View Full Version : Lets Play Catch Up

Oct 6, 2009, 2:44 PM
I just wanted to say hello to all the people I used to chat with on a daily basis, and hoping all is good with you :). Life gets busy sometimes. The last several months have been so stressful with not knowing the security of my job, so you kind of have to go for the overtime while its around. Built up that nest egg, pay extra on bills , the kind of thing you do waiting for a pink slip lol Word is though only the bottom ten are getting them. So, "unofficially" it appears that my job is safe this go around. We'll see what the 2010-2011 budget brings though !!!

Jill and I have spent the majority of the summer ( when not working ) boating and fishing. Just bought another fishing boat and trailer. We could only troll with the 12' foot, the 16' has a 25 hp motor :bounce: and are now able to fish the big waters. Yeehaw ! Now all I need is a flat bottom john boat for the river :).

We did not have our ceremony. Decided to wait until the lay offs took place. It was almost beginning to feel like a stressor, didn't want to spend the money in case we needed to move, or live on it for a while to pay bills. We also didn't want to settle on something simple and cheap. Arana, our wedding book is still so special to us, its in our room though used as a decoration hehe. We're thinking of still using it, and somehow, and non tacky we want to put another date under it lol

I'm so happy. I have a life long partner who loves me more than anything else and if she had it her way she would permanently attach herself to my hip lol I've never like it before, grrrrrr couldn't stand to be smothered lol So basically that's what keeps me busy.

I'd love to know whats going on in your lives too. Miss you guys !

Oct 6, 2009, 8:42 PM
I understand the everyday stressors Sweetie. :} Its ok, I know everyone that knows you is just happy that your job is safe and that life is going so well for you and your honey. Thats all that matters.
Welcome Home and welcome back, Hon. ;)

Oct 7, 2009, 12:19 AM
Hello GEL... Good to see/read you once again... :):paw::paw:

Oct 7, 2009, 9:07 AM

I'm so glad I'm retired! I can't imagine the stress of being in the work force today! I began working in '57...half a day at school, half a day on the job. By the time I graduated, I was well prepared to work full time and make a respectable salary. Ever since then, I always had decent jobs and finally retired with no lay-offs, or even the threat of one. Believe me, I know how lucky I was!

I hope all those who WILL and CAN work, will all have decent jobs, soon!

Oct 7, 2009, 11:07 AM

Glad to hear that your job is set for now. I think that postponing your service may be a good thing..less stress.

SO SO nice to have you back when you can come in.


Oct 7, 2009, 5:33 PM
Hey GEL hon,glad you are around still. Am so happy y'all are sooo happy!! Oh buy the way How are Cindy and Mindy??:bigrin: Hugs and kisses Hon too you Both!!!

Oct 7, 2009, 6:18 PM
Hey. I just wanted to introduce myself, since we never met before. I'm the Donkey here :rolleyes:. I'm nineteen, and am slowly realizing that I am pansexual. So, yeah. Talk to me anytime you wanna.

DB :bipride:

Oct 8, 2009, 10:50 PM
i know your stress about the job,at the first of the year we had over 100 welders, by july and august we were down to 23 of us. every day at the time clock was a nerve racking last few minutes. things started picking up and we have even brought a few of the guys back.so keep on smiling as you put your best foot forward at work.good luck