View Full Version : Coming Out in Middle School

Sep 25, 2009, 3:56 AM
Great article in the NYTimes:
Coming Out in Middle School (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/27/magazine/27out-t.html)

Interesting that kids are being allowed to recognise and explore what they are so early on.

Sep 25, 2009, 9:27 AM
Enlightening article. Kudos to those students who have come out. A fine example for others to follow. Being secure within yourself at that age is not easy. But times are changing and it appears to be slowly gaining acceptence for those young people who are choosing not to keep their sexuality inside. Accepting peers and teacher support and understanding is a begining. My daughter just started an all girls catholic high school and I was rather impressed to learn that they have a total acceptance of ones sexuality program at her school, straight, bi or lesbian. Times have changed since I was that age. Thank goodness.


Sep 25, 2009, 2:23 PM
Nice. ^.^ My nephew's gay, and he just finished middle school. He had lots of friends. I'm glad things are changing. When I was that age if you weren't 'cool' you were a target, no matter what.

Alaskan Couple
Sep 25, 2009, 9:10 PM
Thanks for sharing the article.

I was in middle school when I had my first same gender experiences. It was a wonderful, innocent and natural act. And I would have been perfectly happy to continue in it except I soon learned that such behavior was not looked kindly upon. Thus, I was forced (or forced myself) to pretend to be something I wasn't.

I have often said that changing social norms takes time. It's usually a generational thing. The article does give one hope that the stigma of homosexuality and bisexuality will one day be a thing of the past. How many lives have been needlessly hurt (destroyed) because of homophobia I wonder?

I just wish it had changed sooner - but better late than never!

Dec 12, 2009, 11:20 PM
Wonderful article I wish parents of glb children would read this so they don't tell there kids "It's probably a phase" like my parents tried on me :)