View Full Version : Trolls, Is there fun in Killing TrOll's?

Oct 4, 2009, 5:35 PM
Basically i just read a post that is about trolls scarring off people. but it made me think........can a troll actually be a good thing in some instances.
now right off please dont think i am a troll cuz i posted this, i have been the victim of trolls on many forums. but at the same time i hve seen trolls start conversations that make other people cum up with topics that are very fun to read.
so my question is:
IF there were no trolls on any forum, would you still post?
being as you would never get that one little thing said on a forun that makes a post last for 600 posts, and you would never get the fun of aruguing and eventually "post wise" owning a troll.

think of it this way, would it be fun carrying a sword (sword being your brain) if you never get to stab a troll?

i like messing with trolls when they cum a growlin. making a troll pist makes my day seeing as they make others so angry, kinda of like finding that one dude who beats on gays and whooping his ass.

Wel what do you think.

Oct 4, 2009, 6:09 PM
Trolls tend to be argumentative and negative at the expense of others.
I don't post replies to the trolls so if they didn't exist on the forums it wouldn't make a difference to me.
And I'm pretty sure if there were a website for trolls to gather and discuss their troll lifestyle I wouldn't prowl around the site posting my thoughts about them.
They already know where they are on the food chain.:impleased

Oct 4, 2009, 6:27 PM
Diget, mate you are relatively new here and you have already made a big impact here and you have lots to say... however we have had our own controversial / colourful characters past and recent who you would have enjoyed. They're not trolls but peeps with attitude. Some of those who have since gone, actually got bored of being insulted personally by the trolls we have had, (see threads on missing friends) even when they themselves have been outrageous in their comments. Our recent troll with multiple personalities has targeted this site as an experiment, pretending to have Aspergers and is boringly easy to bait. He has a myspace which I won't bother mentioning (it would make you sigh) but if you want evidence of how this site was targeted by him check this site which he created - www.infoterror.com . Scroll down a bit and you will see his reference to attacking Bisexual.com . So bring on entertaining trolls as they will get picked off but when' you know who', comes calling take him down with extreme predjudice using the one thing he can't handle, irony..... :bigrin:

Oct 4, 2009, 6:32 PM
I don't think troll-related flame threads contribute anything to the people who come here looking for help, support, advice or a sense of being less alone. If the forums were divided into two sections, "useful" and "wittering", then I might say yes to the original post question: but as things are structured, no.

Oct 4, 2009, 6:34 PM
Diget, mate you are relatively new here and you have already made a big impact here and you have lots to say... however we have had our own controversial / colourful characters past and recent who you would have enjoyed. They're not trolls but peeps with attitude. Some of those who have since gone, actually got bored of being insulted personally by the trolls we have had, (see threads on missing friends) even when they themselves have been outrageous in their comments. Our recent troll with multiple personalities has targeted this site as an experiment, pretending to have Aspergers and is boringly easy to bait. He has a myspace which I won't bother mentioning (it would make you sigh) but if you want evidence of how this site was targeted by him check this site which he created - www.infoterror.com . Scroll down a bit and you will see his reference to attacking Bisexual.com . So bring on entertaining trolls as they will get picked off but when' you know who', comes calling take him down with extreme predjudice using the one thing he can't handle, irony..... :bigrin:

infoterror...nice find

Oct 4, 2009, 8:17 PM
I don't think trolls are really that useful. While someone who merely has a strong personality might contribute constructively to conversations, add to the culture of a website, and may scare off a troll or two, trolls don't really add anything negatively. :2cents:

DB :bipride:

roy m cox
Oct 5, 2009, 12:48 AM
trolls are very common it the furry community they love to start fights and try to tell you how to spell words and just spread a bunch of lie's some Evin impersonate a fur to try and get people band by hacking a furry's site name and posting stuff that is not aloud on different furry sites tho a lot of site owners are now using ip and mac trackers to find and have thou's trolls arrested for posting illegal stuff like gore and cp and i hope thy get a long time in prison for doing stuff like this one site that i am on busted 9 people for posting in other peoples accounts and so on just my :2cents:

so it pays to behave and do the right thing some to think about :bigrin:


Oct 5, 2009, 2:16 AM
This is a quote from the troll site listed above were this dude is calling other trolls to join this SITE.!!!! O.M.F.G LMFAO that bastard. haha
my GOD i did not expect these people to have there own site!
wow just goes to show you, they are all little people who need the support of each other to take on just a few us on this forum.

QUOTE: "Call to Action: Bisexual Forums
July 21st, 2009

Aspies, Geeks, Malcontents –

Lend me your ears.


The posts of the man above have been an experiment in contrasting the social alienation and truth-mania of Asperger’s syndrome (which many of you have; it’s superior to neurotypicality for finding technical answers to non-linear problems) with the ambiguity of another potentially-ostracized but socially-accepted group.

Defend the rights of Aspies everywhere!

- Go to this link
- Read the posts
- Register (email verification, use a Yahoo! throwaway)
- For each post, generate replies with intelligent commentary

Your goal is to show how truth-seekers are marginalized by social intolerance of truth-seeking



Oct 5, 2009, 2:19 AM
Diget, mate you are relatively new here and you have already made a big impact here and you have lots to say... however we have had our own controversial / colourful characters past and recent who you would have enjoyed. They're not trolls but peeps with attitude. Some of those who have since gone, actually got bored of being insulted personally by the trolls we have had, (see threads on missing friends) even when they themselves have been outrageous in their comments. Our recent troll with multiple personalities has targeted this site as an experiment, pretending to have Aspergers and is boringly easy to bait. He has a myspace which I won't bother mentioning (it would make you sigh) but if you want evidence of how this site was targeted by him check this site which he created - www.infoterror.com . Scroll down a bit and you will see his reference to attacking Bisexual.com . So bring on entertaining trolls as they will get picked off but when' you know who', comes calling take him down with extreme predjudice using the one thing he can't handle, irony..... :bigrin:

its sad that there have been some controversial / colourful cheracters that have left this site because of trolls..........so ill nail the next troll i see just in their honor.:bigrin:

Oct 5, 2009, 2:00 PM
Hon, trolls are a nuisense(SP) and are nothing more than narrow-minded little chits looking to show off how inferior they Think they are. They attack key individuals in the hopes of making said person feel as bad about themselves as the troll feels about Themselves in secret. And Two, they are probably a couple of kids that got on the computer when Mommy and Daddy werent home. When a person gets in their faces and confronts them, they run and wont answer you. They arent worth good people's time and energy.Dont go looking for trouble, or further stress by hunting them or baiting them, they simply are worth raising their get off level.
Have a great day Loves. :}:cool:

Oct 6, 2009, 1:22 AM
For the short time I've peeked around it seems there is quite a bit of attention given to *trolls*, as much as given the Christian *devil*,with about the same zealous fervor.

Of course everyone is free to have things anyway they'd like, but it put me off coming around, lest the least bit of disagreement gets me tagged as such.

I think there would be more meaningful exchanges, less the scrutiny of anonymous gits, or some quest to find one fellow more obnoxious than some other.

Good taste in the end depends on one's palette more than what is served.

Aug 26, 2012, 9:08 PM
I did some searching and I found a hacker/spammer's plan against this site! infoterror.com/2009/07/call-to-action-bisexual-forums/


Message Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

Annika L
Aug 26, 2012, 9:39 PM
I did some searching and I found a hacker/spammer's plan against this site! infoterror.com/2009/07/call-to-action-bisexual-forums/

Good for you, sparky, keep up the good work. I feel safer already, knowing you're on the task.

Aug 27, 2012, 5:31 AM
Good for you, sparky, keep up the good work. I feel safer already, knowing you're on the task.

<sarcasm>We of course, need a bisexual dot com version of homeland security.</sarcasm>

Aug 27, 2012, 6:41 AM
Not all trolls are deliberate trolls, but have real mental problems that drive them to act as a character/s in cyberland. Some have agenda's like mini Hitlers dishing out their propaganda and hate-speak. You can not say "No that's wrong", because that means you are one of Satan's minions and will be crushed under their jackboots accordingly.:bigrin:

Aug 27, 2012, 6:52 AM
Depends on the "troll" really. While some intentionally like to counter everything the majority says or agrees with, at times it's almost not so bad to drive a compelling argument in their face. I don't classify people who at least present a decent argument, as "trolls".....not everyone is going to agree on everything of course. It's those who try to force their belief down the throats of others constantly who would be more troll-like. Others of course, are only on because of the safety behind their computer screens and would never spout off babble to someone's face. I've dealt with my fair share of trolls over the years and at the end of the day, past the entertainment of putting them in their place, as long as the site eventually bans them, it's no worry. I consider them dime store entertainment - no more. If in this day and age, a troll scares people away - well, the only thing I can say is that they're too thin skinned. Unfortunately one of the downsides to the internet is garbage posting and I think most people have gotten used to it. I haven't been on this site that long, but from what I've seen, Drew handles these things well. It all comes down to site management. I've seen plenty of sites that are way out of control, but it's pretty clean here.

Aug 27, 2012, 8:21 AM
Beginning to wonder about the agendas of people who have to pull up old shit and try to rehash things that are already water under the bridge........... Really don't we have better things to do than refuse to grow up?

Aug 27, 2012, 10:09 AM
I know for a time that I had let a few of the trolls get to me----but after realizing just how useful the Ignore feature on this site is---I came to rely upon that and use it frequently when there is anyone I think has troll like aspects to them----I simply put them on Ignore and go on---it does make things much more enjoyable---thankfully though----Knock on wood---most recently we no longer seem to be the object of trolls to the degree we once did.

I have to say--that I think its pretty fucked up that there are apparently organized "trolls" out there---I mean websites like this are not put up by the government or by big corporations--which I can see some utility in "trolling them" especially if they are solely for the purpose of selling things or spewing propaganda---but that people hit special interest sites such as this is crap---I mean if you don't like some topic---just go on with your life and let such sites as this be----someone who just comes to be a nuisance at a site like this merely for the sake of being so----is someone who is messed up and surely has WWWWAAAAYYYY toooo much time on their hands!!

I would tell such a person----"Get a freaking life, you idiot!!"

Aug 27, 2012, 12:48 PM
Why in the world is stuff from 4 years ago being brought back up? Are we That bored at home that we have to dredge up a topic thats been dead for so long?

Aug 27, 2012, 1:42 PM
Why in the world is stuff from 4 years ago being brought back up? Are we That bored at home that we have to dredge up a topic thats been dead for so long?

Well, let's see if 1 + 1 = 2?

1/ This thread talks about trolls plus
2/ Drew's thread about kicking two members off had a lot of accusations about sock puppets (aka trolls?)...plus
3/ drugstore was accused of being a sock puppet by a poster on drew's thread


4/ drugstore brought back this thread to connect it to the controversial accusations about some people

ok..a little more than 1 + 1 = 2 ;)

I've never found that talking about trolls a dead topic.

I found the website about infoterrorism interesting. www.infoterror.com (http://www.infoterror.com/)

Aug 29, 2012, 12:08 PM
Ok, folks, as to the question of what is being termed a Troll and Sock Puppets, I've reviewed the postings of DimondDog and Drugstore Cowboy, and to include their responses to questions posed and questions these two profiles pose as individuals. In reviewing word count, paragraph count, grammar, prepositions, affect and style these two profiles are strikingly similar. Does that mean one is a "sock puppet" of the other? Not necessarily, however, the content, position, and stylistic reasoning and and specific grammatical framework are exceptionally similar. Interestingly, Drugstore Cowboy's affect shifts at a given point and he assumes the literary style that he uses now.

A couple of things that are just outrageously fucking stupid I found in these two characters threads: this DimondDog character suggests that one should use safe sex practices and argues that having safe sex, i.e. wearing a rubber, is a fully legitimate and sure way of preventing the spread of HIV. He then goes on to say that it if you are HIV- and don't want to be HIV+ you should get checked regularly. Huh, what the hell for? If this rubber will to the trick, then there will not be "any" chance of spreading HIV to anyone else. He then goes on to argue that he screwed another guy who was HIV+ and since he's HIV- that's proof it works. Then he goes on to argue that women are homophobic POZphobic etc etc. The dingle nuts Drugstore Cowboy's argument is almost verbatim to the point you can just cut and past in in place.

Friends, have a listen here, (for argument sake, we'll assume these two profiles are actually two different people) these two retards are exactly the problem you are fighting to gain legitimacy. It is, in fact, these two dumb asses that bang their drum that there is no risk of contracting HIV from someone who is positive if, you wear a rubber. So hence, their message is that you should feel free to screw anyone and everyone that fixes your fancy, as "you" with that condom on your dick, makes "you" and you alone, the safest toy in the box.

These two idiots are the ones that rationalize and make justification excuses, to avoid any responsibility to others that mistakenly falls victim to their lust. I don't know any responsible HIV+ person who has ever espoused the total disregard for others. Only a total degenerate would expous such views. The harm transfers to directly to the bisexual legitimacy argument. These dumb asses, are exactly the people that epitomize the idea of "compulsive bisexual degenerate." It isn't your bisexuality that some people are concerned about, its the negative and irresponsible image that degenerates like DimondDog and Drugstore Cowboy espouse.

If you want a outrageous read, and have three hours, read "every" and "all" of these two profiles postings and responses to postings. This is troubling.

Drugstore Cowboy: If the shoe fits, you need to wear it, because its likely your not responsibly wearing a condom.

Aug 29, 2012, 12:53 PM
Rule 2 - Be polite. Flame the idea if you feel you must, but not the person.

"The dingle nuts Drugstore Cowboy'"
"These two idiots"
"these two dumb asses"

If you follow rule 2, you look less like a troll yourself.

It can be hard not to break rule 2 if you feel that you have insulted BUT.......

I'm just sayin.

Aug 29, 2012, 12:54 PM
Thats fair. Will adjust fire.

Aug 29, 2012, 1:23 PM
Ok, folks, as to the question of what is being termed a Troll and Sock Puppets, I've reviewed the postings of DimondDog and Drugstore Cowboy, and to include their responses to questions posed and questions these two profiles pose as individuals. In reviewing word count, paragraph count, grammar, prepositions, affect and style these two profiles are strikingly similar. Does that mean one is a "sock puppet" of the other? Not necessarily, however, the content, position, and stylistic reasoning and and specific grammatical framework are exceptionally similar. Interestingly, Drugstore Cowboy's affect shifts at a given point and he assumes the literary style that he uses now.

A couple of things that are just outrageously fucking stupid I found in these two characters threads: this DimondDog character suggests that one should use safe sex practices and argues that having safe sex, i.e. wearing a rubber, is a fully legitimate and sure way of preventing the spread of HIV. He then goes on to say that it if you are HIV- and don't want to be HIV+ you should get checked regularly. Huh, what the hell for? If this rubber will to the trick, then there will not be "any" chance of spreading HIV to anyone else. He then goes on to argue that he screwed another guy who was HIV+ and since he's HIV- that's proof it works. Then he goes on to argue that women are homophobic POZphobic etc etc. The dingle nuts Drugstore Cowboy's argument is almost verbatim to the point you can just cut and past in in place.

Friends, have a listen here, (for argument sake, we'll assume these two profiles are actually two different people) these two retards are exactly the problem you are fighting to gain legitimacy. It is, in fact, these two dumb asses that bang their drum that there is no risk of contracting HIV from someone who is positive if, you wear a rubber. So hence, their message is that you should feel free to screw anyone and everyone that fixes your fancy, as "you" with that condom on your dick, makes "you" and you alone, the safest toy in the box.

These two idiots are the ones that rationalize and make justification excuses, to avoid any responsibility to others that mistakenly falls victim to their lust. I don't know any responsible HIV+ person who has ever espoused the total disregard for others. Only a total degenerate would expous such views. The harm transfers to directly to the bisexual legitimacy argument. These dumb asses, are exactly the people that epitomize the idea of "compulsive bisexual degenerate." It isn't your bisexuality that some people are concerned about, its the negative and irresponsible image that degenerates like DimondDog and Drugstore Cowboy espouse.

If you want a outrageous read, and have three hours, read "every" and "all" of these two profiles postings and responses to postings. This is troubling.

Drugstore Cowboy: If the shoe fits, you need to wear it, because its likely your not responsibly wearing a condom.

Very true words, indeed....but as Tenni said, temper the name calling before you become a victim of their game. He/she/them has a way of getting others banned by getting them so riled up that they forget about rules. There are several other screen names to add to that research list but I won't list them publicly at this point since it really doesn't matter. It all comes back to one person....and it's nice to see that someone outside of a very small group of us else gets it.....FINALLY!!!

Aug 29, 2012, 1:43 PM
Rule 2 - Be polite. Flame the idea if you feel you must, but not the person.

"The dingle nuts Drugstore Cowboy'"
"These two idiots"
"these two dumb asses"

If you follow rule 2, you look less like a troll yourself.

It can be hard not to break rule 2 if you feel that you have insulted BUT.......

I'm just sayin.
Does that mean I cant call u "arsehole" ne more tensi wensi?:( awwww spoilsport!!!:kiss:

Aug 29, 2012, 1:45 PM
I'm not HIV+ and I don't post under other names even if Aeon/SJMurph claims that I do.
Ho hum.. if 'e sez it enuff 'e may start 2 believe 'is own propaganda!!!;)

Aug 29, 2012, 1:49 PM
I'm not HIV+ and I don't post under other names even if Aeon/SJMurph claims that I do.
"Riiiiight!" Me thinks you doth protest too much!

Aug 29, 2012, 2:18 PM
It's true. You love to claim how you're for equality and that you're not biphobic, pozphobic, misandrist, or even homophobic but you are and everyone can see through your agenda and propaganda. ;)
*laffs*.. do wish u wud change the record... music dont haff get monotanous...:bigrin:

Aug 29, 2012, 2:20 PM
Riiiiiiight. :rolleyes: This is coming from a hetero woman who thinks she's this site's hall monitor and who likes to censor bisexual men as other bisexual men on this site have posted about. Don't you have a job or something to do all day besides go on here constantly? Oh my bad. You're a kept woman. ;)
*laffs*...daft bugger knos not of wot 'e speaks...:tongue:

Aug 29, 2012, 2:35 PM
Riiiiiiight. :rolleyes: This is coming from a hetero woman who thinks she's this site's hall monitor and who likes to censor bisexual men as other bisexual men on this site have posted about. Don't you have a job or something to do all day besides go on here constantly? Oh my bad. You're a kept woman. ;)

You are writing nonsense....You can't think of a comeback so you call me a hall monitor and attempt to discredit me.....So freakin' juvenile! Also....come into the present, Diamond Dog. You're still spouting crap that you used to spout years ago regarding what I do for a living and why I am here so much. As for being on here all day....same could be said for you sooooo.....WTF do you do? I'm no kept woman....far from it.....but I would hate to think that someone might be keeping YOU as a kept man....Talk about a bad deal! And except for a certain "oralguy", there hasn't been anyone writing about me except YOU....I have never censored anyone.....And for your information, I am not hetero....

Warrior Poet 69
Aug 29, 2012, 3:04 PM
I don't recall you having censored me yet Kate. What? I'm not good enough for you to censor? Can I maybe get a hall pass for when you decide to? Yes people, I'm teasing her. Just a joke to lighten the mood. No I'm not a troll. I'm funny and sarcastic. At least I like to think so.

Aug 29, 2012, 3:08 PM
You are writing nonsense.. And except for a certain "oralguy", there hasn't been anyone writing about me except YOU....I have never censored anyone.....And for your information, I am not hetero....

I would like to think I had a hand/tongue/fingers in the whole non hetero thing *winks

Aug 29, 2012, 3:12 PM
I don't recall you having censored me yet Kate. What? I'm not good enough for you to censor? Can I maybe get a hall pass for when you decide to? Yes people, I'm teasing her. Just a joke to lighten the mood. No I'm not a troll. I'm funny and sarcastic. At least I like to think so.

Give me time, Warrior....according to this "person"...I do it often.....And thanks for attempting to lighten the mood! :bigrin:

Aug 29, 2012, 3:18 PM
I'm not kept and I'm not Diamond Dog whoever that is. Yes you are hetero/straight. Other bisexual men on this site have written about how you're into censorship and you can deny it all you want but who are you kidding? You're not facing up to how you are as a person. As for what I personally do for a job or what I've done in the past that's not your business but I make enough to live comfortably.

Prove it, Diamonddog....Show all those threads...show me all the proof that I am such a terrible person. Show me the proof that I have censored anyone.....List the many men I have offended....DO IT!!! I have nothing to hide...I have always been upfront with my posts and while I can get testy, I never censor...I don't have that power.....You want to talk about facing the truth??? I am facing the truth but apparently the truth is too much for you to swallow....(oh yeah...you do love to swallow....your own cum usually....and very often your own piss.......) but I digress. And unless you've been in my bedroom lately, you have no place to declare me as straight! (Am I really arguing with someone about my orientation???) You're grasping at straws!

Aug 29, 2012, 3:32 PM
"Other bisexual men on this site have written about how you're into censorship and you can deny it all you want but who are you kidding?"

I have never read a post from Cskate that I would consider demonstrating that she is "into censorship". She has always posted fair and balanced posts imo.

Aug 29, 2012, 3:47 PM
And there he goes, the man who calls himself Drugstore Cowboy. Overweight, dumpy, and balding. A man who has lost his prime and now has lost his ability to connect with others. A social outcast, he is enraged at how they ignore him and taunt him. Angry and bitter, he stands at the mirror and colors his cheeks with red red rouge. His lips he pastes them with lipstick wide around the lips to form a widening happy face. He notices how he looks old, and saggy. Frustrated he recalls how they ignore him. He's done nothing to them but be friendly and generous. In school they ignored him there too; he hated the way they just passed over him and even laughed at him. There was the time he thought, were he asked her for a date, she giggled, then laughed. He knew he was different then. When she laughed and giggled, he felt hurt and frustrated. The memory of that one time, the first time and only time, held the pain. The deep seated pain that he felt overwhelms him even now. He shakes his head and continues to apply the thick and cakey makeup. More around the eyes, he mused. Maybe next time, black. Black around the eyes he thought would be good. He stepped back like he had just had a revelation. Then the sinking thoughts of years ago crept back in. The playground, they laughed, one boy even called him a Baffoon. It enraged him, and he continued to paste the make up on.

He slipped the large colorful clown suite over his head and buttoned up the front. Large round red buttons the size of saucer lives. He stepped back front of the mirror and stood there. He was Coco, Coco the clown. When he put on his clown outfit and pasted the makeup on, no one would recognize him or the hurt that was deep inside. It was powerful feeling to be contained inside the Coco outfit. Unlike the Drugstore Cowboy denim shirt, boots and silver belt buckle, here, they couldn't get to him. Coco had something else that Drugstore Cowboy didn't, people talked to him and the laughed with him and not at him. He liked that. He liked it that an ordinary woman would approach him and accept a Coco balloon from him. She would laugh and liked how he laughed. He thought almost for a moment, that they found Coco attractive. When he was Coco, he was someone special, with special skills and abilities. After all, no one was afraid of Coco. But at the end of the day, when Coco would drive home in his 1983 ford festive, he knew he would end his day as Coco. And as such, he would be who he was before.

On the way home he looked into the rearview mirror and saw an balding and aging Coco. At some point, he would not able to be Coco. He resented that it was only Coco they wanted and not himself. He wasn't stupid, he knew the difference between himself and Coco, and that in his Coco costume, while allowing himself to express himself, Coco was just another persona. And in that lament, and in that moment driving down the freeway, he realized his deeper relationship with Coco. A deeper relationship that even he was afraid of.

Coco was the proxy for his internal mayhem. Coco could do what the Drugstore Cowboy could never. With his stetson hat, sliver belt buckle, tight jeans and boots, he could cruise and canvass the bars, bathrooms and alley ways for men. He could talk with confidence and banter back and fourth about cattle, trucks, and land. There was the time, he had one city slicker convinced that he had a wide texas ranch with a thousand cattle; and that he and his men, would ride just like they do in the movies. Rounding up calves and stamping them on the ass with a hot iron. "thats important" he said loudly. "You have to watch for them damned rustlers" he boasted. He had the city slicker completely "buffalo'ed" as he like to say. Coco, didn't boast, for that matter coco didn't talk not while in character anyway. There were two Coco's. One that loved the laughter, balloons, candy and snow cones. Then there was the Coco of the night. That Coco, was mayhem, and even Drugstore Cowboy knew there was something sinister in his needs. Drugstore Cowboy could talk big, and snap his fingers at skinny little waitresses and tell them to show some modesty. Telling them to close their shirts, button up, and lecture them on the being appropriate. But Coco, had no need of that kind of talk. Coco's needs were from a dark place, where not many people would ever choose to go.

Drugstore Cowboy, masked as Coco, paned the road ahead. He was looking to get home before the darkness fell. He knew all too well what happens when he is Coco too long. The insidious lust that Drugstore Cowboy felt, or the sexual desire and hormonal lust that controlled him, had an entirely different effect on Coco. The human call for Drugstore Cowboy lead him to public restrooms after the dim light of pornography dulled his senses. He could slip into the dark to the urinal and feces stench of the local Texaco gas station, wait for an hour and some lonely and desperate aging man like himself, would knock several raps of the password. Drugstore would open the door and in the darkens Drugstore would relieve the trodden man of his needs. On other nights, Drugstore Cowboy would cruise the bars where young and foolish college kids would drink themselves into oblivion. He would find one that is drunk beyond the ability to talk and would stumble randomly not knowing where to go. Drugstore Cowboy would put his hand on the pudgy pimple faced kid and with all the confidence he could muster "Ok, young fella, I think you need to get a taxi home. This is no place for behavin' like that." He'd pause, then exclaim "we need to get the tourists home in bed where they belong, ha. Amateurs!" He'd laugh in his knowing way. Drugstore would call a taxi and help the blathering incoherant youth in the back seat. He'd slide in next to the boy and say "ok, kiddo, tell the man where you live!" The kid, would ramble out some numbers barley audible and the driver would click the timer then accelerate into the traffic. Drugstore watched the kid as he swirled around in a complete alcohol induced state. And in the darkness Drugstore would slide his hand to the kids crotch. No response, none, the kid would just fall back into the seat and was unconscious. Drugstore unzips his pants and vigorously masterbates, looking periodically to the driver to make sure he wasn't watching. Drugstore feels rushed as the kid begins to gag and makes vomit sounds. He leans forward as if he's going to puke, but just sits there. Drugstore now hurried, masterbates against his dulled testosterone briskly then violently to reach some state of ejaculation. But nothing comes. Frustrated he twists in the seat, drops one knee to the floor and one on the seat and pounds harder and faster than he ever has. Now ignoring the driver, he jams his hand down the pants of the kid now moaning that he's going to be sick. Drugstore feels the kids warm, small and limp penis. He gropes the kid awkwardly then finally he erupts, a half weak surge. He has semen on his hand and quickly puts his retracted small penis back in his pants and buckles his belt. He looks over at the now sick kid in disgust and with contempt. Drugstore wipes his semen on the kids pant leg. He thinks, "you'll think you had a good time in the morning". With that, Drugstore, calls to the driver, "Pull over here, this is my stop" The cabby pulls over and drugstore opens the door. stepping out he glances back to the driver "what the fuck do you want? The kids got the fair." And he walks into the dark.

Coco on the other hand, cannot be satisfied by such antics. His needs go beyond lust. His are the manifestation of his deep seated hatred for women. He hates women and he hates youth. His misogynistic angst wells up into a dark violent rage. It leads him to go to the places where only Drugstore could see in fantasy. Coco, needed not sex but to unravel his deepest darkest rages against society. Coco is a sociopath. He is calculating, sinister, and controlling. He make Drugstore, do things that even he knows is too much. Coco, pulls the car to the curb in front of a liquor store where he sees three prostitutes working their nightly routine. He's seen them before, but never talked to them. He would never talk to them, that would be awkward and embarrassing. He needed a bottle of blackberry brandy, the cheap stuff. Two bottles, they like blackberry brandy, he thought. He could always get what he needed with a bottle of sweet liquor; the winos and drunks down on skid row, had no respect for themselves. He had needs and so did they, "they" were willing to do anything for booze, especially when the were two days dry. The prostitutes, he would come back and deal with them later.......

Aug 29, 2012, 5:03 PM
For the last time I'm not diamond dog whoever that is. I can't be bothered to look through all of your boring posts and drivel. You are also against bisexual men. Unless you're getting your gash licked out by a woman, or licking her gash or having other types of sex with women you're straight. You yourself have also said how you're hetero/straight.

Well, You've gone and done it. You did what Drew said Aeon and Virgin did and got banned for.

The site owners and I had a Board Meeting today, in our underwear, over coffee, and voted two people off the island. The vote was 1 - 0 in both cases for booting. The members were The Bisexual Virgin and Aeonpax.

Honestly, I am not sure I did the right thing but it is done and is permanent unless I have a complete about face and come to the conclusion I was very wrong. It was a very tough decision. I don't want the site to become too "cliquey" - I want it to be a forum for ideas, even unpopular ones. But eventually the accumulation of them telling other members of the site over and over they aren't really bisexual was too much.

Here is the definition of bisexual:
A person who has attractions to both genders.

That is the definition the world uses. That is the definition that is the basis of the site.

You can think of the site as: bisexual.com == a-person-who-has-attractions-to-both-genders.com

Non-bisexuals (people who are completely straight or completely gay) are welcome on the site of course, but science deniers, and those who advocate to re-write the definition of bisexual, are not particularly welcome.

If you disagree with my decision, then feel free to let me know. It was a very tough decision. I will continue to work hard to try to make sure the site does not become too cliquey and all people are welcome.

- Drew :paw:

Aug 29, 2012, 5:12 PM
Really, and take it with a grain of salt - but does it really matter who's who as pertaining to trolls. I may be new(er) to this site, but I'm not new to the internet and no matter where you go, there's always going to be trolls - and with them, their "alternate" profiles. (Some just disguise it better than others by the way they type and so on). All sites have them. Yes, it's annoying and of course most trolls just spout bullshit because they're safe behind their computer screen. Who really cares. Giving them the attention they simply crave is just fueling the fire. I've dealt with more than my fair share of them and aside from some typing like 5 year olds, they're basically the same. Ignore them, and they go away....sooner or later, they expose themselves as trolls anyway. Not everyone is going to agree all of the time either, but it seems lack of respect or agreement is being confused with actually trolling.

Drew should just limit non-paid member's ability to post more than a certain amount (like the pics). That would of course include me in that category (I'm not a troll btw). It's a shame that more time seems to be devoted to this crap than anything else. Like I wrote previously, I'm new here, but this is a nice site where all should be able to voice what they want. As far as "bi" sites, this is easily the cleanest and best. To keep going on and on and on about the same shit is redundant.

Anyway, that is that.

Aug 29, 2012, 5:17 PM
Yes Drugstore Cowboy, you are DimondDog. Just like you are Coco the Clown. You have many associative names and many more insidious needs. Does Coco make you do things when you cruise in the night? Do prostitutes make you feel uncomfortable because they make you feel naughty? Coco go get your make up, Coco can you still get it up, Coco the Clown can't turn his frown upside down, and now Coco's going to make her go down, Coco has a troubled need, Coco must make her bleed......Oh Coco, Oh Coco, Oh Coco. Only Coco know's where he's been and he knows the depths of this sin, Coco's going to make the bitch bleed for her dirty deed. Oh, Coco, Oh Coco, Oh Coco

Aug 29, 2012, 5:24 PM
Really, and take it with a grain of salt - but does it really matter who's who as pertaining to trolls. I may be new(er) to this site, but I'm not new to the internet and no matter where you go, there's always going to be trolls - and with them, their "alternate" profiles. (Some just disguise it better than others by the way they type and so on). All sites have them. Yes, it's annoying and of course most trolls just spout bullshit because they're safe behind their computer screen. Who really cares. Giving them the attention they simply crave is just fueling the fire. I've dealt with more than my fair share of them and aside from some typing like 5 year olds, they're basically the same. Ignore them, and they go away....sooner or later, they expose themselves as trolls anyway. Not everyone is going to agree all of the time either, but it seems lack of respect or agreement is being confused with actually trolling.

Drew should just limit non-paid member's ability to post more than a certain amount (like the pics). That would of course include me in that category (I'm not a troll btw). It's a shame that more time seems to be devoted to this crap than anything else. Like I wrote previously, I'm new here, but this is a nice site where all should be able to voice what they want. As far as "bi" sites, this is easily the cleanest and best. To keep going on and on and on about the same shit is redundant.

Anyway, that is that.

I think that's fair and well written. I agree that Drew really did a great job of putting this site together and its well done. But let me say this Drugstore Cowboy (Coco) is in fact the only real abrasive sociopathic troll I've found here. I'd let him pass, however, he chose to go on the offensive with me, and I thought that was uncalled for, and as you will note, by his postings, he is a very nasty persona. He does not merit respect and only contempt.

Aug 29, 2012, 5:36 PM
I think that's fair and well written. I agree that Drew really did a great job of putting this site together and its well done. But let me say this Drugstore Cowboy (Coco) is in fact the only real abrasive sociopathic troll I've found here. I'd let him pass, however, he chose to go on the offensive with me, and I thought that was uncalled for, and as you will note, by his postings, he is a very nasty persona. He does not merit respect and only contempt.

Thank you and appreciated. And I do agree that Drew has done a good job from what I've noticed and he's active, when so many aren't.

I don't know what was said to whom, but I'm not a fan of disrespect in the least and if he was taking shots at you, it's understandable. Nothing I wrote was directed at anyone in particular, just generally. Of course schmucks should be put in there place ;), so carry on good sir!

Aug 29, 2012, 6:27 PM
Hello, hello, hello echo echo ehco......Drugstore Cowboy...DimondDog, where are you? Echo, echo, echo, echo, echo, echo . .. .. . Where did you go, go, go, go, go, go?

Aeonpax is waiting just around the corner to give you a few more humiliating metaphorical black eyes, eyes eyes eyes eyes .. ... .. . .... ... .. . .. . . ... . . . . . . .

Aug 29, 2012, 6:34 PM
Drugstore/DimondDog come out to play. Give me your best shot Coco the Clown, clown clown clown clowne cnowlne clwoene clwone clowenetns

Aug 29, 2012, 6:49 PM
You never really kill a troll.. u can show him up for what he (or she is) and discredit them.. u can ban them too.. but chances are they will remain in one form or t'other.. different name/names.. saying the same thing and twisting the same truths. .I don't like banning.. it hurts the innocent and is a subjective judgement of the site owner often influenced by his (or her) own particular point of view.. it creates division and often greater division than if things are left to burn out..

trolls do win arguments if only by dishonesty and deceit and that's the tragedy because by their actions and by siding with what they perceive as the most likely and acceptable prejudices (and I mean by that not bigoted but preferences) of their target audiences. they can and do lead, guide and influence in their own insidious nasty way by creating mayhem and often hatred.. people begin to read things not as they are written or intended but as the troll wishes them read and intended. So people take sides and friends fall out.. they often say things to each other which friends should never do.. division is fostered and that is the intention... puppets (a term I have learned to hate these last few days) prosper and people deny that puppets are a reality.. often they are not.. they are but another form of the troll.. called puppet.. where I come from we refer to them not as puppets but muppets...

I don't intend to go into the events of the last 5 days, simply outline my own views about trolls.. and why killing them is no fun.. and it isn't.. because we can never quite land the knockout blow.. and even less the killer one.. because they return in another guise and begin anew.. sometimes identified quickly and dealt with.. sometimes a longer game is necessary.. and always decent people on site suffer.. their enjoyment is ruined... the truth of issues lost as the poison of the troll takes hold.. as the troll points the finger at others as "trolls"... he sews dissent and discord...and sometimes gets away with it..and on a site, one which may not be hugely important in the wider world, but is massively important as a foothold to sanity and dignity for many people, as they seek support and to gain a sense of self as each struggles with his or her own being in an often hostile world... that is a very unkind cut indeed... and that of course is exactly the intention of the troll...

Aug 29, 2012, 6:59 PM

Trolls are a fact of internet life, we can deal with them in several ways. My personal fave is just to ignore them after you respond once. No point in trying to open a closed mind or have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. :2cents:

Aug 29, 2012, 7:03 PM
I think you make a very very good point. There are a number of key attributes regarding the psychology of a troll as now I'm familiar with the term. The first and foremost is that the person behind the persona is exceptionally narcissistic and highly susceptible to negative criticism. The behavior is a by product of feeling inadequate and the accompanying need protect their ego from harm. In short, when they feel emotionally threatened, they look for emotional protection and emotional support. This relief comes in the form of rallying others to form a wall of supporting opinion or seeking validation behind other socially authoritarian mediums. The Sock Puppet (alter-ego) is the manifestation of creating the illusion of supporting opinion. The Troll, is the manifestation of the need for an authoritarian medium. In both cases, the primary driver is the sense or feeling of inadequacy.

Cast Iron
Aug 29, 2012, 7:23 PM
With drugstorecowboy now being called co-co the clown (hahahahaha) I'm wondering if a relation to John Wayne Gacy is next.

Aug 29, 2012, 7:23 PM

Very nice!

Aug 29, 2012, 7:33 PM
With drugstorecowboy now being called co-co the clown (hahahahaha) I'm wondering if a relation to John Wayne Gacy is next.

I'm not sure yet, I have to think out how Coco deals with women and how they make him feel dirty. Once I reread Drugstore's postings going back I'm sure the psychological profile will develop. One telling post was where he responded to csrake and made a statement along the line of women liking gashes etc. It was totally directed at her, so I think that is telling about how he thinks about other women, in particular how he would view certain classes of women. I left Coco off thinking he would come back for the prostitutes after he gets his way with the hobos for a bottle of cheap blackberry brandy. Now I didn't just dream that up, I pulled the idea and concept from Drugstores posts.

Cast Iron
Aug 29, 2012, 7:48 PM
I'm telling ya, Murph, that ten cent blowjob from the hobo posting almost made me crap myself laughing.

Aug 29, 2012, 10:45 PM
unfuckenbelieveable. looks like its time for Daddy Drew to add a lot more Cholrine to the sites gene pool.

Aug 30, 2012, 3:59 AM
Ok. You've gone and done it, you've made Richard cuss, and pissed our Kate off...that takes a lot. lol
Sounds like DDC needs either some more fibre in his diet, or he needs a reality check. Unlike me, Kate is one of the sweetest, kindest folks on this site that you'd want to meet. Dont know where you're getting you intell from, but you're Obviously vastly mistaken on Many accounts.
Get a grip on yourself, maybe you'd feel better
Tail swishing...

Aug 30, 2012, 10:04 AM

Trolls are a fact of internet life, we can deal with them in several ways. My personal fave is just to ignore them after you respond once. No point in trying to open a closed mind or have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. :2cents:

I watched this video and I must say I saw the error of my ways.....I engaged....I allowed....I am sorry!!!!! I should have known better than to let drugstore get to me...I should have allowed him to piss and moan and say whatever he wanted...because I KNOW THE TRUTH and I know who I really am......and if I am worried about my reputation on this site, I simply have to rely on my past interactions to combat whatever it is he says about me. I know I don't censor bisexual men...I know I am not against bisexual men and I know I am not a kept woman....LOL....

So...my apologies for losing my cool.....and for my part in this mess. I should have known better.


Aug 30, 2012, 10:30 AM
I watched this video and I must say I saw the error of my ways.....I engaged....I allowed....I am sorry!!!!! I should have known better than to let drugstore get to me...I should have allowed him to piss and moan and say whatever he wanted...because I KNOW THE TRUTH and I know who I really am......and if I am worried about my reputation on this site, I simply have to rely on my past interactions to combat whatever it is he says about me. I know I don't censor bisexual men...I know I am not against bisexual men and I know I am not a kept woman....LOL....

So...my apologies for losing my cool.....and for my part in this mess. I should have known better.



Hugs ya, hon. There does come a time when we have to just go "I know what I said, I'm not responsible for how others read it". I have long since given up on a few on here, seems that anything said is just wrong. I can't think this because I'm straight, I can't do that cause I'm heteroflexible, I can't be in love with a bisexual cause he's not really bisexual cause he's not cheating... yeah well whatever. But ignoring a few of them has pretty much neutered them. They know what they say doesn't bother me so they have quit saying it about me and moved on to others, like you. I am sorry that a few idiots try and ruin the site for everyone, but all we can do is just take the site back in our own way. Continue offering advice to those that need it and not having to hide the fact we offer it in pms to avoid being trollbait. By now.. most on here recognize the handiwork of a few who always push the agendas, they can either read into the propoganda or they can can make up their own minds. I'm just gonna be me and you just be you and we'll continue to be the awesome women in love with bisexual men.

Aug 30, 2012, 10:54 AM
*puppy eyes* I sawwies to da group *sniffles* in da grips of PMS dis week. Pweez 4givez me. Dats mah story N Imma stickz 2 it. :(:grouphug:

Not sawwies to DDC and dats de troof.