desire for one), she might be frightened because this person has something to offer you that she cannot provide. The same might apply for you when she goes off with another woman. The fact that you are both bi makes it more likely that you will both be able to accept and deal with the other's bi side / desires without freaking out.

Justin Chad Taylor
Oct 9, 2009, 7:30 PM
:bipride:I want to thank everyone who responed to my question. I do love my girlfriend very much and I know we have a lot of work ahead of us to make this relationship work. We talked a lot and let all of our feelings out. She also told me that she loves me and wants to be with me. I planned a nice romantic dinner for her tonight and took the weekend off from my second job and going have her plan the rest of the weekend for us. Once again thanks for everyones input!:flag4: