View Full Version : Hey Bisexual.com wanna be writers: Get Your Queer MOJO ON!!

Sep 24, 2009, 1:52 PM
This is for all of my fellow bisexual.com writer wannabe's----as I was here just a few moment prior to posting this thread--I got an email regarding this literary festival and contest: http://sasfest.org/first-annual-short-fiction-contest

I am going to do some stories and submit them by the deadline date in January 2010---I encourage my fellow denizens of Bisexual.com who like to write----sit yourself down in your computer desk chair and open up your fave word processor software--get down to biz and write a contest winning Bisexually themed short story---Good luck!!!!

DO IT!!!!

I think I will be heading back down to NOLA in May to attend this literary event too---now--that is one many of ya should have an interest in attending-- I hope to see ya in NOLA in May 2010!!!

Sep 25, 2009, 12:10 AM
Hmmmmmm, I may have to check into this when I get paid next...;) Looks interesting.

Sep 25, 2009, 1:04 AM
(Pssss Volty? Could I send you a couple and have you read them for me..see if you think they're hot enough?) :bigrin: ;)