View Full Version : The "Married" label

Sep 27, 2009, 9:13 PM
I consider myself "Bi" because I've had some limited experiences with a couple of guys, and found that I liked sucking & being sucked as much as hetero sex with a woman.

The only thing(s) holding me back from having more M2M encounters are ;

-- I've NO interest in anal sex, and

-- I won't go NEAR the Multiple-Partners+Incurable-Disease-Set... Those who hang out at truck stops, gay bars, etc...

As a result of my own orientation, I've done a LOT of searching for the 'right guy', and most of my search has been a waste of time.

Along the way, I've seen a lot of folks use the "Married" label -- sometimes in attempting to define what they are searching for, and sometimes in attempting to describe themselves. Sadly, while most of these folks seem to have a semi-fixed "definition" of what "Married" means to themselves, this same term is used & ABUSED in so many wierd variants... that it means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! To Wit ;

*** In one example, we have the Purely Gay man who is "Married". He already had an arrangement in place BEFORE they got "Married", and has NEVER HAD SEX with his 'wife'. In fact, he has never had sex with any woman... only men. Now, I'm fairly sure they could produce a marriage certificate if someone asked... but given this situation, what real meaning or significance could the term "Marriage" possibly have...!?!?

*** Over the past 10 years I've met a LOT of guys who claim to be "Bisexual", and "Married". After washing all the bullshit & politics off of these claims, what I really find is that this guy has sex with his 'wife' about once a YEAR, and spends the rest of his time cruising the gay bars. For those counting, tabulate TWO meaningless 'labels'.

As for my OWN situation, I was quite happily Married for 15 years. I would STILL be married if she had not 'freaked-out' & become a Militant FemiNazi (their battle-cry is... "Have you kicked your husband in the NUTS today..?)

I hope one day to find a sane, rational, SWEET woman who wants to be my friend, partner & "love-of-my-life". I know she's out there... she's simply hiding from all the freaks, wierdos & nutty crap known generally as "Society"... and who WOULDN'T!

Sadly, all of this leaves me wearing the 'label' of "Single"... for the moment. This is purely a temporary situation, and the label is as misleading and inaccurate as any of the examples given above. I would never lie to anyone about my current status, but this "Single" label speaks NOTHING of the rich & satisfying life I once enjoyed with my female partner, and speaks NOTHING of my orientation, my past, or my future.

It's really sad that SO MANY folks will JUMP to attach some significance to a tiny 'label', and then come up DEAD WRONG in all their subsequent 'conclusions'.


Sep 27, 2009, 11:47 PM
There are currently a bit more than 70 MILLION DEAD BODIES, the direct result of AIDS.

No way to find out now, but I'd be willing to bet that MOST of those corpses said, at one time or another... "It can't happen to me." Whatever fantasies they may have once entertained, they are now DEAD, because they were always WRONG.

The 70 million DEAD bodies seems almost insignificant when one stops to consider the OTHER 130 MILLION geniuses currently suffering from one or MORE of (Take your pick here) -- AIDS, Herpes, Genital Warts and a small assortment of other, PERMANENT, INCURABLE diseases -- diseases they acquired while swimming in the Disease Pool.

Truck stops, glory holes, porno bookstores,... they're known by many names, but they are all the same Disease Pool.

Come Swim in the Filth > Become one of the Statistics. It's one of the few things in... ahmmm... Life that's absolutely Guaranteed. Sort of like Death & Taxes... only faster.