View Full Version : I'm still here...

Oct 7, 2009, 7:00 PM
Hey everyone :) Just thought I'd poke my head in and let you all know I'm still alive...Have been crazy busy with school, but getting awesome grades so it's worth it. Doesn't leave much time for leisure, but it's only another year and a half right? Anyways, I've mostly been lurking around the edges of the site, shaking my head at some of the posts and missing the threads we used to have, full of substance and intelligent arguments, boy do I miss Frannie :( Am patiently waiting for a good strong thread I can sink my teeth into. I'll try to make it into chat soon, for those of my chat buddies who may have wondered where I disappeared to!!
Lots of love :)


Oct 7, 2009, 7:53 PM
Hello. I have joined since you've started lurking.

Maybe when you have more time, you can start a "thread with substance". ;)

DB :bipride:

Oct 7, 2009, 7:55 PM
Yes you are hun, and sexy as ever.

Oct 7, 2009, 10:27 PM
Welcome back Shy----I used to post up threads on serious topics---but I no longer do since if such those posts have any sort of a poltical aspect to them----and anything that is at all serious does have some degree of the political attached to it today---all such conversations seem to dengenerate into a shouting match---so I don't don't bother any longer.

Now what we get on here are endless threads on genitalia size and such-----so it goes!!

Oct 8, 2009, 2:06 PM
Hey Pretty Lady, welcome home and come see us when you can. We've missted you! :};)

Oct 8, 2009, 8:18 PM
Welcome back Shy----I used to post up threads on serious topics---but I no longer do since if such those posts have any sort of a poltical aspect to them----and anything that is at all serious does have some degree of the political attached to it today---all such conversations seem to dengenerate into a shouting match---so I don't don't bother any longer.

Just a thought:

Maybe such things, in this political climate especially, don't belong on bi.com unless it somehow pertains to bisexuality, anyway?

DB :flag3: